Encyclopedia of world art online Art gallery Studio-I.Kotarbinski - TopicsExpress


Encyclopedia of world art online Art gallery Studio-I.Kotarbinski Wilhelm Alexandrovich(1848-1921) This issue was prepared with the financial support of LLC ITC , Perm Issue 235. Within the framework of National Educational ProgramEncyclopedia of World Art, on the website of the gallery interior paintingStudio-I(stydiai.ru),page Artists -K placed new information. Art lovers can get acquainted with creativity of outstanding and original Polish painter,representative ofmodern style, which worked in the historical and sci-Fi genres,Kotarbinski Wilhelm Alexandrovich(Polska. Wilhelm Kotarbiński). Wilhelm Kotarbiński was born 30 November 1849 in the village of Nieborów the Warsaw province of the Kingdom of Poland and the Russian Empire into a family of rich Polish nobleman. Being generously gifted artistic talent by nature, Wilhelm early showed interest in drawing. Indulging the passion of the son, parents sent the boy to get the initial art education drawing class in Warsaw, but against further art education and subsequent career of the artist strongly objected father of Wilhelm. However, through their own perseverance and participation of the mother, in 1867 Wilhelm Kotarbiński entered Warsaw art school where he studied for four years. In 1872, taking with relatives money, Kotarbinski went to study in Italy, where he entered the Roman Academy of St. Luke in the class Francesco Podesti, a famous artist and a native of Ancona (1800-1895). Podesti appreciated the natural talent and the talent of his pupil, dedicating a lot of time working with Wilhelm Kotarbiński. During training at the Academy(1872-1875 years) held at her competition, Wilhelm Kotarbiński was awarded a silver medal and the title of First painter for one of the exhibited works. It was an undoubted success, and he helped the young artist, allowing him to believe in themselves and in their capabilities. In Rome Wilhelm Kotarbiński met with Russian artists, brothers Svedomsky: Pavel Alexandrovich Svedomsky(1849-1904 ), historical painter and genre painter, and Alexander Alexandrovich Svedomsky(1848-1911 ), well-known landscape painter. Young people became friends, resulting in Svedomsky taught Wilhelm Kotarbinsky Russian language, and subsequently invited him to participate in the painting of the Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev. In 1875, after the end of the Roman Academy Kotarbinski opens in Rome own art Studio where he began to give everyone the drawing lessons. During 1878-1882 years the artist lived in St. Petersburg, where he studied at the Imperial Academy of arts, and after graduating in 1882 he returned to Rome. For the period of study as a student at the Academy of arts was awarded a small gold medal for the Volcano chains Prometheus to a Rock. For writing another picture of the Sick Prince Dmitry Pozharsky takes the Moscow ambassadors(1882) was awarded the recognition of class artist 1 - degree. In 1887, at the invitation of the brothers Svedomsky, Wilhelm Kotarbiński moved to Kiev to participate in the decoration of the Kiev Cathedral of St. Vladimir.Participated in the works of the outstanding Russian artist Viktor Vasnetsov(1848-1926 year) painting of the Saint Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev. Created yourself Transfiguration and together with Paul Svedomsky 18 huge paintings and 84 separate figures: the Days of Creation, the last Supper, the Entry of Christ into Jerusalem, the Crucifixion, Pilates Judgmentand others. Brush Wilhelm Kotarbinsky belong to the images of Seraphim with a huge, full of pain and wisdom eyes on the stairs leading to the choir and in the choir.Painting in the Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev put Wilhelm Alexandrovich Kotarbinsky among the most famous painters of the Russian Empire. He was awarded the highest award - according to the Royal decree Wilhelm Kotarbiński was awarded the order of Stanislaus 2nd class, and in 1905 the Imperial Academy of arts made him an academician with the phrase for the fame in the artistic field recognizes and respects Century A. Kotarbinski his academician. While living in Kiev, Kotarbinski wrote a lot on mythological and biblical themes, often painted portraits and fantastic compositions, performed monumental paintings to order.For the house of the Ukrainian patron Nicholas A. Tereshchenko (1819 - 1903) on the then Bibikova Boulevard (now the Museum of Taras Shevchenko on the same Boulevard) Kotarbinsky were written several works, which in our days are shown in the Museum, they were also created thirteen panels for home Kyiv collector and patron Varvara Nikolaevna Khanenko on the then Alexis street(today the Museum of art. Bogdan and Varvara the Khanenko on Tereshchenkivska street). Kotarbinski managed to develop their particular distinctive style in the spirit of the modernized cabin directions, which were very popular in those years.The artists works were very popular and many of them were published in the pictures. Thanks to these pictures we can meet in our day with some of his works, the originals of which, unfortunately, been lost: the Grave of a suicide, the Mist Comforter, After death, Dragonfly, Martyr and some others. Wilhelm Kotarbiński was a very prolific artist, worked a lot easy. His work was popular with his contemporaries, he was fashionable and commercially successful painter. A number of large, easel works of Kotarbinski in our days grace the collections of Russian art museums(Orgy, Battle of the centaurs with the Amazons, and others), and his monumental canvas Roman Orgy is exhibited in the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg. Wilhelm Kotarbiński was a member of numerous art exhibitions: the Main Warsaw salon zachęta(1879-HTI), exhibitions of the Moscow society of art Lovers(1881-1882, 1886 years), exhibitions in St. Petersburg Academy of Arts(1885,1900,1904 years). According to legend,Wilhelm Kotarbiński was in love with Emily Prakhov, wife of Adrian V. Prahova ,the first Russian Professor of art history, who led the restoration work in the Church of St. Cyril and St. Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev. In the house of Prakhov in Kiev frequent guests were Vasnetsov, Nesterov, Vrubel, Kramskoy, Ivan Shishkin, Korovin, Serov, Surikov and Kotarbinski. Friendship of Kotarbinsky and Prakhov lasted until the last days of the life of the artist. Solely for yourself, for fun, Wilhelm Kotarbiński wrote on Cartago Sepia( light brown dye) images on a variety of fantastic subjects. These pictures really liked Professor Prakhov, looking them once. At the insistence of Professor, Wilhelm Kotarbiński put these pictures on the traveling exhibition, and they made a splash at seen their visitors. Symbolism and fantastic visions in the spirit of a kind of modernized cabin napravleniya shown on the pictures for a long time has secured Kotarbinski the title of the leading Russian symbolist. In 1920, after staying in a hotel room Prague, where at that time the artist lived, became unsafe, Wilhelm Kotarbiński on the proposal of the Emilia Prahov moved to live with him in the house, located on Cathedral street. September 4, 1921 Kotarbinski Wilhelm Alexandrovich died in the 73rd year of life. The body artist was buried on the 1st Polish area of the new part of the science of the cemetery. The artist has lived a difficult, but exciting creative life, leaving us his great legacy is a wonderful picture, giving a complete picture of the magnitude of the talent of this outstanding in all respects personality, talent, which we have yet to evaluate. Famous Russian critic and journalist Vladimir King Dedlov(1856-1908) wrote about Kotarbinski:the Russian people so dream on order will not be able. The Russian mind is precise, the Polish is spreading. Russian imagination needs a real backing, Polish - head in the clouds. Russian artist can be an idealist, but a fantastic artist, many Polish, he will never become. Svedomsy when he writes, works. Kotarbinski - dreams, dreams always, relentlessly, at that time, when it works, and when its resting....(read more about the artist on the website...)To be continued.... Attention! All rights reserved. When reprinting, reference to the author - mandatory!
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 18:11:34 +0000

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