Encountering God in the desert. There is something about the - TopicsExpress


Encountering God in the desert. There is something about the desert that has really caught my mind. Though the desert is dry, hostile, barren, hot and silence, it has its own beauty, its life, n its ecosystem. But it is subtle. Not like the mountains or forests where you go and youre like,wow, check that tree, that mountain, cool water, O flowers! The deserts beauty is special. It feels desolate,empty,forsaken and there are few distractions. The amazing thing is, this is the place where God will always call his people to himself, a place where you dont have much to see, no noise and distractions, your focus wil be to him alone, and it will be just the two of you. I see the desert as a place of testing, encounter, renewal, a place of deep intimacy with God and a place of empowerment. Luke 4 says, Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit was led by the Spirit in the desert, where for forty days He was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days... It is amazing how Jesus in preparation for His ministry had to have a honeymoon period with the intimacy and love of his Father and the sweet wooing of the Holy Spirit in the desert. I believe in this season, Jesus was being empowered to go out and fulfil His purpose. Verse 14 says, Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about Him spread the whole countryside.... Jesus preached, healed the sick and drove out evil spirits, miracles and wonders were happening daily in his meetings. The way God uses deserts to transform men n women whom he wants to use in the ministry has completely changed my mind set concerning the desert. I now see beauty in the desert and a wonderful opportunity for the church to discover deeper intimacy with God through prayer and fasting. Hosea 2:14
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 10:23:08 +0000

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