Encouragement for Today - Monday, October 28, 2013 The Spirit - TopicsExpress


Encouragement for Today - Monday, October 28, 2013 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are Gods children. Romans 8:16 (NIV) The moment we found out a beautiful gift might be coming to our family will forever be etched on my heart. My daughter and son-in-law were about to receive something they had desired for over three years. Well never forget the day they heard theyd been chosen by a birth mother to receive the gift of her child. A whirlwind erupted as we all came together to create a nursery and buy the necessities. Five days later a perfect little baby boy was born, and Josh and Melissa brought their long awaited, beautiful miracle home. Walking with them through the adoption process made me treasure even more these words in Romans 8:15: For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, Abba, Father (NKJV). Initially, we didnt know the babys name, what he might look like, or even his ethnicity. We didnt know how old he would be, or whether he would be a bubbly little boy or a sweet baby girl. All we knew is that long before my daughter and son-in-law held him in their arms, we loved him. Now that the gift of this precious baby being adopted into our family is a reality, his parents are changing diapers and slogging through sleep-deprived nights. Its not easy, but he is worth every bit of sacrifice theyre making. No matter how exhausted they are, Luke is still wanted. Still treasured. Still loved. Still a miracle in every way. Sometimes we may look at God and wonder if we are a bother. After all, were a work in progress. We get busy and forget to treasure our times with Him. We promise ourselves well grow spiritually and then lose our temper with a loved one. Why would God choose to love us, even when we mess things up? The answer appears in Romans 8:16, The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are Gods children. Perhaps today you struggle with accepting God’s love. You dont have to fear rejection, because you are adopted. God loves you just like Josh and Melissa love their son Luke, but in a God-like measure. Romans 8:14-16 promises that Gods love for you is irrevocable. You are signed, sealed, and officially His child. Today, as His adopted child, ask the Holy Spirit to gently remind you one more time of Whose you are and how very loved you are by Him! Dear Lord, You are my Abba Father! Today I place all fear aside and place my trust in You. I walk into Your arms where I am welcome. Thank you for adopting me. Help me to rest in the assurance of knowing I am Your child Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 19:32:41 +0000

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