English London Grammar Words formations The original words - TopicsExpress


English London Grammar Words formations The original words in the language which are not formed by adding any other words are called the primary words. Nip, taste, gulp, sip, rear, hind, term, name, chat, help tell, oath, order, sound, utter, couch, put, base, lay, set, talk, plant, sit, put, pick, play, drop, stick, fall, beauty The union of adjectives, nouns, gerunds, verbs, adverbs, prepositions and participles with one another will form compound words. Chitchat, tasteful, helpful, beautiful, telltale, baseball, waterfall, Adding two or more simple words form the Compound words. 1. Examples: Compound words 1. Afternoon 2. Airman 3. Armchair 4. Backbite 5. Bedridden 6. Blackboard 7. Blood red 8. Blotting paper 9. Bottom line 10. Breakfast 11. Breast high 12. Brighten up 13. Bypath 14. Cheer up 15. Chessboard 16. Cold shower 17. Dark green 18. Dark looking 19. Daydream 20. Diehard 21. Downfall 22. Downhearted 23. Downstairs. 24. Drawback 25. Drawing room 26. Dry out 27. Dull gray 28. Ear-piercing 29. Everlasting 30. Express bus. 31. Figure out 32. Finely pounded 33. Fire escape 34. Fire proofing 35. Football 36. Forecasting 37. Foreseen 38. Foresight 39. Foretell 40. Foretelling 41. Forethought 42. Forewarning 43. Full-grown 44. Go-getter 45. Half cooked 46. Half –moon 47. Handmade 48. Headstrong 49. Heart broken 50. Heartrending 51. Hideout 52. High achiever 53. High flyer 54. Hindsight 55. Homesick 56. Horsepower 57. Ill use. 58. Inborn 59. Income 60. Incoming 61. Indoor 62. Inmate 63. Inside 64. Intake 65. Jail bird 66. Kind-hearted 67. Layabout 68. Lifelong 69. Liven up 70. Long queue 71. Longsuffering 72. Looking glass 73. Lukewarm 74. Machine-made 75. Manservant 76. Milkshake 77. Moonlight 78. Never ending 79. Night-blind 80. Nobleman 81. Note worthy 82. Offshoot 83. Old fashioned 84. Out cry 85. Out door 86. Out set 87. Outbid 88. Outbreak. 89. Outcome 90. Outgoing 91. Outlaw 92. Outline 93. Outspoken 94. Overachiever 95. Overcoat 96. Overcome 97. Overdo 98. Overhear 99. Overtake 100. Overthrow 101. Overweight 102. Pickpocket 103. Popcorn 104. Popgun 105. Postman 106. Postmark 107. Prefiguring 108. Prick up 109. Pure –white 110. Put up 111. Rail way 112. Readymade 113. Red-hot 114. Roll call 115. Rolling pin 116. Roommate 117. Running –track 118. Running –water 119. Safe place 120. Safeguard 121. Scarecrow 122. Sea side 123. Self-starter 124. Set off 125. Set up 126. Ship keeper 127. Shoemaker 128. Shorthand 129. Sitting place 130. Skin-deep 131. Sky scraper 132. Sky-blue 133. Snow white 134. Spelling book 135. Spendthrift 136. Spice up 137. Stand up 138. Steps stone 139. Stick up 140. Stir up 141. Sun light 142. Sweetheart 143. Table tennis 144. Tax payer 145. Tea spoon 146. Tell-tale 147. Tender-hearted 148. Thoroughbred 149. Time saving 150. Tip-off 151. Typewrite 152. Undergo 153. Underground 154. Undertake 155. Underweight 156. Uphill 157. Upkeep 158. Water proof 159. Water tank 160. Waylay 161. Well-deserved 162. White-hot 163. Whitewash 164. Windmill 165. Worldwide 166. Writing desk
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 18:25:27 +0000

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