#EndTimeMyths Busted, Part 1: Is Revelation a sequence of - TopicsExpress


#EndTimeMyths Busted, Part 1: Is Revelation a sequence of events? I was recently discussing the Book of Revelation with a friend and thought that I should blog about some of our discussion, as many of you may find this helpful if you have struggled with the same theological concepts. My friend has admitted that he holds to a position known as Historical Premillennialism, as well as being a Mild Preterist with a dash of Historicism for good measure (don’t worry, this isn’t going to turn into an academic paper). This week we will examine my friend’s opening statement. And I will paraphrase: “I believe that the Book of Revelation is written in sequential order and will happen over the course of church history. That it began to unfold in 70AD, but Babylon represents the Roman Empire collapsing which happened in the 5th century, also the wedding of the lamb will be in our future as well.” Many of you, my readers, may have come from this perspective before you read Raptureless and some of you may still hold to this view. But there are flaws in this perspective, which make it completely untenable. In this blog I will address the above statement as three parts 1. Revelation is a sequenced order of events 2. The events extend beyond 70AD to covering church history 3. The wedding of the Lamb is in the future. My friend divides Revelation into sections such as this: Past Events Rev 1 Introduction Rev 2-3 Seven letters Rev 4-5 Throne room Rev 6-11 Judgment on Jerusalem (70AD) Rev 12-18 Judgment upon the Ancient Roman Empire (476AD) Future Events Rev 19 Wedding of the Lamb Rev 20 The Millennium and Great White Throne Judgment Rev 21-22 New Heaven and New Earth Although it looks plausible, this view falls apart upon scrutiny. For example, if Revelation is about church history over the last 2000 years and Jesus becoming the King, then how is Revelation 12-18 all about the Roman Empire being judged, and then suddenly in Revelation 19 it is about Jesus returning and...
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 18:55:14 +0000

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