English dictionary to add Pinoy pork barrel-inspired words By Rene - TopicsExpress


English dictionary to add Pinoy pork barrel-inspired words By Rene Ciria-Cruz 5:56 am | Friday, September 6th, 2013 29 1682 1107 LONDON—Every year the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) adds new words based on evidence of their popular usage. Sir Alexie Conn, a spokesperson for OED in London, told Outtakes/INQUIRER.net that new words from the Philippines are seriously being considered for inclusion. Here are just some of the words that reportedly could end up in the OED, to join such illustrious company as selfie, twerk, boink. Pdafhile—a lawmaker who lusts after fresh Department of Budget Management disbursements from his/her pork barrel allotment stypend—a pdafhile’s dirty, secret commission from pork funds approved for a fake project or NGO; syn., kickback, pork diem porquisites—advantages of political office enjoyed by a sitting pdafhile napolestation—abuse of taxpayers’ money by pdafhiles and well-connected scammers known as janetors or swinedlers janetor—one who takes taxpayers to the cleaners or cleans out government coffers, often with lapidity; adj., janetorial lapidity—the speed of acting without cause, e,g., purchasing with pork funds “antidengue innoculants” for Polillo, Quezon, when no cases of dengue fever were reported there bulokracy—rotten government channels that enable napolestation due to absence of transparency or sunshine law kuyanymous—adj., being hidden behind the respectable alias of “kuya” used by senator whose ex-president father is now a mayor; see also, pogilistic estradition—natural transfer from father to son of estradavirus that triggers kuyanymous, eraptive and same-o same-o practices; facilitated by a social secretary who contacts swinedlers tandacy—the tendency of an elderly former Senate president to ponceficate ponceficate—to maintain silence and posture of indifference as incriminating gigibytes of pdafhilic evidence mount gigibyte—volume of cash delivered to a tandacious senator’s former chief of staff by a janetor’s driver. enrilated—the supposed nature of the relationship between a gigibyte and a tandacy. revillation—the embarrassing exposure of a photo of a pogilistic pdafhile partying with a janetor, after he had publicly denied knowing her ferdinant—adj., description of a pdafhile’s adamant claim that his dead dictator father was the best thing that ever happened to the country; also means “like father like son” honascence—the professed state of not ever knowing the janetor-wife of one’s close army buddy and former co-coup plotter monsignority—priority given a Catholic priest to “rent” the Forbes Park home of a janetor oinkling—a hunch that a congressman or senator is a guilty of pdafhilia qui tam ona—lat., legal term for the vindication of public’s oinkling that a legislator is pdafhilic sumbongdinates­­—a janetor’s former employees who are now “telling all” about their boss and her legislative partners turoancy—enforced absence of finger-pointing sumbongdinates who are kept in safe houses for their own protection santiagonize—to displease a lawmaker, whose blood pressure keeps shooting up at the smell of pork and makes her go kamikaze foifect—adj.; description of much needed FOI (freedom of information) transparency law as an antidote to pdafhilia and bulokracy delimanate—to prosecute pdafhiles and janetors without mercy ombudextrous—adj., quality of delimanation; see also carpomoralescent carpo diem—lat.; motto meaning “seize the bastards” (and their stypends) However, I’ve been warned that while these words are excellent candidates for inclusion in the Oxford English Dictionary, they may fail to make it due to future lack of use, depriving us of the honor. Sir Alexie Conn explained: “IF, with the help of turoant sumbongdinates, an ombudextrous delimanation of pdafhilia is carried out, successfully carpo dieming pdafhiles, janetors and swinedlers thereby preventing further napolestation, then the prospective additions would no longer be included for lack of use.” Well, in that case, I’m pretty sure Filipinos would much prefer to be at a loss for words. Read more: globalnation.inquirer.net/85077/english-dictionary-to-add-pinoy-pork-barrel-inspired-words#ixzz2eZ8apZOL Follow us: @inquirerdotnet on Twitter | inquirerdotnet on Facebook
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 07:11:10 +0000

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