End Time Babylon vs The Alliance of Four U.S.A vs - TopicsExpress


End Time Babylon vs The Alliance of Four U.S.A vs B.R.I.C America vs Brazil, Russia, Iyraan and China World War III - Nuclear Winter. Who do you thing going to win and who is going to burn? vineoflifenews/new-100-bill-shows-illuminati-witchcraft-and-destruction-of-america/ twclark66.wordpress/2013/10/14/new-world-order-satanic-cult-astana-kazakhstan/ 1. Ignore the foolish Christian (daalin) comment as what we want is the physical evidences of Freemasonry working their sorcery, 2. Point in case: At start he wrote that these are the Freemasons signal-symbols for their Geomancy-Astrological witchcraft, then like all stupid Christians he went off the tangent and crap that these Freemasons symbol-signal is talking about the Christians when in truth they are talking about the Freemasons elite inner kabbal known as the Illumined Ones ascension to god-hood (Apotheosis) by superimposing Christianianity over Freemasonry. 3. The Freemasons have infiltrated their ARYANIC religion and teachings into the Tawra and the Injiyl resulting in ALLAAH sending down a completely new Book unattached and completely independent of the previous Scriptures as they are corrupted beyond repair (no method of authentication like the isnaad methodology). 4. Just as they penetrated into the two previous Islaamic Shariya which today is known as Judaism and Christianity, they attempted to penetrate the third Islaamic Shariya through Shiyism and the toned down revised version of Shiyism known today as Suwfism. 4. Astana is not their intended new capital rather Jerusalem is as the Freemasons has not only penetrated Judaism, but they have completely hijacked it and have become the elites of among Jews and in complete control of it. 5. So why Astana, Kazakhstaan? Because they intend to destroy their current base of operations - the Grand World Lodge that is America. In order for their Great Work steeped in Astrological geomancy magic to continue as planned, then they need to move all their magic charms symbols to a new secure location once their current magical charms in America (which is mainly in Washington DC) is destroyed by the nuclear assault. Astana is chosen because its far away from the great oceans. Rest assure that a 40 high tsunami will not reach inland as far as Astana. 6. One of the symbols of Fremaaons is the Sun Orb with two wings. The two wings represent the two engines two propel their Great Work master plan forward to completion. Ie they cause the problem and then offer the solution. This has essentially become their signature. The Democrats vs The Republicans. The Capitalists vs The Communists. The two party system of balance. So both camp of World War 3 that U.S.A and B.R.I.C are essentially their works and their wings to rebuild The (third) Temple. 7. Freemasons is THE Hizbush-shaytaan. They are in essence muwaahiduwn (monotheists) but rather then ALLAAH they believe that the one true God is Lucifer. Ibliys (Satan). So this is the real Hizbush-shaytaan. 8. Like their lord Ibliys, they approach mankind in a handsome friendly manners complete with wise and good beneficial counsel. Remember the appearance of his guise of Suraqa ibn Maalik. None of that fiery scary creepy intimidating crap. Rather a handsome well groomed man. 9. Lately most Hollywood action-fiction movies have nuclear crisis as part of their plots. Mainly a nuclear attack on America. Even sci-fi like X-Men: First Class and The Avengers. Hollywood is definitely part of the Freemasons media & propaganda arm. 10. Hizbush-shaytaan is moving. While the Muslimiyn are sleeping. Lulled and dazzled by the Hizbush-shaytaans false promises of Democracy and Vision 2020 utopian progress rubbish. 11. Yes ALLAAH has a counter-plan and its a guaranteed 100% success. Thats not the problem. The problem is the Fitna of Duhayma. Where one wakes up in the morning a Muslim and by evening he is a kaafir: From Abdullah ibn Umar, radhiyallahu anhu, who said: We were sitting with the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa-sallam, and he mentioned the fitan, and mentioned many of them, until he mentioned the fitnah of al-Ahlas. So someone said: O Messenger of Allah, and what is the fitnah of al-Ahlas? He said: It is fleeing and plunder. Then the fitnah of as-Sarra, its corruption will from under the feet of a man from my household, who claims to be from me, but he is not from me, for my allies are only the pious. Then the people will unite on the leadership of a man like a hip-bone on a rib. Then the fitnah of ad-Duhayma, which will not leave a single one from this Ummah without giving him a slap. Whenever it is said that it has finished, it will continue longer. A man during it will be a mumin in the morning and a kafir in the evening, until the people become two camps, a camp of faith with no hypocrisy, and a camp of hypocrisy with no faith. When that happens, then await the Dajjal on that day or the next. Narrated by Abu Dawud, kitab al-fitan. 12. Get one fact straight. Rasuwlullaah SAWS didnt say camp of disbelieve (kufr) rather camp of HYPOCRASY. Meaning this is a fight between: Muslim versus MURTADDIYN thinking/claiming they are Muslim.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 01:08:46 +0000

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