Ending Buhari Certificate Smoescreen. An end to the Buhari - TopicsExpress


Ending Buhari Certificate Smoescreen. An end to the Buhari certificate saga andbthevwaybfoward. leadership.ng/news/405731/buhari-classmate-1961-abdullahi-coomassie Now the Buhari OLevel Certificate matter is becoming clearer. By the 1961 result said to be released by the Authorities of Government College Katsina as Buharis result, The General had 1 no. Alpha in History, 4 no. Credits in English, Hausa, Geography and Health Science, 1 no. Passes in English Literature and 2 no. Fails (F9, Fiy9) in Woodwork and Almighty MATHS. Thats it. Having completed Secondary school education as testified, Buhari us qualified to contest the presidential election. For our general education lets understand what has happened. It was not the PDP that raised this unnecessary smoke that could not ignite fire. It was the press and the air of arrogance and insensitivity to douse tension by doing the necessary. This action of an aid going to the school to obtain a statement of result should have been done pronto and the actual reason for non existence of a certificate explained without need for any apologies as the law only required education to secondary school level as minimum. Older Nigerians can now understand that our dear General did have Secondary education and why he has no WASC/Cambridge certificate issued to him but has an S/R Statement of Result issued by his school. In the good old days before the Nigerian deformations of our education system in the mid-70s by tinkering with certifications and qualifications for entry into Higher institutions, WASC or London GCE will not issue a certificate to you if you did nit pass English and/or MATHS. You were deemed to have failed the exam and must repeat to pass them in another examination in one sitting. So it was your school that was left to issue you an S/R from the master result sheet that WAEC or London GCE sends to the School. In those days you did not combine results of different sittings of the O or ALevel exams up until the Mid-70s when it was ruled that you could be admitted to teachers colleges without passing MATHS or English. Soon after that you were allowed to combine subjects results from different examinations. As do on a We excused the London GCE examiners and WAEC started Issuing WAEC and GCE OLevel , ALevel, HSC certificates, it was then possible to issue candidates WAEC/GCE certificates for any subjects sat for or passed or failed even if it for one subject to cure deficiencies in previous exams. In order to accommodate the levels of poor performance in OLevel exams, Nigeria a few years ago introduced the NECO OLevel certifications as an alternative to the WAEC SSEC certification that replaced the WAEC/GCE certification. My people this is where we are as we continue in education policy Gerry meandering looking for short cuts to accommodate under performing sections of our society. In summary therefore: 1. The affidavit would have been sufficient if INEC had not published the submitted qualifications of the candidates and the press had not mischievously capitalized on the non presentation of an OLevel certificate in the case for General Buhari. 2. As soon as the queries burst, those concerned ought to have spared us all this distraction by reverting to the school to issue a statement of result and certifying a copy of the 1961 WASC/GCE result master list that contains Buharis name. This is a contentious democracy and a civilian government for a fact and not an arbitrary dictatorial military administration in which people can be seen but not heard. The absence of a certificate could also be explained as the practice then was non issue of certificates for results not complete with passes in Maths and English. 3. This emphasis now by The APC screening chair, Dr. Onu that the constitution required only test the candidate should have a minimum of secondary education without specific Alphas or Credits or Passes in the OLevel exams or certificate should have been given much earlier to clear the air. MAYBE WE CAN NOW REST THIS CASE. Can we now hear word from the candidates on what and how they intend to deliver us from the drain pipes of corruption and abuse of office that has stranded us comatose in the intensive care unit of the economic development and nation building. These cancers of Nigeria include: 1. Disunity, fears and hatred 2. Injustice, impunity, unaccountability, marginalizations. 3. Abuse of offices at all levels, self enrichment and looting of public funds. 4. The many faces of corruption now acculturized and in vogue. 5. The self appropriated jumbo salaries of the NASS members. 6. The over bloated Uder employed under productive civil service that has NW been rendered redundant by many executive emperor governors. 7. The vexing oil block allocations that rips off the nation into the pockets of a few 8. The decay, corruption and messy odium spewing out of NNPC and the Petroleum ministry, the oil subsidy scam and the oil thievery killing us. 9. The unacceptable minimum wage and general wages and salaries of Nigerian workers outside the Oil, Telecoms and Banks that can not take any worker home. That is now the engine that fuels corruption. 10. Terminating mediocrity, restoring merit and rewarding productivity and honest labour. 11. Returning to the nation building we vacated in January 1966 via a truth commission, national confessions and forgiveness, commitment to peace, justice and brotherhood of all Nigerians. Any president or leader in a Nigeria who will not focus on the above is a hireling, a usurper, a disaster who will duper intend the funeral of Lugards house of cards. The Buhari certificate and the Ass of the law. This post on Facebook by Mike Ogbechie of a write up by one Shaka Momodu is one of the best comprehensive analysis I have come across on this issue. I had thought earlier that this issue should be allowed to rest while we focused on demanding a clear position from the candidates on their plans and what they promise to do on some of the vexing problems burying the Nigerian state alive, (like over bloated economy, sinking cost of running the government and the troublesome take home of our NASS people, our non transparent NNPC accounting, the oil subsidy scams, the oil thievery, the scandalous oil block rip off, the imbalance in wages and workers declining purchasing powers, the flagrant abuse of office by officials and politicians, the high jack of jobs, contracts and opportunities in the country by politicians, law makers and godfathers leaving us now as a nation of waivers, favouritism and patronage in every thing ), but no. It has thrown up the can of worms of the reality of the two Nigerias we have and the selective application of laws vis Avis the blinded eyes for entry qualifications to different levels of education and offices. It is these that have blown up our education system and now shredded it to pieces such that we are having upto 70% failure rates in WAEC nationwide and even in some Unity Schools. The point that is now clear is that the law is an executive ass in Nigeria. You must follow the law as is, no matter how stupid or unreasonable until you can change that law. This problem of setting aside entry qualifications is more of a Northern Nigeria thing which is now becoming national. Until the law is changed, you need to show a WAEC or OLevel or acceptable equivalent certificate. Period. The academic goal posts continue to be shifted for the hacking down of our standards and debasing a competitive and merit based education system. Before, without passes in English and MATHS, you did not pass School Certificate. When that became a problem, we excused it for entries into teachers training in the late 70s, So today we have an army of teachers smuggled in to debase our educational foundations. Today, I hear you can be issued a WAEC, SSCE, GCE OLevel Certificate and said to have passed with failures in English and/or MATHS. When entry into Tertiary Institutions became a problem, School of Remedial Studies started in the North and spread nationwide. Ideally these were to have helped deficient and problem students to prepare well and pass the external exams of WAEC or GCE at OLevel or ALevel after which they become eligible for admission. But again this has been bastardized with time such that the Basic School and Remedial schools have become qualifying authorities in leu of the required passes in relevant subjects at WAEC, SSCE, NECO or GCE. People are now smuggled into Tertiary institutions without passing first school leaving certificate or school certificate at OLevel or ALevel. JAMB, NUC, the Universities and Tertiary institutions have absorbed these bending of the admission requirement laws. We know that this country has had a checkered history of raising the deficient in qualifications to the highest office and it has injected the mediocrity we. Elaborate today and the oppression, bossing and persecution of the highly qualified by the under qualified who naturally in the shame and inferiority complex they have, do hatchet jobs to suppress the highly qualified who have been stepped over to appoint or promote the ill prepared or ill qualified. This maybe the only nation this happens. This is the only nation where people without first school leaving certificate or any other formal school certification have become IGP where there were many other mates or seniors educationally certified officers. If you doubt and ask, we shall give you names. This is the only country where a person in the north can be appointed to be principal of a school with just a letter giving his qualification as Just back from Britain. What do we do in a nation that accepts grave injustice in the exercise of a fraud based quota system that has now deformed and left much of the north nationally and globally uncompetitive? How can you justify discriminatory crazy cut off marks for states for admission into Unity schools? A child from the north in the same school in Lagos or Kaduna or Enugu or Damaturu with a child from the south will be admitted with a score of less than 20 while the southern child with a score of over 180 is bypassed in the name of quota. At the end of the day, the Unity schools return less than 20% pass rates in the SSCE. And now the admission into Unity schools is reserved for the politicians and godfathers. The many lists coming from the presidency, the governors, the ministers, the NASS clog the admission lists edging out high scoring candidates for low scoring candidates and even those who did not take the common entrance exam. What a country? The northern states have also found ways of uploading their less qualified persons into the Federal service at the Director and PS levels by cleverly appointing them first in their states with spurious low grade qualifications, rapidly promoting them and then springing them at the federal level at the director or PS level they have catapulted them to in the backwoods states, their courses of study, administrative and management training, experiences and exposure deficiencies not withstanding. This is the source of our persisting culture of mediocrity, mal administration, under development and the corruptive decay that has ruined us. I understand the Judiciary has not been spared. The existing law or rule that demands that only lawyers with a minimum of about 10 years post qualification experience can be appointed judges has been bypassed by cleverly appointing acting judges in the states with less than 10 years experience at the bar. From there these are crashed into the federal High Court system and above. A magistrate cannot but A high court judge has the powers to preside over murder and felony cases and give death sentence where applicable. Does the sentence of the acting judge wait for the the judge to reach the 10 year experience bar and possibly be confirmed a substantive judge before the death sentence can be effectual? THE BUHARI CERTIFICATE CESSPOOL OF SHROUDED TRUTH IS AN EYE OPENER FOR THE NIGERIAN UNDERMINED FRAUDULENT EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM. The question is not if Buhari obtained higher qualifications after not passing first school waving certificate or WASC or OLevel. Even those who were admitted on awaiting result and eventually are deficient when the result is out drop out to cure their deficiency. If they breach the law and proceed and pass the failed subjects while in the tertiary institution they were not qualified to be admitted in the first instance, any diplomas or degrees they are awarded is voided by the fact of the post admission pass of the failed subject(s). THE MATTER IS NOW SIMPLE. IF THE LAW SAYS YOU MUST HAVE AND PRESENT A WASC OR GCE OLEVEL CERTIFICATE TO QUALIFY, BUHARI AND APC SHOULD OBLIGE US FOR NOW. We can change the law later to remove any educational qualification, but until then, lets respect the law and stop this shameful discuss. This matter will not go away until there is a compliance of the law. Affidavits cannot pull the wool over our eyes. If Buhari did pass an OLevel certification, it is easy to confirm from WAEC or London GCE. If Buhari and APC insist and push Buhari to run in this election with a disputed qualification baggage let it be known that the courts will be approached to determine his qualification and maybe removal from office. The APC should be patriotic enough to spare the nation further embarrassment on this and save us from the clear prospect of aggravated blood shed that will follow any attempt to remove an unqualified civilian president who gate crashed into the presidency as a sacred cow who is above the law. The Boko a Haram blood shed is bad enough for now. WE SURE NEED CHANGE IN NIGERIA. THE GREATEST CHANGE WE NEED TO FIGHT CORRUPTION AND UNDERDEVELOPMENT IS TO CURE US OF DOUBLE STANDARDS, UNJUST SYSTEMS OF APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS AND REWARDS, MEDIOCRITY AND THE IMPUNITY OF SACRED COWS. APC, Buhari and INEC dont bobby trap us with this certificate albatross. Help us to clear it. Whenever a dispute arises on account of an affidavit, the reasonable thing is to go back to source. In this case we should have no problem with WAEC or London GCE confirmation. Echi 06:00 hrs 210115 Buhari Certificate saga contd. leadership.ng/news/405503/buhari-speaks-academic-record From: Echi Date: January 21, 2015 at 1:54:15 PM GMT+1 To: Umar Bindir Subject: Re: The Buhari certificate and the Ass of the law. My Brother Umar, You have heard and read me severally in the past insist that the north has no shortage of cerebral persons. I have cited you, Prof Jibril Aminu who had all the class prizes while a medical student in Ibadan. My analysis was sent to you to express some of the issues the wrong emphasis and applications of the quota system has thrown up. We have become a nation of man know man, godfathers and sponsors to everything from admissions to employment, appointments and contracts. The qualified, the honest and best trained does not get the jobs or appointment but the sponsored and recommended. I know and have met many many who have been bypassed by the system of favouritism. At times when your children ask you why they performed well in job interviews and those less qualified are taken in their steps, you are short of words to clear their troubled minds and cheer them up in their disillusionment at the seeming disregard for merit. In my writings on the right application of the quota system which is now a universal provision for inclusion and upward mobility for disadvantaged persons, I have supported the quota system but requested that merit must be applied to the selection in each quota catchment region. This is not the practice. Its just favouritism. Now the numbers vying for the quota system has increased and those not being accommodated is swelling leading to growing frustration and discontent within the designated disadvantaged regions. This is part of the unrest factors we have. On the current certificate distraction, I urge a quick satisfactory resolution that satisfy the law beyond reasonable doubt so that we will not be subjected to a merry go round in the courts either now or after the elections. The law should not be glossed over. If the ass of the law is not right then we wait till the next appropriate constitutional review to right it by the inclusions of the appropriate words in the revised law. This certificate smoke screen should be settled so that discussion can focus on addressing some of the pressing issues that will heal the land, restore confidence in a fractured and decayed system. It is these underlying discomforts in a very skewed system that has left many orphans, aliens, onlookers and strangers in a nation they appear to be outcasts. By our favouritisms, godfather ism, man know man, and a culture of selective previledges and patronage, we have created a caste system. I deal with a lot of young people today on the public and market place. They are disillusioned and boiling in anger at perceived injustice. These tips of the iceberg can boil over. We must recover and enthrone a merit system that will position us for global competitiveness. For our progress toward a Law and Ordered society, we must begin to tear down discriminatory practices and allow a level playing ground. Both of us have discussed our national struggles to lead us into the environment for development. We both suffer the pains of failed dreams. But we must continue the struggle. Echi On Jan 21, 2015, at 11:30 AM, Umar Bindir This is not a good analysis. It lacks quality and quantity to back some of the very strong submissions especially on the North and I am not happy on the continuous running down of the Northerners here in on intellect and qualifications. This is not good!!! If you want to start a primitive debate, you will get it. I was a Director in the federal service for 9 years and I can give you quantitative evidences of paper qualifications without content of service from regions other than the north too. haba. When will we mature and move. You are stagnant and kept going backwards to very primitive levels only because elections are here and politicians are trying to outwit each other. Who said that there are only 2 candidates for the Presidency? kai! If it is not religion, it is region, or gender, or age, or …. Engr Umar B. Bindir PhD (Cranfield) BE GOOD
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 11:10:24 +0000

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