Encore happening now..it is written..what the world is - TopicsExpress


Encore happening now..it is written..what the world is witnessing,is a fulfillment of ,Prophecy,thus Luke 21: vs 19~36 Ezekiel 38:vs 1~23 Gog the Guardian Angel of Meshach/ Russia,/Magog along with Gomor/Germany,Beth~tagomor/ France and the Arabs states,Palestinians,Ethiopia,Iran and other Haters of our,beloved Israel,are being Drawn into a ,Devine Trap.that there is no other way out.then after the Shocking defeat of the Russian alliance,the Vatican will make its Final Roman Assault on Israel,thus the west will,bogusly claim Victory over the Middle East Chaotic Scene,thus the Vaticans Leader,the Pope / Little Horn Daniel 7: vs 7~27 . 2nd Thessalonian 2: vs 1~12 Revelation 17: vs 1-8 the only Church Headquarters built upon seven Mountains is,the Vatican/ Roman Catholic Church,the Church the,Adolf Hitler belonged too.for was an Alter Boy.thus the Pope,whomever he may be,will seek to move his headquarters to ,Jerusalem,provoking the God of Israel!!!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 09:55:09 +0000

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