Enhancing Your Own Respect Ascended Master, El Morya’s Weekly - TopicsExpress


Enhancing Your Own Respect Ascended Master, El Morya’s Weekly Message ~ June 24 – July 01, 2014 received by Julie Miller June 24, 2014 Every time you choose to do something you know you should be doing instead of what you would prefer or want to be doing you are exercising self-discipline. Self-discipline dear ones is that inner power that gives you that push to get up in the morning when you’d rather be snug in your blankets and sleeping a bit more just to go for a morning run or walk, or to clean, or to do anything that is productive, healthful and helpful. Self-discipline is the declaration of your willpower in action which overrides even your most basic of desires as you are in control of all that you are in what you are doing. Self-control has always been synonymous with self-discipline, they are one and the same. Someone who demonstrates self-discipline demonstrates having the personal initiative to begin something and has the strength to persevere. So many people are still finding self-discipline to be an ugly term but when you are disciplined you have the inner strength to overcome difficult situations regardless if they are physical, emotional or mental much better than someone who is lacking self-discipline. Self-discipline encourages you to forgo instant satisfaction or gratification in favour of achieving something better and more satisfying even though it may take a bit more time and effort. Discipline dear ones is one of the essential keys to living a successful and fulfilling life and is something we encourage more Children of God to incorporate and to improve upon. Of course there are many benefits found from adopting a more disciplined way of being. When you are applying consistent effort to do the things you know you should do at the time you know they should be done your self-esteem will rise dramatically as you will watch yourself step-by-step accomplish each task. When your willpower is strong and you are moving within the power of self-discipline you are raising the odds that you will succeed your goals. Does this sound like hard work? You bet it is. Disciplining yourself requires great willpower and determination and it requires you to be consistent with your actions that you will continue and not quit when things get tough. Not only will people respect you more for your ability to persevere in your goals and to achieve by not allowing your desires or distractions to dissuade you, but you will have enhanced respect for yourself. There are many other benefits that can be found as you apply more discipline in every day occurrences including the likeness that you will have positive influence on others. Remember dear ones, every good and Right thing that you do and make happen does influence the lives of those around and effects those closest to you with long-lasting effects. By being consistently disciplined you will greet more success in all areas of your life. Just think for every disciplined action, your return is greatly multiplied. You will definitely enjoy life a lot more and find yourself in better, uplifting experiences. Although if you lack self-discipline it is has a land-slide effect. If you are consistently neglecting to do the things you know you should be doing when they are needed to be done, then those goals do not get reached. Any goal that is worthwhile dear ones always requires you to apply discipline. When you are lacking self-discipline, you may pretend to be happy, but deep inside you will not feel good about yourself because you know you are really meant to achieve in something, to fulfil a goal and to reach a successful end. No matter how hard you try to justify your actions for not being more disciplined, you are only making things worse as your Self doesn’t appreciate being lied to. When you choose to demonstrate actions that clearly indicate you are lacking self-discipline any respect you had from others because they depended on you to complete certain goals is depleted. And if this happens too often the respect for yourself also weakens. Making the mature choice to become more disciplined will have a powerful influence on every area of your life. If you are choosing to become more disciplined, then it is paramount to make a commitment to yourself that from this very day and every day after you are going to do the things you know you should, when they should. And as part of your commitment, you will not permit yourself to come up with pretty excuses or try to justify or lie to yourself as to not doing what you know you should do. If you are one of God’s Children that is known for struggling with discipline, then we suggest that you start on small things and work yourself up gradually. Start doing simple things, things that are easy, things that you do with barely a thought and do them. Small things could be taking out our garbage every day, or brushing the fur of your pet, or tidying up your workspace at home; pick something that you know is easy and work at it bit-by-bit and before you know it, you’ll be done. Whenever you are doing something that has you feeling uncomfortable, remember the discomfort is because you are growing. Every time you step beyond your comfort zone, you grow and there will be a few growing pains until you fulfil the steps you are applying. If something frightens you, we encourage you do what you are afraid most first and before you know it you are conquering your fears and growing beyond your normal comfort zone. As we mentioned before, becoming disciplined is difficult and quite possibly one of the hardest things to improve upon, but at the same time it can easily become the most rewarding and satisfying. Try to remember dear ones that every success that you have had up to now has been because of discipline. So if you honestly and truthfully think about it, you already know the power of discipline and what it can bring. What we want, what I want dear ones is give you a little nudge to do something you have ignored in favour of something else. As you go through the various steps that will have you completing this task try to observe yourself and recognize yourself within each step of the task or goal that you finally doing. By applying consistent awareness and continued effort you will be able to train yourself to becoming more disciplined, consistently and that dear ones is beautiful. Just imagine how much more you can accomplish when you are working with the power of discipline and self-control. Don’t forget to celebrate your accomplishments, give yourself credit for reaching the end of your goals and tasks. Even if they are not witnessed by someone else, God is right there beaming with Fatherly pride and your disciplined actions are witnessed by you and you are the harshest of judges. When you are applying self-discipline dear ones, in its most subtle of forms, you are also loving yourself. And so it is… I AM Ascended Master, El Morya… …through Julie Miller youtu.be/rwSnC4h4jUA
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 02:49:06 +0000

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