End of January blues Towards the end of January we all feel a - TopicsExpress


End of January blues Towards the end of January we all feel a little less eager about the New Year’s resolutions we enthusiastically committed ourselves to earlier in the month. The appeal of wanting to be thinner, richer, younger looking/insert-desirable-state-of-your-own-here, can prove to be a little more difficult than previously anticipated, but don’t give up just yet. Combat those resolution blues with these simple tips and you’ll feel ready to carry your resolutions well into 2015 1. Firstly, have you set a realistic goal? Don’t be vague or wishy-washy, be precise, make sure it’s realistic and achievable, wanting to marry Ryan Gosling is an unrealistic goal, whereas wanting to go the gym for 3 hours a week is attainable. 2. Baby Steps Start small; don’t think you have to jump into the deep end, especially when it comes to exercise. Start slow, you have the whole year to achieve your desired result. Starting small allows room for improvement and creates goals that you can measure and see effective results from more clearly. 3. Set yourself up for success Remove temptation, whether it’s the sweet jar, a tub of ice cream or that walking route that takes your past Dunkin’ Donuts – check spelling every day. Implement a regime or a set of mini goals that you aim for and achieve, in turn making the whole resolution seem a whole lot easier. 4. I think therefore, I can: Sometimes self-efficiency falters, watching others succeed can help boost motivation. Take on encouragement and praise from others - this positive reinforcement will stimulate progress. And remember your initial reason for wanting to improve that area of your life; this constant reminder will push you to wanting to achieve it in the long term.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 03:00:06 +0000

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