English 11 2nd November 2006 Changes So many people - TopicsExpress


English 11 2nd November 2006 Changes So many people disapprove of change. On countless occasions change makes a person uncomfortable and made to feel insignificant. Genetically Modified Foods is a change that especially makes the masses uncomfortable, yet one industry is attempting to change everyones negative emotions through propaganda. The biotechnology industry has developed and is marketing golden rice, a genetically modified food that the industry claims will save millions of lives. This miracle product is said to be able to give those in need the nutrition to survive. The Industry is trying to convince people to use their product by using their consciences. But, can we trust the industry and their genetically modified food called Yellow Rice? Genetically modified foods are foods that are superior to their natural counterpart because their genes have been altered by a complex process. By mutating the natural substances, it has created uncomforting and questionable feelings toward the biotechnology industry. People have always been cautious with their morals and health, trying to protect themselves from corruption. Although it has raised criticism, the biotechnology industry will persist to sell golden rice through advertisement and determination. Golden, or also known as Yellow rice, is a new food that has been genetically altered. Scientists are creating this new found food by fusing daffodil and rice genes together to produce rice that contains beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is a great way to get the daily value of Vitamin A. Golden rice is said to prevent blindness and infection that is found in millions of third world country children who have become malnourished. By using the suffering of these children, the biotechnology industry is advertising their Golden Rice. The advertisements tear away the customers morals and feelings to persuade them to buy the product in order to maybe save the lives of these children. The biotechnology industry sends the onlookers on a guilt trip because of the way the children look; they feel like they have to help. They also use advertisements of good things to portray that the product is also good. Yet many people dont know that over $50 million is spent on advertisements alone. Although the biotechnology industry looks like it is doing this for a good cause, it has many flaws with its claims. Yellow rice has no actual solution. Though the industry says that it is to cure the third world countries of Vitamin A deficiency, it becomes clearer after deeper investigation that beta-carotene is only able to metabolize into Vitamin A when fats and proteins are also in the diet. This fact shows that fats and proteins are probably what a starving child actually needs. Research also shows that an 11 year old would need to eat 15 pounds of yellow rice just to receive their daily value of Vitamin A. This fact is not only out on a limb, it is completely impossible. This child would not only have to eat the complete 15 pounds of rice, they would also have to eat enough fats and proteins to metabolize the rices beta-carotene into Vitamin A. Wouldnt it just be easier to take a Vitamin A supplement than to eat all of this food daily? Even Gordan Conway, the president of the Rockefeller foundation, says we do no consider golden rice the solution to the Vitamin A deficiency problem. So if the golden rice really isnt a solution to Vitamin A deficiency, why is the biotechnology industry trying to portray to us that it is? With research it is found that the biotec is instead trying to win an argument than to solve a health problem. The biotechnology industry spends over $50 million in advertisements for their product, but would rather advertise that to give money to organizations to actually help the starvation. So, is the biotechnology industry really trying to help solve a problem or just get people to buy their products? The biotechnology industry has misled consumers through statements that reach out to their morals, falsely representing their own product, and spending millions of dollars to do it all. But why would any company that wanted to sell a product based on morality present themselves in such a way that could deface the whole industry?
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 02:19:11 +0000

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