End of The World 12: The KEY TO THE PRESERVATION OR EXTINCTION OF - TopicsExpress


End of The World 12: The KEY TO THE PRESERVATION OR EXTINCTION OF MANKIND IS NOW IN THE HANDS OF THE BRIDE OF CHRIST! She is Now Doing The End-Time Elijah Work -- Preparing The Way for The Glorious Return of The King Messiah! ================================================== Both the Zohar and the Bible prophesied that the Great End-Time Elijah Work of the genuine BRIDE OF CHRIST will hasten the return of the BRIDEGROOM AND KING MESSIAH Christ Jesus, even in the aspect of MERCY. This glorious return of Christ in the nick of time will save Mankind from Total Annihilation; or at least, lessens the great human sufferings and destruction of Planet Earth! But, if this Elijah Work of the BRIDE OF CHRIST will fail, Christ will return in the aspect of JUDGMENT -- totally destroying Mankind and the Earth (Malachi 4:5-6, Matthew 24:22)! Therefore, this Great Message of the TRUE GOSPEL must be quickly delivered to the whole world, even with the short time remaining! Can you contribute something in the quick dissemination of this super-important warning message from God? THE TWO-FOLD MISSION OF THE GENUINE BRIDE OF CHRIST. To prepare and pave the way for the glorious return of the King Messiah, God the Father commissioned the genuine BRIDE OF CHRIST to do the End-Time Elijah Work, which has the following super-important two-fold mission: 1) NISTAR (INNER) Mission: To purify Herself and acquire the Mindset of Christ (Malachi 4:5-6, Luke 1:16-17, Philippians 2:5). 2) NIGLEH (OUTER) Mission: To preach to the Whole World the True Gospel of of the Kingdom of God, which is Gods Counsel of Messianic Kabbalah Wisdom (Isaiah 46:11, Matthew 24:14). The accomplishment of the above two-fold mission will trigger God the Fathers Mercy to awaken Christ from His Sleep Mode and let Him return to Earth! BY MEANS OF THE POWERFUL MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM, TheBRIDE IS ABLE TO DO GREAT AND WONDERFUL WORKS! While the BRIDEGROOM is in the Sleep Mode, TheBRIDE would received the strength, wisdom, and ability to act and do Gods wonderful works. By receiving the Mochin of the Messianic Kabbalah Wisdom, which are the spirit and power of CHRIST, TheBRIDE has now the power to do the great and wonderful FINAL WORK of God before the return of Christ (John 14:12). I assure you: The one who believes in Me will also do the works that I do. And he will do even greater works than these, because I am going to the Father. (John 14:12) By the merit of the great and wonderful Works of TheBRIDE, the sins of Gods people are rectified. This rectification enables Gods people to merit Gods MERCY and GRACE as they developed the direct and intimate FACE-TO-FACE relationship with Christ and the Father. Then God the Father will awaken Jesus Christ and give Him the GO SIGNAL to return to Earth to directly intervene in Worlds affairs! YOU CAN HELP AWAKEN CHRIST FROM HIS SLEEP MODE IF YOU SEEK GOD, OR IF YOU PARTNER WITH HIS BRIDE TO FULFILL HER MISSION! If you dont search GOD now, while there is still time, you will NOT find Him later. But if you SEEK GOD with ALL your heart, NOW, you will FIND HIM! GET INVOLVED AND BECOME PARTNERS OF THIS GREATEST AND MOST IMPORTANT WORK IN HUMAN HISTORY! ====================================================== By: LOPE COLUMNA > The Man Called By God To Explain and Preach His Counsel -- The True Gospel (Jeremiah 9:12, Isaiah 46:11, Matthew 24:14). For more in-depth revelations, please go to: thebrideofchrist.info/2012/01/new-revelation-secret-vital-role-of.html
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 12:27:13 +0000

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