Enigmatic-----Aphorisms! What? If it was announced, Christ was - TopicsExpress


Enigmatic-----Aphorisms! What? If it was announced, Christ was going to be speaking in a church this coming Sunday, most individuals out of curiosity would go to hear Him speak, but they would not understand what He was saying, then leave the church, walk away disappointed. How can I say this? Because Christ requires people to think. Today we do not have many thinkers. I shall explain. There are two types of teachers, preachers or speakers (even speakers in general). First; there are those who speak and they are thinking for you. All one is required to do is listen, go away bored and immediately go on with life. Second, there are those who make you think for yourself, they are not boring, instead they may ruffle your feathers to began with, but the more you think about what the speaker said, the more it makes sense and you began see the value or truth in what they said. Christ spoke in such a way, He caused people to think. Some individuals became highly upset, walked away, never to follow or listen to Him again. Some religious scholars became so upset, because He explained their biblical truths differently than they did and taught, so they set out to have Him killed. Eventually they did succeed. Now, to my enjoyable title. Did it make you think? Good. I have made my point. If not, it reveals who thinks and does not think. If you continued to read my post to understand the words, then you are thinker. These words describes the types of teaching and preaching Christ mainly used. Enigmatic implies; mysterious, difficult to understand. Aphorisms; a statement with a general truth, for example if it aint broken do not fix it. Christ would often speak and not uses a Bible verse as a text. Today preachers do. For an example of aphorism; The last shall be first and the first last. This is not recorded in the Old Testament. Can you imagine Christ not uses a Bible text? Another example of Christ speaking is; the so called sermon on the mount. How would you enjoy going to church Sunday, the preacher quotes a few one sentence statements, then remarks, thanks for coming, you are dismissed. You were only in church ten minutes. (Some may say amen to this) Well, this was what Christ often did, He spoke simple statements and did not explain them. Why? He desired for individuals to walk away, go and think on their own about what the statements implied to them. Today a preacher will speak for thirty minutes on a statement Christ spoke, the preacher himself may or may not have understood it, (he has to go, get another message for Sunday night so he had forgotten what he spoken about for 30 minutes. I am speaking from is experience ) but he wanted the people to understand the truth, but the problems is they did not, because they have not personally taken time to mediate on the truth to see how it applies to them. Christ spoke in parables, (fictitious stories) similitudes (real life events or happenings the people knew about) exemplary (true morals or religious realities) Why? Because he desired for individuals to use their God given imaginations, minds, thoughts, time, to think on their own without always being told by other what to do. Have many times have you heard someone say, go think on your own, I am not to do all your thinking for you. This was Christ approach in His teachings, preaching and deeds. Think! Work through what you are hearing, even in the different ways and difficult, hard to understand statements I am saying. Christ spoke to arouse people to think. Yes, what he spoke may be incomprehensable, mysterious to began with, but here was His point. They who have ears to hear and eyes to see, let them understand. These are the Thinkers now, if you hear a truth and three or four days later you are still thinking about the truth, then you have perhaps heard the Lord speak to you and it does not always have to be from a Bible text. Remember Christ used ENIGMATIC and APHORISMS (stories and real life events) to speak truths. Christ is not looking for those who do not think and are always having to be told what to do. But they think, see the truth, and apply the truth on their own from the Bible, from stories and real life events. I take no great delight in thinking for others. Here is why, men are called to teach and preach, so as to challenge others to think own their own and not to think for the people. I want others to think on their own. So, does Christ. Where are today THINKERS?
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 15:06:36 +0000

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