# English Literature- 1: 1. Literature is the reflection of life - TopicsExpress


# English Literature- 1: 1. Literature is the reflection of life based on reality & imagination. 2. The time span of Renaissance period was 1500-1660. 3. Jeoffery Chaucer is called the father of modern poetry. 4. The only English epic is Beowulf. 5. William Caxton set up the first printing press in 1476. 6. The Canterbury Tales by Chaucer has reflected the inner thoughts of 29 pilgrims heading towards the tomb of Thomas Becket. 7. Here is Gods plenty- is one of the great dialogue of The Canterbury Tales. 8. John Wycliffe (1324-84) is is called the father of English prose . 9. Thomas More wrote UTOPIA which comes from Greek word Eutopia meaning -no place / good place. 10. The rhyme scheme of Petrarchan sonnet is -abba abba cd cd cd/ cde cde***** 11. The rhyme scheme of Shakespearian sonnet is- abab cdcd efef gg***** 12. Magna Carta was passed in 1215. 13. The age of Chaucer was 1340-1400. 14. Edmund Spenser is called A POET of POET 15. Shakespeare was born in the year - 1564. 16. Shakespeare died in 1616. 17. The first English dictionary was compiled by Dr. Samuel Johnson. 18. The time span of the Restoration period was 1660- 1700. 19. The Romantic age (1798-1832) was inspired by the French Revolution. 20. Lyrical Ballad ( published in 1798) is thought to be the vital poetical documents that formally inaugurated Romanticism in English Literature. 21. Ode on the Morning- is the first poem of John Milton. 22. The victorian age : 1832-1901. 23. Animal Farm is written by George Orwell. 24. The Time Machine is written by H. G Wells. 25. John Wycliffe is credited as the first translator of Bible. #English Literature- 2: 1) “India Wins Freedom” (Autobiography) writtern by “Abul Kalam Azad” 2) “Rape of the Lock” (Poem) written by “Alexandar Pope” 3) “The Alchemist” (Story) and “Silent Woman” (Story) written by “Ben Jonson” 4) “David Copperfield” (Novel), “A Tale of Two Cities” (Novel), “The Old Curiosity Shop” (Novel), “Oliver Twist” (Novel), “Great Expectation” (Novel) written by “Charles Dickens” 5) “Tamburlaine the Great” (Play), “The Jew of Malta” (Play) and “Doctor Faustus” (Play) written by “Christopher Marlowe” 6) “A Farewell to Arms” (Novel), “The Old Man and The Sea” (Novel), “The Sun also Rises” (Novel) and “For Whom the Bell Tolls” (Novel) written by “Ernest Hemingway” 7) “Caeser and Cleopatra” (Play), “Arms and the Man” (Play), “Man and Superman” (Play) and “Doctor’s Dilema” (Play) written by “G. B. Shaw” 8) “Animal Farm” (Novel) and “Ninteen Eighty Four” (Novel) written by “George Orwell” 9) “Ode to Nightmare” (Ode), “Ode on a Grecian Urn” (Ode) and “Ode to Autumn” (Ode) written by “John Keats” 10) “Gulliver’s Travel” (Satire) written by “Jonathon Swift” 11) “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage” (Poem), “Don Juan” (Poem), “The Vision of Judgment” (Poem) and “Heaven and Earth” (Poem) written by “Lord Byron” 12) “The Patriot” (Poem) written by “Robert Browning” 13) “The Jungle Book” (Novel) written by “Rudyard Kipling” 14) Comedy Play: “Mid Summer Night’s Dream”, “The Tempest”, “As You Like It”, “Merchant of Venice”, “Julius Caeser”, “Comedy of Errors”, “The Taming of the Shrew” and Tragedy Play: “Othello”, “Macbeth”, “King Lear”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Hamlet” written by “William Shakespeare” 15) “Pamela” (Novel) written by “Samuel Richardson” 16) “The Gift of the Magi” (Short Story), “Cabbage and Kings” (Short Story), “Roads of Destiny” (Short Story) and “Sixes and Seven” (Short Story) written by “Sidney William Porter” 17) “Ivanhoe” (Novel), “Heart of Midlothian” (Novel), “The lay of Last Minstrel” (Poem) and “Patriotism” (Poem) written by “Sir Wlater Scott” 18) “The Waste Land” (Poem) and “Four Quarters” (Poem) written by “T. S. Eliot” 19) “Of Human Bondage” (Novel) and “The Moon and Sixpence” (Novel) written by “Somerset Maugham ” 20) “Songs of Innocence, Songs of Experience” (Poem) written by “William Blake” #English Literature- 3: 1) Father of the English Language: Geoffrey Chaucer (জিওফ্রে চসার) 2) Father of English Literature: Geoffrey Chaucer 3) Father of Modern English Poetry: Geoffrey Chaucer 4) Father of English Dramatic Poetry/ Blank Verse: Christopher Marlowe 6) Father of English Drama: Christopher Marlowe তবে Father of Modern Drama: Henrik Ibsen (Norwegian playwright) 7) Father of English Tragedy: Christopher Marlowe (মতান্তরে Thomas Norton and Thomas Sackville) 8) Father of English Comedy: Nicholas Udall 9) Father of English Essay (প্রবন্ধ): Francis Bacon 10) Father of English Fairy Tale: H. Christian Underson 11) Father of English Sonnet: Sir Thomas Wyatt (তবে, ইতালীয় কবি Petrarch হলেন father of sonnet) 12) Father of English Criticism: John Dryden (1631 – 1700) 13) Father of English Novel: Henry Fielding (1659 – 1731) 14) Father of English Stream of Conscious Novel: James Joyce (1882 – 1941) 15) Father of English One Act Play: Samuel Johnson (1709 – 1784) 16) Father of English Romanticism: William Wordsworth (1770 – 1850) & Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772 – 1834) 17) Father of English Grammar: Lindley Murray (1745 – 1826) 18) Father of English Mystery Plays: Edger Allen Poe (1809 – 1849) 19) Father of English Short Story: Edgar Allen Poe 20) Father of English Dictionary/ First Lexicographer (অভিধানপ্রণেতা) in English: Dr. Samuel Jonson 21) Father of Modern English Literature: George Bernard Shaw 22) Poet of poets : Edmund Spenser #English literature-4: 1. Father of English novel -- Henry Fielding 2. Father of English prose -- Francis Bacon 3. Father of modern English poetry -- Jeoffery Caucer 4. Father of modern English literature -- G.B. Shaw 5. Poet of Nature -- William Wordsworth 6. Poet of beauty -- John Keats 7. Modern poet -- T.S Eliot 8. Poet of romantic age-- John Keats 9. Rebel poet of English literature-- Lord Byron 10. Novel Prize start in English -- 1901 Shakespeare (1564-1616): >Tragedy Play: --Julius Caesar --Hamlet --King Lear --Macbeth
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 04:37:51 +0000

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