Engr. Markus Gundiri: The Naked Truth!(I) One thing you cannot - TopicsExpress


Engr. Markus Gundiri: The Naked Truth!(I) One thing you cannot fault about him is his intelligence and sagacious decision about politics. However, wrong you think his policy to opt for politics, Gundiri seems to have surpassed this short-sight view. There is something about him that makes me or if you like, tempts me to confess the rare qualities of this Kilba man. Engr, no doubt fits squarely into Late Ibrahim Waziris view of politics (without bitterness) and has distinguished himself as a true elderstateman as well as a politician with high sense of sportsmanship- enough to make any student of politics green with envy. In 2012 and after the declaration of Governorship election result which subsequently ushered in a long legal debates at the courts, Gundiri conducted himself with high sense of political maturity. He didnt allow the out-come to becloud his sense of reasoning and has never pre-empted the likely out-come of the courts decision while it lasted but remained sanguine and focus. In all his speeches, Gundiri was without sentiment, passion or regret but full of confidence, hope and direction. I personally wrote on this aspect of the man and submitted that it entails cowardice, disappointment and as a Captain of the ship of the opposition in the state, Gundiri had cowardly abandoned his crew, probably searching for a greener pasture elsewhere. It was not long before I realise the fallacy of my submission and line of reasoning. I later realised that Engr is one of the few politicians now alive who do not share the popular view that politics is a dirty game. As wise as he opted to protest the result of the election in court (through the means allowed under our law), Gundiri stopped at that and this deliberate composure and good democratic steps have contributed immensely to the post election peace and sanity in Adamawa State and I must confess that the likes of Gundiri are rare to be found in the murky waters and contaminated Nigerias 21st century politics. He is one of the few politicians one must study closely in order to discover his potentials, prowess and sagacity in decision making. Appears to be slow in action but the impact and the concomitant effect of his influence can go along way if not all the way to shock his political opponent. Gundiri share some of the above qualities with Mr. Bala Takaya (the political Wizard, in theory and practice) but unlike Bala, Gundiri is more stable, focus and compose. This is a plus to any one who venture into politics. One question I kept on asking myself is whether, given the present realities of our time especially where politics of bitterness, vengeance and rancour loom large, politicians as sophisticated and professionally sound like Gundiri are fit into it? His decision to dump the All Progressive Congress could not have come at the right time as it could have been a political suicide for the Hong borne Engr to remain in APC! Politics is all about interest and this is permanent in all case provided that interest is not placed over and above that of the public who are the objects to be served. PDP offers more greater chance for Gundiri to serve his people. Therefore, the worst or without hesitation I must say the stupid mistake the Peoples Democratic Party will make is not to discover these virtues in him and instead attempt to lean on his popularity in the morning to win the hearts of the electorates and then speak with him behind the scene during the primaries!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 05:51:07 +0000

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