Enjoy the reading for this week...it is going to be a powerhouse - TopicsExpress


Enjoy the reading for this week...it is going to be a powerhouse of change and initiation. Let go and be only in the moment. General Reading Jan 21st to 28th 3 Rune Pull/ Moon is in the waxing crescent phase this week Now- Ing (Rune 6 of 13 in the Initiation Cycle) Ing is a rune of completing new beginnings and fertility. It is also an initiation rune and appears halfway thru the 13 rune cycle. Ing is deeply connected to the moon, intuition, harmonizing relationships, and a yearning to share oneself with others. The new moon on the 21st heralded a time of new beginnings; we are now in the time of actively engaging, accepting, and receiving, all the new moon is bringing forward. No matter the scene before you, staying positive is critical. Sometimes the transition from the old way to the new beginning requires letting go of long-held opinions of how things should be or how they need to feel or look. This week give yourself permission to truly release all that does not serve you. Whatever is happening in your life this week, know that movement is critical--The time has come to enter the delivery room and bring your new self into the world. Undercurrent- Daeg (13 of 13 in the Initiation Cycle) Daeg is a rune of breakthrough and transformation. It represents a complete torus field, as well, which occurs only when everything has fallen into place (right action at work). Once a complete circuit is formed the torus field acquires a momentum that you will not be able to alter without great effort. In the undercurrent position this rune is very powerful and catalyzes our progress toward actualizing and fully receiving the changes/breakthroughs taking place within the Self (changes ultimately reflected in our day-to-day lives). As the torus field gains ever greater momentum it can be frightening to feel our ability to control things slipping away, especially for those of us that like to imagine we have control over our lives. :-) Take a pause....breath....Now is the time to accept with radical trust the torus field you have set in motion is divinely guided and will not only bring goodness to you, but protection as well. Give thanks. You are the lighted orb that is cresting the horizon. A new day is dawning, is the statement running beneath all happenings this week. Future- Hagalz (10 of 13 in the Initiation Cycle) Initiations of the Self are never a simple progression of a-z, instead Spirit has us skip around, taking two steps forward and three steps back. This week all three runes represent a phase of the Initiation Cycle, proof of the great work you are doing. :-) Spirit seeks always to inspire us on our journey; with our goal being to live fully in the present and in a constant state of broken open to our deepest truth (Daeg). Hagalz in the future position serves as a reminder we are not there yet; but Spirit is giving us a taste of where we are going--of its great beauty and power. Though Hagalz has no reverse position, it always operates thru reversal. This means by the 26th-28th disruption will overwhelm your live in one or multiple forms. This is a rune of elemental disruption; change stemming from sources beyond your control. It is a rune often called The Great Awakener. For some this will be a gentle rousing from a living slumber. For others it will be like a fog horn has shattered your reality. Elemental disruption can take many forms; perhaps a relationship fails, well laid plans go awry, or a source of stability suddenly disappears. Since this is a critical time of breakthrough, you will likely have little influence over the causes of the disruptions; instead of trying to control the outcome, look within to your inner strength knowing each obstacle you face you will overcome and each is timely to your your growth. Elemental disruptions are necessary to our growth because they tear away our masks, and all we use to hide from our deeper truths. Hugs and love to all m :-)
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 06:25:44 +0000

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