Encyclopedia of world art online Art gallery Studio-I. Larsson - TopicsExpress


Encyclopedia of world art online Art gallery Studio-I. Larsson Carl Wolof (1853 -1919). This issue was prepared with the financial support of S. Smirnov, St. Petersburg Issue 211. Within the framework of National Educational Program Encyclopedia of World Art, on the website of the gallery interior painting Studio-I(stydiai.ru),page Artists-L posted by new information. Art lovers can explore the work of one of the most famous and beloved Swedish painters, the founder of the Swedish style in painting Karl Wolof Larsson (Sweden. Carl Larsson). Carl Wolof Larsson was born on 28 may 1853 in the historic centre of Stockholm (Gamla Stan) in a poor family a simple worker and a laundress. Interest in drawing the boy appeared very early. Tyrannical father drunk often tore his wrath on the son, and little Carl, waiting drunken scandals in some secluded place carefully sketched on paper, the figures of people and animals. Parents did not understand his passion, not supporting, but not to oppose him. First, the amazing talent of the boy noticed a school teacher of Karl. He liked the little artist, and in 1866 Karl Wolof received the recommendation of the Royal Academy of arts in Stockholm. Money to pay for training parents of Karl Wolof couldnt give, and the boy worked independently: at first retoucher to the photographer and later cartoonist in several Newspapers and illustrated magazines. In 1877 Carl Wolof Larsson first went to Paris. Creation of impressionists , reigned at that time in the French capital has not made much impression on the young artist, and he, along with several other compatriots settled in the small town of Greece, 70 km from Paris. Here he worked mainly in watercolor, painted landscapes of the surrounding nature. In 1882, in the Greece Carl Larsson met Karin Forbes, who soon became his wife. Karin was for Carl not only his wife and Keeper of the family hearth, and the mother of his eight children and soul of the house, but also a source of inspiration, a real Muse and a good counselor in the work. Many times he wrote her face framed by blond hair. It is in Greece there have been several watercolor paintings of Larssons very different from theheavy of the previous works of the artist, painted in oil. The style of his works became air, characterized by the skilful organization of interaction of surfaces and lines. The popularity of Larsson as Illustrator grew and in the early 1880s, he became one of the founders of the Association of Swedish artists Opponents. At the Paris Salon of 1883, one of the works of Carl Wolof Larsson awarded silver medals. He has a lot of experimenting at this time. In his Arsenal of technical means appear charcoal, pen, jewelry and a lot of graphics. In the period between 1885 and 1888 the main theme of the works of Larsson were mainly urban landscape of Stockholm.Carl Larsson joined the artistic Association Opponentname, which demanded reform of art education at the Academy of arts. The requirements of the associations were rejected. In 1886 Karl Wolof Larsson became the Director of the art school in Gothenburg. In 1888 the family of Larssons receives a gift from his parents, Karin a small house in the town of Sanborn, North of Stockholm, and in 1901 moved to him. Quiet, idyllic life in their own home surrounded by his beloved and loving wife and kids becomes a real source of inspiration for Carl. Carl and Karin Larsson tenderly loved each other and raised eight children, became the favorite models of the artist. Topics of major works by Larsson-the life of his family , including everyday family weekdays and holidays. With captivating simplicity and amazing feeling, the artist recreates the natural environment and the interior of the house in which the family lives. Most of the work of Larsson was not a figment of the imagination of the artist, almost all of his watercolors were done from life and was a kind of diary of the artist.His work expressed the inner world of the artist and his system of life values. This fully applies to the albums of the artists Our house and Espadarte, our country estate. Carl Larsson has created in his work for the rest of the world the image of this Swedish home. His paintings, watercolors and drawings depicting the life of his family My (1895), House (1899), Larsson (1902) is the anthem of this strong family idyll home and home coziness. In the house Sandborne, in which lived Larsson , now is located a Museum.Carl and Karin(also known artist) are considered the founders of the typical Swedish styleof painting, basic elements of which are an abundance of light, bright colors and cheerfulness. After the birth of children Karina was forced to leave the painting, as the paint on the canvas was dry in less than Karina have time to finish the job. Carl Olof Larsson recognized in Sweden is not only an outstanding artist, but also the Creator of the interior in the Scandinavian style. The art of interior Carl and Karin Larssons influenced the development of Swedish design and style. Paintings by Larsson has always been considered typically Swedish in Germany, Italy, France, England, USA and Canada. In 1909 Carl Larsson published the book Home under the sun, which became a bestseller. 22 January 1919 Karl Wolof Larsson died at the age of 65 years in Falun, where he was buried.The artist died, but its fine, pierced by a bright light and filled with air watercolors, subtle and at the same time reliably convey the flavor of life the Swedish family of the late 19th century, painted with such love and with such mastery.Carl Larsson, as well as other prominent Swedish artists, Bruno Liljefors and Hanna Hirsch-Pauli can safely be called artists, who stood at the origins of the national Swedish art. Based in his work on national history, local legends and folk heritage they managed to create truly unique works of Scandinavian art, the existence of which we ,very often, had no idea...(more info about the artist on the website.....).To be continued...... Attention! All rights reserved. When reprinting, reference to the author - mandatory!
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 11:51:23 +0000

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