Engr. Obioha Ezekwesiri (ICT)---The Last Messenger of YHWH Elohim - TopicsExpress


Engr. Obioha Ezekwesiri (ICT)---The Last Messenger of YHWH Elohim warns all True Biafran Christians and Fellow True Christians all over the World. >>>>>>LONG ARTICLE WITH LIFE-SAVING INFORMATION>>>> MORE FAKE JESUS APPEARING WORLD WIDE. ...what these imposters do not know is that we all now know that Jesus was/is a Black Hebrew because the Original Hebrews were black in skin colour just as the Original Egyptians were Black Africans. Brief Description of this Video: Deep in Siberias Taiga forest is Vissarion, a cult leader who looks like Jesus=Cesare Borgia Son Of Alexander Pope 6; and claims to be the voice of God. Hes known as the Teacher to his 4,000 followers, who initially seem surprisingly normal. Over time, however, their unflinching belief in UFOs and the Earths imminent demise made this group start to look more and more like some sort of strange cult. As most of the Black Africans discover the Evil called Vatican Deception and her Aliens/UFOs (Demonic) Connections, black African grew more inquisitive with many eye brows and questions raised. For thousands of years and specifically since the death Yahushua Messiah (Christ) who was also killed by The Roman Empire and Zionist Pharisee, Vatican has ever since covered lots of her detestable abominations with the blanket of Christianity. In other to unmask this great deception by Babylon the Great (World Empire of false Religion), YHWH Elohim, the grand creator of the entire Universe and Everything Everywhere has dispatched us to you with answers to any question you might have regarding the truth about YHWH Elohim, Yahushua Messiah (Christ) who Rome/Vatican renamed Jesus and changed his photograph=Cesare Borgia Son Of Alexander Pope 6; in other to deceived the world. Everything hidden would be exposed before the arrival of the true Black Messiah-Yahushua- The Christ and The Anointed King of Kings. Finally, we have come to the end of this world which must justify the dare need for a fresh beginning-YHWHs New Planet Earth. Let us share some truths about Religions, YHWH Elohim, Yahushua Messiah (Christ), The True Hebrews;--- also information on Satan the Devil and Lucifer, their Demons, Secret Societies, World Leaders, United Nations, the Global Elite and the rich who are destroying this beautiful planet would are treated here below. Note the following: 1. There has been no religion that represented Yahushua Messiah whom the Roman Empire (Vatican ) Killed and whose original names-Yahushua Messiah was changed to Jesus Christ by the same Evil Roman Empire Vatican. The greatest deception is that All Churches in this World (large Churches) are under the direct control of Rome/Vatican Jesuits till date-so are also all Elite Universities. One major way to know Vatican Controlled Churches is their SUNday Worship ---Seventh Day Adventist does not observe and keep the Shabbat Holy as was commanded by YHWH Elohim. Till date, the Vatican worships Amen-Ra which is the SUNgod of Egypt and other gods of Babylon and the Ancient Greek. Since thousands of years, Egyptians have worshipped the SUN, the Roman Empire followed the footsteps of Egypt. When Rome could not defeat Christianity, Rome invented the greatest religious deception in the history of the world-The hijack of Christianity. The FAKE JESUS CHRIST presented to the world by Rome/Vatican was Cesare Borgia Son Of Alexander Pope 6. They were covering the truth about the identity of the true Black Yahushua Messiah of Nazareth. We hereby, on behalf of our father YHWH Elohim and Yahushua Messiah, do confirm this information to be truth and trustworthy. WHO IS YHWH ELOHIM? 2.YHWH Elohim is the true Creator of the Universe; the God of the Hebrews (Black Africans) whose creations Satan the Devil is destroying through Vatican and Criminal Clergy of the world. The Holy name of the True Creator of the universe was Criminally removed by Vatican and was replaced with God while Satan was also called god. the trick here is that God or god, what difference does it make when pronounced?=same. This way, Vatican prevented the masses from calling on the name of the most Holy YHWH Elohim till date. God is like saying Mr. in the Spiritual realms. With this trick played on you all, it was then easy to introduce the Illegal theory of Trinity which is not found in any of the Holy Scriptures-Invented by Vatican. In other to regain your Spiritual Powers so as to be able to fight along Elohim during this Great Tribulation, Start to use his name. However, do not use his Holy name in vain. 3. Yahushua Messiah is not Jesus Christ and will never be. After The Roman Empire conspired with the Zionist Pharisee and killed Yahushua Messiah (Christ), Rome hijacked Christianity through Constantine the Great of Rome following a suspicious conversion by Constantine the Great from Paganism to Christianity (Military strategy). Unknown to the then Christians, Constantine the Great and Rome deceived the Christians by covering their Satanic Egyptian Paganism with the blanket of Christianity (SUN worship=SUNday worship). The FAKE JESUS CHRIST presented to the world by Rome/Vatican was Cesare Borgia Son Of Alexander Pope 6. 4. Who are the true Hebrews truly: Let us once and for all times unmask this secret and end the present confusion amongst Christians. The white people who now occupy the present day Israel are not Hebrews-they were brought to Israel by England, America, Rome and Zionists in 1948-that was when the Political State of Israel was born. What then happened to the original Yisraelites, the original Black Hebrews and the Original Black Judeans? In the year 70AD Rome was used by YHWH Elohim to punish the unrepentant Yisraelites (Black Africans). As a result, The Roman Empire attacked Yisrael, destroyed Solomons temple and looted the treasure belonging to YHWH Elohim. Rome killed off the original Hebrews and the remaining were forced out of Yisrael to the rest parts of Africa where they still reside until today-this was how the 10 tribes of Yisrael got lost (scattered all over the world till date. Father is now ready to gather you all together and lead you in righteousness and with iron hand. WHO IS SATAN? 5. Satan the Devil and Lucifer, their Demons, Secret Societies, World Leaders, United Nations, the Global Elite and the rich work together. >>>>>>>>VATICAN AND ALIENS/UFOs=DEMONS>>>>>>>>> Right from the beginning of Elohims creation as was recorded in the book of Genesis, Satan allowed the spirit of greed to overshadow him. He then deceived Eve and later Eve was used by Satan to deceive Adam. Since then, there has been enmity between YHWH Elohim and Satan the Devil in the Spiritual Realms; Angels and Demons; True Christians and Secret Societies which control all World Leaders. Yes! You have been ruled by Demons via the Vatican. What most of you might not know is that there are Four (4) types of Aliens (Demons)- of them is called NORDIC ALIENS. These aliens are exactly like the while people with one remarkable difference-their Blue Eyes which identifies their sort. They have been visiting Planet Earth since thousands of years and have inter-married with the sons and daughters of men. Yes! NORDIC ALIENS have been living on Earth with you without your knowledge (Only Secrets Societies know). They have multiplied to the detriment of the good people of the Earth. These Aliens have been ruling the Western World while dressed in suits as human-a good example is the leaders of America, England, France, Holland, Canada, Australia (NORDIC ALIEN BLOODLINE RULES THE WORLD) All United Nations Members states leaders are part of this Conspiracy against mankind. The attached video is an example of a fake white Jesus (NORDIC ALIEN) who believes in Aliens/UFOs=Demons. This is the type of false Christ Vatican is planning to introduce soon as claiming that the Messiah has returned. As Vatican takes over the leadership of New World Orders One World Religion Evil will has abound. Be watchful because very soon, Vatican would use a new technology called BLUE BEAM to perform the miracle that would usher in their fake white Jesus (NORDIC ALIEN) from another planet where the Nordic Aliens live. Do not be deceived unless you want to be deceived. 6. The Vatican and the Bible. While it is true that the Bible is the world of YHWH Elohim, it is also true that Vatican added information to the Original content of the New Testament (Data Corruption) in other to deceive the people. This was needed in other to use the same Bible to deceive the people and make them accept slavery happily. It worked. With Holiness, faith, deep-Old Testament-understanding and sound-Spiritual-eyes one cold easily point out all what were added by the Vatican. For this reason, a serious review of the entire Bible is presently going on. We do not need more lies. Mba! Summary: This is where Christians got lost. The Pope is described in the book of Revelation as the False prophet who commits fornication with the Corrupt leaders of the world. We are Yahushuan Christians-Followers of Yahushua Messiah whom the Rome/Vatican and the fake Jews (Zionists) killed and changed his name to Jesus and used the picture of Cesare Borgia Son Of Alexander Pope 6. as their Jesus. The true Hebrews are Black Africans including the Igbos of Biafra who have been under a curse according to Deuteronomy 28:1-End. The true Messiah is your black brother and he is indeed around as we speak. Who else would save the world now that everything is upside-down? The Pope is the head of the Antichrist family. The pope is the leaders of the New World Order One-World Religion. Pope Francis has merged with Islam and they are responsible for ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, Ebola Etc. The Vatican, through Jesuits, controls every government and every institution in this world. They have taken over the World as we speak=New World Order of Illuminati and Freemason has successfully hijacked the world. Revelation 12:9 informs us that Satan will deceive the entire World. How did this prophecy get fulfilled? Short History: Satan occupied Egypt through the Egyptian Pharaohs hence Egypt became the first civilization in the World as Satan revealed YHWHs Secret Information to Humans via Secret Societies and called them TECHNOLOGIES. The Original Hebrews who were your black brothers were held captive as slaves in Egypt. Later, YHWH Elohim delivered them from the hand of Pharaoh Ramses. Our people came to the promised land after proving difficult to be led by the anointed of YAH-Moses (Black prophet). Finally, they came into the promised land and occupied it. They kept on provoking our father and God-YHWH Elohim the God of the Hebrews--- reference Yisrael=country/people still in existence with this as a part of her Biblical history of Old Testament =39 Books). If you read Deuteronomy 28:1-End, you will learn what went wrong and why our people are suffering till date. The idols your Igbo ancestors worshipped and your present day Elders still worship are All from Egypt and are All directed to Amen-Ra (the SUNgod) hence you say Amen when closing a prayer=this is from Amen-Ra god of Egypt worshipped by Vatican via Secret Societies of Illuminati and Freemasonry. It is this same SUNgod which the Vatican and Roman Catholics worships till date (Knowingly and Unknowingly). Vatican only covered iher Paganism with the blanket of Christianity. This happened early AD when The Roman Empire hijacked Yisrael, looted Solomons Temple, Killed the Original Hebrews while some escaped-these are the so-called Diaspora till date-the 10 lost tribes of Yisrael till date. In the year 325AD, the Roman Empire under the leadership of Constantine the Great corrupted the New Testament of the Bible by creatively adding information which Yahushua never said thereby contradicting the New Testament of the Bible. Vatican could not do the same to the Old Testament since the Old Testament has same content as the Hebrew Torah We are the true Hebrew Igbos who have traced our origin back to E ri, N ri, Gad and then Yisrael. The true Hebrews thus. We are not here to convince you but to inform you and we have told you that Yahushua Messiah (Christ) is around. You do not need to believe us because you will see what happens next all over the world 2014-2016. Repent now and get saved or continue sinning and perish---there will be no mercy. We wish you success. MESSAGE TO BIAFRAN ELDERS AND THE BIAFRANS. First of all, YHWH Elohim your God is demanding the immediate surrender of all Igbo and Yisrael sons and daughter by denouncing and burning with fire, all their hidden idols which have polluted Igboland, Biafra and the World. A Global War is on the way and Biafra would be affected IF... This war is worst than any war any of you have ever seen before, It is the New World Order with marshal laws and complete hijack. Unless you run to YHWH Elohim your father and God now, you will suffer and die in the hand of New World Order. Only Yah can save you now. Any Biafran who refuses to repent after this call would be destroyed without mercy. Please never make the mistake of bringing in Democracy in Biafra (Igboland) because Biafra is truly a Holy land and it is a serious part of the New Jerusalem on Earth-Coming very-very soon. if you neglect this warning and go on to pollute Biafra with Corruption and Democracy, the team that allowed this abomination called Democracy in Biafra would die a painful death. All Pro-Biafran groups are hereby dissolved by YHWH Elohim and Yahushua Messiah (Christ) themselves. If you doubt us, then challenge us and see if you will not be used as example for all Biafrans to understand that the party is over. Following the instructions from our creator and owner-YHWH Elohim , we hereby announce the the End of the Political liberation of Biafra. YHWH Elohim and Yahushua Messiah do not require permission from Democracy or any World Leader before establishing the Holy Kingdom of Biafra with Yahushua Messiah as the King of Biafra and the King of Kings. We hereby bear witness before all Biafrans who read this message or similar messages that these messages are directly from the Almighty Creator of the entire Universe YHWH Elohim and fully supported by Yahushua Messiah (Christ)- his anointed King of Kings. HalleluwYAH!!! Otua! Otua! Otua hu!!! Engr. Obioha Ezekwesiri (ICT) The Last Messenger of YHWH Elohim Messenger of Yahushua Messiah (Christ) Adviser: Holy Kingdom of Biafra. https://youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=W2Cv5hZfOmk Welcome to BUTv https://facebook/groups/BiafranUnityTelevision/
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 09:36:06 +0000

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