Enjoy...Please Feel Welcome To Share With Whomever THE HOLY SPIRIT - TopicsExpress


Enjoy...Please Feel Welcome To Share With Whomever THE HOLY SPIRIT Leads You To Share With... GOD LOVES YOU.....MAKE SURE HE KNOWS THAT YOU LOVE HIM....... GENTLENESS THE VOICE OF REVIVAL GENTLENESS IS OF THE SPIRIT: By:Clarence Folsom Blessed are they who labor for Christ.Please feel welcome to send any and all Bible related questions to me at:Clarence Folsom . Please,by all means; forward this to the world. From my desk this Tuesday: My lesson is taken from Galatians 5:22. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness…….A prominent businessman spoke of his secret of success; it is to apply a gentle touch in everything you set your heart to do. Now this gentleness is not a natural thing; but it is a fruit of the spirit; that can be gentle even with your enemies. If we are striving,pressing, and continually on edge; you shall not succeed. We must trust God for His Grace to be at ease when we are doing the work of the King. A golfer who makes the longest drive down the freeway learns to swing his club with a heart that is at ease,. The expert typist does his or her best when their soul is at ease. Also, the Christian whose life; in this happiest,is the one who is fully persuaded in what he believes. We shall receive answers from God; when we seek to walk in the Golden rule; to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This Christian walks in love even for those who seek you hurt; they go about quietly; and calmly; this is the true fruit of gentleness. Jesus said follow me; walk always in love. Jesus was never in a hurry, never anxious; for His soul was filled with the Spirit of God; He never wasted time or energy, and yet He did the biggest job in seeking and saving the lost; and healing ALL that were sick or demon tormented. His calmness was based on His truth in God to go before Him. The Lord’s victory came not of the world; it flowed from within. I believe we can also walk in the Spirit and draw; as a branch in the Vine (Jesus); His peace; His love, His gentleness; and live without pressures in this world even though it is steeped in evil. How? For God is still on the Throne and Jesus is going before us to give us His Grace to walk in a calm life. In the Gospels over and over; Jesus tells us; cast all your cares and needs upon Me; for I am meek and lowly; and I love you. The transgressors ways are hard; but my yoke is easy and my burdens are light. The Spirit works mightily within on our behalf; if we will only walk in love; and learn to yield ourselves into His hands. The Psalmist voices this shout; your gentleness, dear God, has made me strong. Truly we live and have our being in Christ; He is our Grace, our Strength, our Victory. And the source of our being able to love; For God is LOVE. As we seek to live in God’s Will, with confidence and faith boosted by Love; there will come God’s gentleness and we will agree with God in all our thoughts, our walk, and what we speak; this is walking in the Spirit and gentleness will flow. Amen and love from Clarence
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 20:37:39 +0000

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