Engage the Word Day8 Rahab and the Spies Rahab was not an - TopicsExpress


Engage the Word Day8 Rahab and the Spies Rahab was not an Israelite. She was a lady that many would not consider moral, but she had faith and was wise. Hebrews 11:1 says, Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see, What basis did Rahab have for her confidence in Gods promises? What did she have faith to believe would happen? What wise actions did she take to secure her and her familys future? Scripture: Joshua 2:1-24 Rahabs faith was based on her confidence in the stories of what God had already done to help the Israelites get out of slavery. God had already helped them cross the Red Sea on dry ground and completely destroy the two hostile kings of the Amorites. Rahab had faith to believe that if she honored God by protecting Israels spies from harm, then all of her family would be saved when the Israelites came to Jericho. The signal for her house was the scarlet rope in the window. The day of conflict comes, and Jericho falls. But Joshua spared Rahab and all who belonged to her. Rahabs faith provided her and her family a new and better reality! Life Application: Many people would not have given Rahab a second look. While she was not well thought of in the eyes of the people who lived around her, she actually is in the genealogy of Jesus and listed among those of great faith in Hebrews 11. We look on the outward appearances of people, but God looks deeper and sees great potential when we may have given up on that person. Father, who have I missed by not giving that second look? Help me to see people through Your eyes.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 10:21:24 +0000

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