Energy update: Sat Nam! Yoga friends! The Lord of Reality - TopicsExpress


Energy update: Sat Nam! Yoga friends! The Lord of Reality (Saturn) has turned around... (retrograde) And you will turn with him too. Once again you must face your Fear... That broken mirror of your Past. For if you would make a better world... Then you must start at the beginning, You must start with the Reality of You Both grief and death bring us into our emotional bodies where we FEEL the difference between our highest goals and aspirations for ourselves and our life and where we actually, truly are. Sometimes the chasm between the ideal and the real can be devastating. We are in tense times now and are being pushed to BE and DO (masculine and feminine working together) ALL that we can BE and DO…. or else face some rather dire consequences (personally, in our relationships, socially, economically and more). While these stressful times can hit us hard, we can and will also make the greatest strides, the biggest breakthroughs and evolutionary leaps into a new paradigm where the truth of love is realized! You are here to grow and to learn to do better, and Saturn is the teacher who can take to the depths where awaits your Higher Self and the Union within. You will, with Saturns help now, take out your discerning Sword of Severance, and with it you will cut these chords that bind you to your past pain and fear. You can do this for you now see that these fears are merely the remainders of past experiences where you loved and you lost too. And you will understand that is the way, that this is the path that you must walk, and become the Phoenix arising from the ash! On Thursday, another void-of-course lunar period takes place for most of the day, suggesting a time when you should avoid making any major decisions or do any planning. The Moon, our beacon of intuition, makes her last major angle to a planet before entering the next sign, thus she is “in between signs”, marking the day’s void-of-course period. It isn’t until late night that she enters the next sign (Gemini) and you are now free to move about the cabin, as it were. Direction is clearer. Thinking and communicating is more productive and better aligned. On Friday, connect with others. Put some time in on the Internet, take care of business, answer phone calls, e-mails, and letters. Deal with mail, bills, and text messages. Communicate. On Saturday, the Moon is at “half mast”. She is one quarter of the way through her monthly cycle. This is the time when she is exactly square with the Sun, suggesting that there may be some subtle tensions activating between the male and female polarity. The two are at odds with each other, as represented by the Sun and the Moon. The struggle between the dreamy, outer worldly fantasy and flighty, unpredictable communication is on. What happens when the dream doesn’t match up with the reality? What happens when the projection you envisioned doesn’t match the situation that has manifested? On Sunday, the Cancer Moon encourages you to stay home and deal with domestic issues. Enjoy the company of your family and loved ones – especially your Mother. It is a time to bake pies and do laundry. Take care of chores around the house, enjoy a bath, and take a walk on the beach. Feeling extra sensitive today? Welcome to the world of the Cancer Moon – encouraging you to share the true emotions that lie behind the tough outer crab shell. Don’t be afraid of what lies deep on the inside. Be willing to share this part of you with the ones you love. This weeks sessions we connect with the infinite, connect with our higher self, which helps us to see our highest soul purpose in Oneness with all that is. As well it is INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY ~ on Saturday MARCH 8 therefore we will experience/ celebrate our sacredness, our dignity, and our excellence as a woman in a special Kriya and Meditation. Our Mantra this week is “Adi Shakti” Men are still very welcome to balance their male/female energies within (-; Classes this week: Friday, 7th March 8.30 am, Saturday 8th of March 06.30 am! Please confirm the day before! For those ones at work or out of Colombo : Twice a week, Wednesdays and Fridays there is an evening class @ the Diabetic association in Rajagiriya! The Wednesday class concentrates on Metabolic change and weightloss, the Friday class on Renewing and Relaxing. - Uta Gunawardena
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 13:26:26 +0000

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