“[English Rendering of A Portion from A Discourse of Maharshi - TopicsExpress


“[English Rendering of A Portion from A Discourse of Maharshi Mehi Paramhans by Pravesh K. Singh] “...It is impossible to describe the glory of God Who is all pervading. Just as a dumb fellow cannot describe in words the sweetness of the fruit he has just eaten, so it is not possible to express in words the bliss that is experienced upon God-Realisation which produces perfect satiation. Sense-gratification does not result in complete satisfaction; it rather accentuates greed and craving even further. And, can there be any peace in craving and greed? It is difficult even to imagine where and to what consequences the surge of desires may lead! A man who is under the sway of desires can never attain true beneficence. He is ever restless, running from pillar to post, to satiate his desires and meets with his end while still hunting after his desires. The taste, on the other hand, of God-Realisation would never ever leave you, would always stay with you once you have had it. You eat a fruit, for instance. It tasted wonderful. But as soon as you have finished eating, the taste is no more there; only its memory is left behind. Perfect taste or bliss is that which stays forever, unceasingly, does never leave you even for a moment. Complete satisfaction must result in absolute end of craving. This is what is true beneficence, true welfare! Otherwise, what kind of satiation or satisfaction is that (which does not put a complete end to any further longing)? Such bliss can never be captured by the mind, words or any other organs. Only he who has got that experience knows it. What is left when even mind, intellect and any other organ whatsoever are not there? That precisely is the Soul. Mind, intellect etc can never taste that bliss. That bliss is experienced by the Self, by the Soul alone! ...” - Maharshi Mehi Paramhans [Original Hindi Version of the Above Translated Discourse] ...जो सर्वव्यापी परमात्मा है, उसकी महिमा कहने में नहीं आती है | बात ऐसी है, जिस तरह गूँगा आदमी मीठे फल के गुण को नहीं बखान कर सकता | उसी तरह ईश्वर प्राप्ति में जो सुख है, वर्णन नहीं किया जा सकता | उसमें परम स्वाद है | प्रत्येक इन्द्रिय का जो स्वाद है, वह परम स्वाद नहीं है, क्योंकि उसमें चाह और तृष्णा बढ़ती है | तृष्णा और इच्छा में शान्ति कहाँ? इच्छा की बढ़ती में क्या-क्या मिले, ठिकाना नहीं ! इच्छा के वश में रहकर आदमी कभी कल्याण नहीं पाता | इच्छा पूरी करने के लिए हैरान-हैरान रहता है और इच्छा पूरी किये बिना ही मर जाता है | ईश्वर-प्राप्ति का स्वाद निरंतर लगा रहता है | (मान लें कि) एक फल बहुत अच्छा लगा | खाना ख़त्म हुआ | केवल स्मृति रही, स्वाद नहीं रहा | परम स्वाद वह है कि जो सदा प्राप्त ही रहे, कभी उसके स्वाद का अंत नहीं हो, निरंतर लगा रहे | जिसमें अत्यंत संतुष्टि होती है, उस संतुष्टि में इच्छा की निवृत्ति होती है | इसी को कल्याण कहते हैं | नहीं तो कल्याण कहाँ? यह कैसा है? जो मन को, वचन को ग्रहण नहीं है और इन्द्रिय ज्ञान में भी नहीं है | जो इसको पाता है, वही जानता है | मन, बुद्धि आदि इन्द्रियाँ नहीं रहीं, तब क्या रहा? जो रहा उसी को जीव, चेतन आत्मा कहते हैं | मन-इन्द्रिय को वह स्वाद नहीं मिलता| अपने तईं को मिलता है |...” - महर्षि मेँहीँ परमहंस जी महाराज
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 07:04:46 +0000

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