Endeavor 37-402 When I was a young girl, my mother would always - TopicsExpress


Endeavor 37-402 When I was a young girl, my mother would always listen to classical music. It would drive us girls crazy having to listen to that old people music. She would use that music as her little weapon when she wanted us to get up on the weekend mornings and not sleep the day away. The stairway door would be open, which just happened to be near the stereo, our bedroom doors would be open and then the volume would be turned up. Classical music, at that age it was much worse than the loudest alarm bell. Classical music, by the greatest composers thus minimized to the likes of elevator music and what would also come through the ceiling speakers in the fine department stores of the city. When I was also a young girl, my sisters and I would have not a care in the world. No worries and no major responsibilities. We were allowed to be children, to be kids. Part of that gave us the chance to watch those wonderful cartoons of Warner Brothers, Looney Tunes and Merry Melodies. Good old Bugs Bunny on Saturday morning cartoons. Those were the best. What it was to be a kid and to watch something that had so much humor and how it made us laugh and yet........and yet.......... there I was all those years later. I was 23 years old and completely on my own. I was living in the city without family and no longer with my live-in boyfriend. I did not have a television at the time so the radio was my companion to chase away the loneliness. I found, of all things, Classical Music. I gravitated to those radio stations of great composers and I felt at ease. It gave me a feeling of familiarity as I associated it with my mother, my comfort. I started to know and recognize certain pieces of music and I was able to place them when ever there would be something played in a movie or even a commercial. Then again, there were some movies that brought my attention to certain styles. It happened also that as I would occasionally watch a tried and true cartoon of my youth, I would enjoy them once again with the ability to recognize that classical music was the background and sound piece. To this day, all these years later, I guess I have an appreciation for the classical music and the stories of the great composers. I listen to it all the time. The sounds are relaxing and a joy to my ears. Thanks mom.......oh yeah, thanks Bugs Bunny.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Feb 2014 00:09:53 +0000

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