EndtimEnglish Q&A - TopicsExpress


EndtimEnglish Q&A PREDESTINATION (00252-00253) QUESTION: [Bro. Dennis] Kung ang Dios ay nagbigay ng batas sa tao nagbigay din ba Siya ng batas para sa mga anghel? Kung meron anong klaseng batas ang ibinigay ng Dios sa mga anghel? ANSWER: [Bro. Francis] Whatever the law did God gave laws to angels the same as the law to men? Whatever that law was, we’re not binding into it, we’re just asking for it. Ano yung kanta? Ok, next question. QUESTION: [Bro. Menan] Ano yung law na yun? Did God predestinate the person accoriding to his genetic..? ANSWER: [Bro. Francis] Good question. I have a subject on that a long time ago, who can remember that? Do you remember that? Do you remember the pastor here who asked a while ago about the SERPENT SEED? Perfect serpent for Nikokantris. It means snake, the pastor understood his question as the sinful nature, the fallen nature. This is the same as Quibuloy, Daniel Parker, Witness Lee, CCF they teach about Serpent Seed. These four talks about Serpent Seed, but the Serpent Seed that they talked about is spiritual and that is also Biblical. Take note, in the End Time Message when you say SERPENT SEED, they mostly called it physical. When you say physical there’s blood of Cain to the children, which is the cause of our sin. There’s a pollutant in our system. Polluted our blood that causes us to sin. The question is, you heard it from other Message Believers, “he sin because he had the sinful nature within him.” I ask you Bro. Menan do you have the sepent nature within us? Do you also believe that you have the serpent blood? [Bro. Menan] Yes [Bro. Francis] So it’s not about genes anymore because you could have faith! See? This is the deeper revelation that i would like to talk about. The donimanation do not understand the PHYSICAL SERPENT SEED, they do not. Within the Endtime Message they believe the physical serpent seed. But it is missed, they almost miss out on the Spiritual Serpent Seed. Of course the spiritual side do not deny by both camps. Open up Genesis 4:7. God told Cain, If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? What does it show us? It shows us that God can still accept Cain if he does the right thing. What reveals here in this revelation, it was not previously understood as a yes worth “oh, Abel recieved a deeper revelation, Cain does nit recieved a revelation because genetically he has the serpent...” it’s like this, it has nothing to do to your free will is idependent on your genetic traits. Because if your will will base on your genetic traits you will fall Romans 8:20 all are born in vanity. Means to say you were born insane, you’re borne with that trait, you have no way out. That is why denominations memorized it withouth the saving grace of Jesus Christ, given by God. You have to understand this, Did Cain rejected God because of genes? No! It is because of free will. So. Understand Genesis 4:2, the time came for them giving offer to the LORD, do you think it was their first time brought offer to the LORD? No, it was judt the first time they gave on their own provision, their own, by their own freewill, by their own decision. Before they gave their offerings to the LORD, yes, ny training. That is how you will know Genesis 4:7, if you do it right, if you do well, would you not be accepted? So, Cain must have known what he has supposed to do. He just refused to do it. [Bro. Menan] Amen [Bro. Francis] So, you see here a freewill working out a decision to reject the instruction of God, to make your own righteousness. Same in the church if you’re nicolaitan, you’re not berean, you’re following your own rightousness. So, herein, we are today we have the typology of the SPIRITUAL SERPENT SEED. The Typology of the Spiritual serpent seed came from the original serpent seed. Not because he had the physical pollutant it is because by choice, he made a wrong choice. Now, can a pure son of God comparatively ok? Seth can train his children, Adamic children. Who are still pure, comparatively, we say comparativley because it’s no longer pure by reason of sin but compared to Cain slight, it is more pure. Those who are much more pure compared to Cain did they amde wrong? Are they free from sin? Are they free from hell? So it is because of choice. They don;t sin because of the percentage, theire serpent seed is much lower or almost healed almost ok in the spirit? So, they can still sin Genesis 6:1 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. So, even if you’re a son of God you can still sin, it’s good typology in our church. We’re not reffering on celestial or terrestrial because anytime you could fall. There’s a Scripture that says when you think you stand lest you fall. So... Bro. Dennis? QUESTION: [Bro. Dennis] So you mean Bro. Francis we are chosen before the foundation , because Bro. Alto said.. [Bro. Francis] That is a good question, about PREDESTINATION. [Bro. Dennis] Bro. Alto said freewill is not the absolute, we are chosen by Him. ANSWER: [Bro. Francis] That could be understood correctly, let me take note every mistake that we made, to be understood correclty. Let’s talk about “IT’S NOT BECAUSE OF FREEWILL BUT IT IS BECAUSE OF GOD’S CHOICE”. God had chosen you over the others. Now, if you lack of explanations, it could be similar to CALVIN, CALVINIST, SOVEREIGN GRACIOUS BAPTIST, JOHN KNOX, these Batist explanation of PREDESTINATION is God just chose you end of the story. But God gve us further revelation on the basis of how God is choosing us. God used a basis to choose us. You know the Scriptures? Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate. So, He based His predestination on foreknowledge, of what? Foreknowledge of what your choice would be. Did He knew in advance? Yes! He is God! He expand beyond space and time. He knows the inner most thing in your heart that is written in Psalms 139, Psalms 51. God knows the coming and going, God knows the very secrets of pur hearts, God knows us more than we know ourselves. So. God knew beforehand your choice what it would be. So, this I would agree, it’s not by freewill only because you in yourselves are totally depraved. Totally depraved is total depravity, that is the teaching of these Calvinist. They have this TULIP to memorize, the acronym, I forgot. U is unconditional election, L is limited atonenemt, let me write it down. Focus this on here TULIP, I hope you could memorize this if you’re Berean. Take note truths are spread out among them, different groups. I think T it is not Total Depravity. Please search it on the interet TULIP. T U – Unconditional Election L – Limited Atonement (limited only to the unknown) I – Irresistible Grace (You cannot resist Hi grace, whether you lik eit or not you can’t resist His grace) P – Preservation of Saints (this is the counter part of Santification of Wesley, that those who are Saved He will reserved) This is part of the truth, because God provides for the way, the step or our righteous men are ordained by the Lord if ever along the way you might be stumbling back, then you could use your freewill, what the Bible says Liberty. The glory is liberty. QUESTION: [Bro. Magellan] Bro. Francis does the Predestination is already conditional? [Bro. Francis] Oh, another question, another topic. Which is true conditional or unconditional? [Bro. Menan] Both [Bro. Francis] Both, of course the two captives are separated, the Presbeterians and the Baptist belief is unconditional in their constitute. Unconditional is once you’re called you’re saved, you’re permanent like that and most Message Believers are like that. But what about the Pentecostals, Methodist, that understood Armenialist Theology, is conditional in our Eternal Security as long as you stay, remain faithful. You know Ellie Soriano is good on memorizing some quotes in the Bible. He quotes that it is based on your long sufferings, that means to say continuing until the end. And anytime you could loose your salvation. There are many Scriptures that quote that, but of course tha Baptist and Presbeterial they quote many Scriptures also. How can you reconcile the two? The vision of the Eternal Security, it is between the timeline, within the realtime, as time is running forth but beyond time it is the foreknowledge of God from the beginning to the end. He knows frm the beginning to the end what will be your decision is. And since He knew what is your decision from the beginning til the end He chose you because He saw your heart and what you will be if you will be given the chance. Like the counter part in the universe, parallel to the universe. If He will give other people the chance what woud they do in this place. That’s why even right now God has given others many chances. God gave chances to us. Sometimes He gave more chances to those wicked people but what did they do to His grace? So, no one could complain Romans 9, you cannot complain if you were given the chance you thought you deserve. Stop rewinding and complaining, set the faith you are in. [Bro. Dennis] Beyond time nakita Niya ang desisyon mo, eh siyempre may desisyon din ako sa loob ko. [Bro. Francis] What is your question? QUESTION: [Bro. Dennis] Ibig bang sabahin doon sa past time nakita Niya yung desisyon mo kaya ka Niya itinalaga? ANSWER: [Bro. Francis] That’s why He predestinated you. Let’s read again Romans 8:29, For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate o be conformed. QUESTION: [Bro. Menan] Nasaan yung freewill? ANSWER [Bro. Francis] Romans 8:28, your freewill, is in Romans 8:28, can you choose to love God? [Bro. Magellan] Yes [Bro. Francis] Did you know that the love of God, even though others don’t love Him up to the end God still gave His grace to them. So, I’m talking about the wicked people that will go to the lake of fire that God even gaven grace to them. Let’s talk about us why we are still sinners, Christ died for us that’s the love of God. Even before you don’t love Him, He was the first one to love you. Now, what was the difference? Because you’re wanting His love. That is not an irresistible grace. Let me differentiate, there is another statement, there’s a line, perspective that needs to be corrected, the IRRESISTIBLE GRACE (in TULIP) . There’s a perspective that is still wrong. Irresistible Grace is wrong in a sense of, you did not really want it that God just force you to do His will, that salvation is your predestination. Simple as that. Now, the right way to understand Irresistible Grace Biblically, is that you are already predestinated, you already had a relationship with God. And did you know sometimes we do not want the chastisement of God but He is also comforts. This is something that we don’t understand, your children they want to spoil, they want to follow instruction, and you chastise them, but did you know as they grow up they will long for that? They were in a situation that they don’t want to but as a parent you love them, but one day they will realize “Oh, this is good for me, I was just so blind to see it.” That is the same Christ ordained, you are a child of a King because you’re born again, because you’re predestinated before the foundation of the world. God saw you by foreknowledge that you would love Him Romans 8:28. Then whether sometimes you resists His grace but He makes circumstances that you did not like, that you were forced into, but eventually, that deep in your heart, the deep constant thing, you know that deep in your heart that you are known for His love. That what He was doing to you is good for you. You’re just not obedient yet. Deep in your heart eventually, you ould recognize, realize, How God is correct that “I am wrong!” Your children, you know it is a perfect type to training. Sometimes your children do not understand what you’re doing to them. You just stay into your course, eventually they will love you, they will realize what you have done to them. If you’re not focus to that, even if they go wayward they will still recognize what you have done is good for them but still they went wayward. Of course there are parents does the instruction half way. QUESTION: [Bro. Magellan] So, Bro. Francis the people that don’t love God but God still given them grace. ANSWER: [Bro. Francis] Given, hmmm... even those people who do not love God, don’t have any concern, couldn’t careless for His Word, His will, God still loves them. QUESTION: [Bro. Magellan] But this love is chances given to people or chances to make decision? ANSWER: [Bro. Francis] God saw their decision, actually their member abusing God’s Word. Even despite the fact that God has given them grace they will not avail that grace. I’m talking about salvation, I‘m taling about His perfect will. Maybe they will avail of His grace but on earthly scale. Like you are charitable, physical side if God gives you blessings, God give you healing, God fixed your family, but that’s only for earthly side, the saw side, the Ishmael side. There is Isaac, the side of Isaac, there is a side of Jacob that became Israel, there’s a side of spiritual. I’m talking about the grace, the perfict liberty to this world is to progress to His Word. Of course you will suffer many sacrifices for that, in walking to the deeper... paths towards the Lord through His Word. People will monstrasize you, will misrepresent you, malinged you and saying sorts of things againts you behind your back but that’s the price you pay, you have to accept that. That is also grace. Is it available to others? Yes, but they don’t want it. They don’t want to understand it but it is for you, it is meant for you. You have to walk that light. Right now we have struggles in our families, are struggle with our families sometimes we are lukewarm in implementing the God’s instruction for our families, to our church but still God gave us grace. The fact that we have this Message, we have the Word, this is also the grace of God. Do not ever think the grace of God would only want to lead you the knowledge of things in the Bible those are also the grace of God. But the grace of God leads you to perfection, leads you to maturity, leads you to spiritiual growth. Spiritual growth is not just high in EQ, spiritual growth is higher in SQ. EQ is just an outwarldy being humble, SQ is being Berean to His Word or highe level of God’s manifestation. QUESTION: [Bro. Menan] I was confused because you said... ANSWER: [Bro. Menan] I said a while ago you have to understand both ways, the right way is God foresaw, God based on His foreknowledge. You did not exist yet, take note, God already knew and He based all on that foreknowledge. Let’s go to the wrong way, the wrong way presenting of freewill, let me site another way. Your freewill, correct me... I said a while ago, we do not say that because of your freewill you cannot save yourself, even if you wanted to it is only because God has given you the grace, under the grace of God then your freewill get work, that’s what I am saying. But without the grace of God, your freewill is nothing. QUESTION: [Bro. Menan] So, by the grace of God ANSWER: [Bro. Francis] Yes, so this is how you understood as I have told you. It is not because of freewill it is because he was predestinated before the foudation of the world. It lacks of more explanations. Because if you don’t go into more details you would end up like the Baptist, we are not againts them but they have to walk on further light. There are different types of Baptist, I’m talking of Sovereign Raiser. Ok, anymore questions? How many minutes are left? [Bro. Magellan] 3 minutes QUESTION: [Bro. Dennis] By that grace yung freewill ang nakapaloob? ANSWER: [Bro. Francis] By the grace? Yes. You can watch this on this link: https://youtube/watch?v=UdupPKOyISk JANUARY 12, 2014 SUNDAY AFTERNOON MANALITE TOPIC: EndtimEnglish Q&A PREDESTINATION PREACHER: BRO. FRANCIS SCRIBER/TYPIST/UPLOADED/POSTED BY: Sis. Remy
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 12:09:52 +0000

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