English Coursework, pretty proud of it. The Sounds of Crickets - TopicsExpress


English Coursework, pretty proud of it. The Sounds of Crickets are ringing like a recently rung bell, ringing like a repeating record, never changing, The wavy mirages dancing around majestically offering tantalizing parchments of cool water, the golden haze of long stretches of wheat waving prominently in the mild breeze as if almost screaming out of their presence, a very fine dust lingers in the air ready to pounce at the moment of parched lips , The constant pounding vibrates through the ground disturbs the earth, The relentless drumming of the sun weighs down the air, waiting for a cool breeze to pass only then beat down harder forever reminding the unrelenting power it holds. One minute it can be your friend. The next, your enemy. I’m hurting. The chains are tight and wearing my skin like a Leatherman hardens leather, my hands are dry and dusty, full of blisters constantly popping, never being able to heal, every hit sends sharp knifes through my spine cutting me. The hardship and strain of my fellow Negroes hangs in the air, singing from the soul is the only remedy for this long struggle. It’s tense. One wrong move and it’ll be the last. The forever looming glare of the wardens staring reaches into my soul; we know there power but we daren’t find out, I look to my left, then to my right, a long line of us working as one, we all know that this is our life, it’s not going to change. I could break free. I can see my family again, my beloved family. I can remember the luscious green fields where my family and I used to play, waking up to the sound of the birds chirping merrily, running to the old oak tree everyday and playing on the rope swing, those were the days, o how I long for that feeling again. The feeling of freedom and serenity, I miss my wife, o how is wish to hold her again, but I’ve been taken away by the white man and thrown into damnation, for what? Being black? If you strip me down to the bare properties that make me human, am I really different from them? The same blood runs through my veins as do theirs, so why am I being treated like an animal, why am I being chained up and restricted to live my life like any other free man on this planet. I hit the floor. The muffled sounds of the wardens barking are ringing in my ear, I’m dazed. I’m confused. I’m lost. I can’t get up, my body is dead, sharp pains flash through me, it’s all closing in, the wardens are at their ends, they aim at me, I have to get up, I have to continue, but I can’t, my brothers are looking at me with an almost pitiful look, all eyes are on me, do I give up and allow myself to free from this struggle or do I follow my basic human instinct to survive, to push on and keep living, that’s what makes us unique, the ability to survive in the harshest conditions, I make a push, I’m up again, I continue to struggle, just because I am different, Just because I am black.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 21:02:34 +0000

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