English MUFFINS: 2002, Im attending UTA and have an extra - TopicsExpress


English MUFFINS: 2002, Im attending UTA and have an extra curricular class and its running...Yea, yea, easiest class ever, right? NOT. There was a tall, I likeem tall, dark skinned Nigerian man as the assistant to the running/PE professor. He was like Taye Diggs and Tyrese put together. HOT body and well quiet. For the entire spring semester we didnt speak. Until the last class, he asked me out. I was like, :FINALLY what took you so long, but I kept my cool and said, YES Ill go out with you. This tall, hard body of a man is Charlie. Saturday: Saturday afternoon Charlies calls to confirm our date. But the driving plans have changed. Instead of Charlie picking me up, I had to drive to Dallas. At this time, I hadnt been in Arlington/UTA but for a few months. I had NO clue where I was going, but I was going. I arrive to the apartment complex that Charlie had given me. I knew were going to a swim party so I had my bikini in hand but had on summer attire. Cute flip flops, denim short skirt and a cute top. I thought I was at the end location but that plan had changed also. I started to feel some kinda way. I kept thinking, why is everything changing? Either way, I had a cocktail in my hand and Charlie by my side...KINDA! The apartment complex was where Charlies brother lived with this wife...She was NOT cute! LOL, thought Id throw that in there, because hell, she wasnt! Now we are in a pack and we rolling to this so called, SWIM house party. Were driving and driving and I have NO clue where we are at because I dont know anything about Dallas. The sun had gone down and while I trust Charlie, my gut was telling me something was up. We pull up to the location, to this house in a very nice neighborhood. Not the cookie cutter type where every other house is the same. Its dark, and not a lot of street lights, but all in all, its a nice home and several cars are parked, so it looked to me that this party was on and popping! The next thing to POP was me, as I POP an extascy pill before we get out the car. Appropriate for the occasion I believe as its blue, and double stacked. I wasnt the only thing about to swim, so was this BLUE DOLPHIN pill. One of the best pills I have taken, at the time. More PILL POPPING later! TRUST!!! SWIRL: We all walk up into the party but there is like a line of some sort. I get to the end of this line to a table with pen and paper and a very nice looking older gentleman. He says, Hey Halle Berry, I was like, NO! LOL, anyways, he says, Look here baby girl, I need you to sign this paper before you go in my home and in this party. I was shocked, stunned and well confused. I pull the paper closer to me and begin to read. Im at a SWINGER PARTY!!! Chocolate Swirl to be exact. REALITY: Reality sets in! Im with strangers, on a fing pill and I dont even know where Im at. WTF, Charlie? He pulls me to the side apologizes and well that was that. I got over it, but I didnt get over the thought of when this pill was going to kick. Ive never rolled (on extascy) with strangers. Hours go by and nothing! The party is bunk and the pill hasnt kicked yet. So far so bad. PARTY: I see that its mostly women at this party. Married couples and single women. Only a certain amount of single men are allowed into the party. What married man wants to see his wife screw another man? But what man doesnt want to see his wife screw around with another woman? As I go outside to the front of the house, I hear this accent. Its a womans voice. Shes British. She is gorgeous!!!!!! She looks just like Naomi Campbell. Tall with black berry skin. Long hair, good long weave of hair and body so hot, it would make the sun melt. Naomis husband is not HOT....LOL, he is very very very unattractive. As we all chat it up outside, Naomi approaches me. Im scared, Im intimidated. I cant speak and we all know what is hard for me to do. Naomi reaches over and touches my shoulder. I have a chill run throughout my body. Im paralyzed. ROLLING: Im in the hot tub and feeling oh so good. NO kick on the pill yet, but anytime now, its coming. The hot tub has delayed the pills effect and Im not happy about it. Its taking way to long to kick in. So at this point I think I got a bad pill. So F$ck it! Im the life of this party and its all good. Im young, fun and well ready for CHARLIE!!!! I go inside the house to use the restroom. While Im in there I hear a knock at the door. I get up, flush and begin to wash my hands. The WATER, oh the WATER running on my hands has started something. My body begins to feel it. The feeling I had been waiting on. Picture me ROLLING! The ATTACK: The knock is Naomi. I yell hold on but she is eager to get into the restroom. So I reach behind me and unlock the door for her to come in. All of a sudden the lights are off and its just me and Naomi. My body, ooohhhh my body is feeling this pill and hard. That dolphin is swimming now. As Naomi steps towards me I cannot move. I can now feel her breathe in front of me. As we stand there in silence, I dont know what to do next, but I know what I want to do. Or do I? As we stand there I reach over and touch Naomis arm. She feels good, she smells better and her hair is silky and long. I love her hair. I love the way it feels so, I put it over my own shoulder, and when I do that, Naomi moves closer, so close that I can feel her breasts on mine. I lean over, grip on the strand of hair I have in my one hand and bring her even closer to my body, so she is basically leaning onto me. Our lips are touching and I lick my lips, slow like LL Cool J does. Then I bite her bottom lip. She makes a noise, a slight hmmmmm noise. This lets me know she likes what Ive done and I damn sure like the noise and what Ive done and how it feels. So I decide to give Naomi more. I want to taste just how black her berry is! Naomi has on a swim suit cover that is knitted so holes are all over. I can feel the power I have, the power I have over Naomi and her body. Its calling me for more, hell she is begging for more and Im about to answer that call! I get on my knees and start at her knees. My right hand goes behind her left leg and just strokes the back of her knee cap and I run my hand up and down her thigh, and I grip it hard. It makes Naomi loose her balance. She is weak at her knees now and I can feel it and I LOVE IT! I lick her inner thigh and the noise from earlier gets stronger, louder even. I take my time while Im down there and work slow. Not quite opening her present just yet, I want to enjoy this experience. I want to enjoy the exploring experience, slowly, gently and well feel the power I have as I work upwards. Naomi now has her hands on my shoulders, gripping into me. It hurts, but I like pain. Im about to go there, about to open Naomis present. NO: All of a sudden a knock at the door. WTF? Who the f$ck is this? Then we hear the voice of a man. Its Naomis husband. I immediately get up from the floor. Even though the lights are off, we know where each other stance is. He is now banging on the door. Naomi reaches over and opens the door. Now all three of us are just standing there in the dark. Naomis unattractive husband, grabs his wife and begins to feel her up. I stand there, hurt but feeling good. This pill has done a number on me and Naomis husband just messed it up. Hell he f$cked it up! As they begin to be all over one another, Im not feeling it. Im not feeling him! I walk out and as soon as I hit the corner, Charlie appears and says he has been looking for me and that its time to go. So we all leave as we came in a group and leave the party. EMOTIONS: I never saw Naomi again or heard from her. I preferred not to give her my phone number or email address. Though Naomi was a woman and not my regular preference, I enjoyed the experience. Hell I loved it. This would be the end of Naomi and I, but not the end of this woman to woman experience. Though there were only two more, there isnt much to tell. A few kisses at this point aint shit. Nobody is like Naomi!!! MORAL: Experimenting never hurt nobody! Why not? Who cares and most of all who the hell will know? I kissed a girl and I LIKED IT. Cherry chap stick is as good as it tastes....on someone else!
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 00:27:26 +0000

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