Energetic exchange When we speak, we emit a distinctive noise - TopicsExpress


Energetic exchange When we speak, we emit a distinctive noise when our emotional state is altered. For most individuals, this is “normal.” Typically in a meeting or a gathering, when we do not hear the meaning of the words, but just the noise itself, we could “hear” someone’s emotional state with ease. The same “job” of listening to others, we could do it with ourselves. If we have difficulties in observing how an emotion could overcome us, just listening to the noises being made through our own mouths, could easily let us know about our state of mind. The above is a significant practice. It is about observing ourselves. It is only when we catch ourselves in a state other than at “ease and peace,” that we could have the possibility to go back to it. That is the work of observation. Typically, the vibrations, atmosphere or environment will have a great effect on our mind. If we are seating in front of confrontational individuals, and eating lunch with them; do not expect to have a good digestion. Your stomach will tense up. That tension will not allow for a proper digestion. If we eat and watch a TV program charged with fear, fights, and negativity; the undiscerning mind will take all of that and become it. Fear, tension and negativity will be the outcome of it. The above just shows our interdependence with the environment. That is why eating should be a sacred moment, a moment to process our symbolic union with the environment. Nourishment is not only about eating vitamins and essential minerals along with the groups of food; but even more important, it is about the complete experience of being part of a “symbiotic” relationship or experience with the whole of existence. The “outside” becomes part of the “inside.” Without this observation, we will never know how our emotional state of being is what it is. Today moody. Tomorrow, elated. The day after, sad. Why is that? For most “normal” individuals, the answer of that question is irrelevant if they could swallow a pill to feel ”better.” Are we then dependent on the environment? Do we have a defense when we are around hostile environments? In Spirituality, everything is about transformation. That is why, things are not rejected; but transformed. Things are accepted to be transformed. Those things could be experiences; they could be feelings and emotions. The heart is the greatest transformer of energy and vibrations. To learn to close our open channels represented by the main entrance points in the being (7 main chakras) is a sure way to protect the self. To do that, we need to be aware of our environment. We need to learn to observe. A thought filled with negativity, the bothersome feeling about being in a bad situation will become poison for the self. Thus, the heart needs to radiate its energy as protection. This is the “reason” behind sending “good feelings and good wishes for all.” If we are not sending/giving energy; then we are taking energy in. If what we are taking in hasn’t been transformed; then we become what the outside emits. We become “normal.” If we take the time to sit and check ourselves, we will find out about a turmoil going on, which we could put in the back burner by “becoming busy.” If we do not catch that bothersome sensation, we have missed the opportunity to transform it and with that the opportunity to appreciate the ongoing game of giving and taking energy, which is of paramount importance to understand if we would like to keep smiling despite the ongoing things around us. Nature is one of the greatest source for recharging the self with “new” energy. That energy has the strength to renew the self. Not being aware of this interdependence is to live in isolation. Your Divine Friend
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 17:47:21 +0000

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