Ended my relationship of 6 years just before Christmas. It was an - TopicsExpress


Ended my relationship of 6 years just before Christmas. It was an odd experience to say the least. My first love. I waited for someone as responsible and mature as I was. Met him during my deployment. It was a stressful time but he was there for me. But there were issues, we moved into our relationship too fast and soon realized that we were extremely different. We shared no hobbys. I tried and failed to learn his, and mine fer far to boring, or embarrassing for him (karaoke, dancing, ect. . .) I was far more free than I thought I would be. Before the military I was a shy reserved southern girl. I had an artistic side but that was just a hobby for lack of anything else to do in the small town I called home. He however was much more reserved and anxious about everything. Eventually it rubbed off on me. After electric forest I felt like a new person. The anxiety was gone and I truly felt revitalized. I wanted to share this with him, so I took him to the next festival I went to called Imminent Disclosure Festival. All he could do was make fun of how silly everyone looked and how long we had to drive to get there. You may have mistaken him for security as he walked around with his arms crossed scowling. It came to the point that we didnt do anything together. Then he made one big mistake and pushed me over the edge. After years of begging for companionship outside of a bedroom I was just too numb to forgive him for anything else. But I still dont hate him. In fact I wish him well and hope he finds what hes looking for. He is a good person. Even as I write this I feel a little guilty. Its strange because like I said, I wanted to find someone as mature as I was. We didnt shout. We didnt fight over 6 years of accumulated belongings and shared bills. We Simply hugged each other, cried a little, and said goodbye. I feel as though I want to lash out but I have no target or reason, so instead I sit here confused about how I should feel. But then something made me laugh a little. . . I think I officially qualify as a crazy ex-girlfriend now since he saw me party in a fox mask in the light of the fire twirlers that night. If only he was crazy too, that would have been romantic.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 07:31:54 +0000

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