Energy By Water Power your homes with water Scientists have been - TopicsExpress


Energy By Water Power your homes with water Scientists have been rigorous in researching cheap sources of energy. As fuel becomes more and more expensive, people are craving for new methods that cut their energy costs. The concept of alternative energy sources is not new. Alternative energy sources like wind energy, water energy and solar energy have been in use for centuries. These are also called free energy sources since there is no fuel required to run them. So except the installation costs, there is nothing that you need to pay for. However, the energy that they provide is very limited. The conventional method of power generation is by using steam turbines. A steam turbine uses steam to generate electricity. Steam propels the turbine which in turn causes the generator to rotate. The generator is a machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Although this is one of the most reliable and prolific methods of producing electricity, it is very costly. Since steam is created using some kind of fuel (coal, natural gas etc.), there are huge variable costs attached to it. The tradeoff between cost and the required amount of energy is a big problem. But you don’t need to worry anymore. Energy By Water is here to help you. Energy By Water is a revolution in the field of alternative energy. It can power your entire home and is completely FREE. Yes, you heard right. Energy By Water does not require any fuel to work and so there are no variable costs. Just install it at your site and it can power your house for years to come. No electric bills, no additional charges and completely hassle-free. Energy By Water works on the concept of hydroelectric power. Hydroelectric power (or hydropower) is a means of generating electricity using water. Water is the propelling agent for the generator so when water falls on it, it rotates. The generator converts the mechanical energy into electricity which can be used to power a house. You may have observed that in the entire process, no fuel is used. This is the beauty of hydropower energy. It is free. You don’t need to spend a single buck to run it. Power in Water falls under the subcategory of hydropower called “micro hydro”. A micro hydro system is a small setup installed in the vicinity of a home that provides sufficient energy (about 100KW) to power the entire house. Energy By Water is a cost-effective method for homes, particularly in developing countries where electricity is really expensive.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 23:38:50 +0000

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