Energy Update for a flying by the wings of her Angelic Selves - TopicsExpress


Energy Update for a flying by the wings of her Angelic Selves Traveling Transformer: How Spirit Intervenes and tests us to our core!!!!….. I Had a dream last Sunday night, (my first night here at the hotel), and I woke with the knowing I had to release my one and only for sure source of income: the state, due to their labeling me disabled, whilst I wait for my SSDI…. and I thought, oh my stars, I thought so; you guys, and man you do not play fair. You see: I thought I had had the fEELING I had to close one door and to cut the cord of energy, on that end of spectrum, in order for the other to open up to me; and yet, right then, in the midst of my KNOWING FOR SURE….what I needed to do….. GODDESS GOD threw me a bone: AH HEM…. you all know what I mean….. And thus, my cell phone rings. Its the state reminding my benefits will end this month if I dont get my arse in gear and send in my re-evaluation papers; so then I immediately think to my self, OH another sign! (eh?) can I get a witness to HOW these tests of our faith work?…… So THEN, the grand intervention… via my Angels, as I proceeded to mistakenly let my dream message go and I attempted to let 3D world run my energy. BUT, the Masters of my energy (MY OWN HIGHER SELVES PEOPLE remember there is NO SOURCE outside of us running our energies); had another plan in store for me….. So, I attempt to call the state, in order to fill out the papers over that phone; which I have done before due to the fact I couldnt get out of bed to drive myself to their office…. and made sure to check my phone for minutes prior to the call; and only had 20 minutes left on the phone and thought, AH OH, this might not go so well, as OFTEN the state makes these poor folks wait for EVER on the line… and sure enough, once I FINALLY got through to where I had the right LINE to WAIT…. my wait time was going to be 28 minutes… So, I hang up and STILL think, OH this is just me higher selves testing me to continue. So I get online, and start to upload the page for doing this online… and Poof the screen wouldnt load. SO I open another tab and check to see if the internet is working; and sure enough every page I tried to load, loaded up in a heartbeat. AH HEM!!!! what to do what to do? Do I CALM MYSELF and GO WITHIN: nope, gonna give 3d world ONE Last try: as I have 2 cellphones…one, is state issued, the other daughter is letting me borrow…. Thanks Tanner: so I get out my state issued assurance phone and start to dial the number, and a message code comes up….. ONE I have never seen, that says, this phone is not registered…. UM WHAT? Are you kidding me, so I go back to the internet; and BOOM my computer shuts OFF all on its OWN….. And then, Im in a moment of PANIC…NO GODDESS GOD, NO, I yell at the ceiling, dont take my puter….. I HEAR YA…. you dont want me to do the state support, right? I conclude, and BOOM on comes my puter all on its OWN…. Just like in 99: my car radio used to go on and off when I had the storyline correct, as I OFTEN talk out loud to Goddess God…. and when I had their directions correct ON my radio would come; when I Had misunderstood them OFF it would go. Teeheee… (Oh and my cellphone that wasnt registered (supposedly); um, its working just fine thank you; daughter called me last night…. and when I heard it ringing, all I could do is laugh…..oh and answer it. teehee SO, although, this FEARED me to let go of that source…. I AM doing it… I cut the cords of that energy, and the next day; as you all know who read me, I was dancing on here, even made ya all a video of me doing so to Eddy Van Halens JUMP…. as I felt so GOOD…. …. so much lighter without that cord of energy to bottom rung of the ladder of support for our poor and disabled. Their Message IS CLEAR: my works there to lay down a new template for compassion for we Alternative Medicine patients (and hard working folks who got hurt ON THE JOB) are to be honored and respected as hard working people and not some sort of low lives (as they DO project onto everyone)… is DONE! Amen, Aho, Namaste, It Is So, Shanti! Love you ALL! Lovies Aum Bre EL
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 19:39:35 +0000

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