Enjoy the story... Serenity (2005) Dr. Simon Tam: - TopicsExpress


Enjoy the story... Serenity (2005) Dr. Simon Tam: River... River Tam: I know. Were going for a ride. Dr. Simon Tam: But I think when they triggered you, it somehow brought this up. This memory. River Tam: It isnt mine. The memory, it isnt mine. And I shouldnt have to carry it. It isnt mine. Dont make me sleep again. Dr. Simon Tam: I wont. I wont. River Tam: Put a bullet to me. Bullet in the brain pan. Squish. Dr. Simon Tam: Dont say that! Not ever. Well get through this. River Tam: Things are going to get much, much worse. Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: But it aint all buttons and charts, little albatross. You know what the first rule of flying is? Well, I suppose you do, since you already know what Im about to say. River Tam: I do. But I like to hear you say it. Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: Love. You can learn all the math in the Verse, but you take a boat in the air that you dont love, shell shake you off just as sure as the turning of the worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down, tells you shes hurtin fore she keens. Makes her a home. River Tam: Storms getting worse. Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: Well pass through it soon enough. [preparing for heist] Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: Hey, little one. Understand your part in all this? River Tam: Do you? Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: Its what I do, darlin. [River walks away] Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: Its what I do. [after the hovercraft makes a crash landing in the hanger of Serenity. Simon runs to his sister] Dr. Simon Tam: River? River Tam: I swallowed a bug. [chased by a Reaver aircraft] Jayne Cobb: How come they aint blowin us out the air? Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: They wanna run us down. The up-close kill. River Tam: They want us alive when they eat us. Mr. Universe: [Watching the video feed of River fighting in the Maidenhead] And, she falls asleep. Which, she would be sleepy. Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: Can you go back? See if anybody spoke with her before she acted up... made any kind of contact with her. River Tam: [On video] Miranda... Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: Miranda? Go back further. Mr. Universe: [Watching Oaty Bar commercial] No... Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: Uh... please? Mr. Universe: Oh, Mal, youre very smart. Someone is talking to her. Hoban Wash Washburn: The oaty bar? Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: Subliminal. Its a subliminal message, broadwaved to trigger her. Mr. Universe: Ive been seeing this code pop up all over, the last few weeks. Its Alliance, and its high military. [pause] Mr. Universe: They have gone to enormous trouble to find your little friend... and found her they have. Do you all know what it is youre carrying? River Tam: Put a bullet to me. Bullet in the brain pan, squish. [giggles whilst crying] River Tam: [seeing visions of dead bodies on Miranda] Run-tse duh shang-dee, ching dai-wuhtzo... make them stop! Theyre everywhere. Every city, every... every house, every room; theyre all inside me! I can hear them all and theyre saying... NOTHING! GET UP! Please, get up! Wuo-shang mayer, maysheen byen shr-to. Please God, make me a stone. River Tam: You take care of me, Simon. Youve always taken care of me. My turn. [she dives through the closing doors, grabs the medikit, and throws it to Simon just before the doors close] Dr. Simon Tam: [deciding to leave the ship] River, do you want to stay with them? River Tam: It isnt safe. Dr. Simon Tam: No. I fear it isnt safe any more. [walks away] River Tam: [quietly] For them. Young River: People dont like to be meddled with. We tell them what to do, what to think, dont run, dont walk. Were in their homes and in their heads and we havent the right. Were meddlesome. Firefly: Objects in Space (#1.10) (2002) Jubal Early: All right, thats all the hide-and-seek I got time for. I know youre on this ship, little girl, so heres how this goes. You show yourself, we finish this exchange, or your brothers brains will be flying every which-a-way. You understand, Im sort of on the clock here. Its frustrating. River: Youre wrong, Early. Jubal Early: Im not wrong, dumpling, I will shoot your brother dead if you dont... River: Wrong about River. Rivers not on the ship. They didnt want her here, but she couldnt make herself to leave. So she melted. Melted away. They didnt know she could do that, but she did. Jubal Early: Im not sure I take your meaning there. River: Im not on the ship. Im in the ship. I am the ship. Simon: River... River: Rivers gone. Jubal Early: Then who exactly are we talking to? River: Youre talking to Serenity. And Early, Serenity is very unhappy. Mal: Am I dreamin? River: We all are. [Mal rolls his eyes] River: Dont make faces. River: She understands. She doesnt comprehend. River: I dont belong... dangerous like you. Cant be controlled... cant be trusted. Everyone could just go on without me and not have to worry. People could be who they wanted to be, could be with the people they wanted. Live simple. No secrets. Simon: No... River: Ill be fine. Ill be your bounty, Jubal Early. And Ill just fade away. Mal: How come theres a guy on board and how come youre all of a sudden the ship? River Tam: I know you have questions Mal: That would be why I just asked them. Zoë: I can take this guy out. River Tam: Hes faster than you - all of you. And hes wearing armor. Hoban Wash Washburne: What about his face? Is his face wearing armor? River Tam: Permission to come aboard? Mal: You know, you aint quite right River Tam: Its the popular theory. Mal: Go on. Get in there. Give your brother a thrashing for messing up your plan. River Tam: He takes so much looking after. River: Youre not right, Early. Youre not righteous. You got issues. Jubal Early: Yeah, well, you know me real well. River: Wish I didnt. You like to hurt folk. Jubal Early: Its part of the job. River: Its why you took the job. Power, control, pain. Your mother knew. Sadness in her when she aved good-bye. Shes relieved. Saw darkness in you. Youre not well. River: Youre not welcome here anymore, Early. Jubal Early: Do you think Im gonna leave here empty-handed? River: I know it. Jubal Early: Doesnt anybody care that I have a finely crafted gun pointed at this boys head? River: I care. Jubal Early: Then are you gonna come out and stop me from doing what I dont want to? You gonna be smart here, River? [River doesnt respond] Jubal Early: River? Serenity? Firefly: Jaynestown (#1.4) (2002) Book: What are we up to, sweetheart? River Tam: Fixing your Bible. Book: I, um... [alarmed] Book: What? River Tam: Bibles broken. Contradictions, false logistics - doesnt make sense. [shes marked up the bible, crossed out passages and torn out pages] Book: No, no. You-you-you cant... River Tam: So well integrate non-progressional evolution theory with Gods creation of Eden. Eleven inherent metaphoric parallels already there. Eleven. Important number. Prime number. One goes into the house of eleven eleven times, but always comes out one. Noahs ark is a problem. Book: Really? River Tam: Well have to call it early quantum state phenomenon. Only way to fit 5000 species of mammal on the same boat. [rips out page] Book: River, you dont fix the Bible. River: Its broken. It doesnt make sense. Book: Its not about making sense. Its about believing in something, and letting that belief be real enough to change your life. Its about faith. You dont fix faith, River. It fixes you. Zoë: River, honey, hes putting the hair away now. River: Doesnt matter. Itll still be there... waiting. [River is hiding after seeing Shepherd Book without his hair tied back] River: You see, the snow on the roof is too heavy, you see, the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger. Book: River, please, why dont you come on out? River: No! Cant. Too much hair. River: Just keep walkin, preacher man. River: I tore these out of your symbol and they turned into paper, but I wanna put them back, so... Firefly: Safe (#1.7) (2002) River Tam: Ruby doesnt talk. Her voice got scared away. [gets distracted and smiles] River Tam: I hear crickets. Doralee: I dont understand. If Ruby didnt talk, how do you know...? Dr. Simon Tam: Um, uh, my sisters... she-shes very good at- Whats wrong? Doralee: And they shall be among the people, and they shall speak truths and whisper secrets, and you will know them by their crafts. Dr. Simon Tam: What are you talking about? Doralee: Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. River Tam: The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds given adequate vacuuming systems. Mal: See, morbid and creepifying, I got no problem with, long as she does it quiet-like. River Tam: I remember everything. I remember too much. And some of its made up, and some of it cant be quantified, and theres secrets, and... Simon: Hey, i-its okay. River Tam: But, I understand. You gave up everything you had to find me. You found me broken. Its hard for you. You gave up everything you had. Simon: Mei-mei, everything I have is right here. River: Little soul, big world. Eat, sleep, and eat. Many souls. Mal: Cattle on the ship three weeks, she dont go near em. Suddenly were on Jianying, and shes got a driving need to commune with the beasts? River: They werent cows inside. They were waiting to be, but they forgot. Now they see sky, and they remember what they are. Mal: Is it bad that what she said made perfect sense to me? Gabriel Tam: [after young Simon swears in Chinese] Language, young man. Young Simon: Sorry, Dad. The Independents attacked us with dinosaurs. Young River: Simon lost his head in the heat of battle. Gabriel Tam: [Chuckles and says something in Chinese] Because there were dinosaurs involved, I think well let it slide. Firefly: Ariel (#1.8) (2002) Simon: This is the recovery ward. This is where patients come to get better. River: Theyre going to die. Simon: No one is going to die. River: [points] He is. [after slashing Jayne with a knife] River: He looks better in red. [Simon prepares some bad rice] River: I dont want it. Simon: River, you have to eat. Its good. It tastes like... [Simon samples rice and grimaces] Simon: Its good. Jayne: It smells like crotch. Simon: Do you remember why we went to the hospital? River: Is it time to go to sleep again? Simon: No, mei-mei. Its time to wake up. Firefly: War Stories (#1.9) (2002) River Tam: No power in the verse can stop me. Simon: Did you do anything today? River Tam: Played with Kaylee. The sun came out, and I walked on my feet and heard with my ears. I hate the bits, the bits that stay down and I work, I f-function like Im a girl. I hate it because I know itll go away! The sun grows dark and chaos has come again. Its... fluids. What am I? Simon: You are my beautiful sister. River Tam: I-I threw up on your bed. Simon: Yep. Definitely my sister. River Tam: Cant look, cant look. Firefly: Bushwhacked (#1.2) (2002) Mal: [on the bridge; all looking at the ship that set of the proximity alarm] Mal: Bring us in a little closer. Wash: Get you close enough to ring the doorbell. Dr. Simon Tam: What is it? [standing in the doorway, completely out of sight; softly, as if talking to herself] River Tam: Its a ghost. [half smiles briefly] Dr. Simon Tam: [Rivers sitting up in bed, face hidden in her hair & hands; panting & sobbing softly] Dr. Simon Tam: Bad dreams again? River Tam: No I - I cant sleep. Theres too much screaming. Dr. Simon Tam: [pause, River still sobbing; sounds slightly worried] River, there is - there is no screaming River Tam: [looking straight at him; whispers] There was. Dr. Simon Tam: [When River enters the abandoned ship] River! What are you...? River Tam: I followed the voices. Firefly: Trash (#1.13) (2003) Simon: Youre in a dangerous line of work, Jayne. Odds are youll be under my knife again, often. So I want you to understand one thing very clearly: No matter what you do or say or plot, no matter how you come down on us, I will never, ever harm you. Youre on this table, youre safe... cause Im your medic. And however little we may like or trust each other, were on the same crew. Got the same troubles, same enemies, and more than enough of both. Now, we could circle each other and growl, sleep with one eye open, but that thought wearies me. I dont care what youve done, I dont know what youre planning on doing, but Im trusting you. I think you should do the same. Cause I dont see this working any other way. [exits] River: Also, I can kill you with my brain. Jayne: Well, as a rule, I say girlfolk aint to be trusted. River: Jayne is a girls name. Jayne: Well, Jayne aint a girl! If she starts in on that girls name thing, Ill show her good and all I got man parts. Simon: Im trying to think of a way for you to be cruder. I just... Its not coming. Firefly: Heart of Gold (#1.12) (2003) River: [as her brother tends to a woman in labor] Who do you think is in there? Inara Serra: How many babies have you actually delivered? Simon: As the primary? This would be the first. You? Inara Serra: My first too. River: Mine too. Firefly: Out of Gas (#1.5) (2002) River: [after Simon looks at her to see if they found out his birthday from her] Day is a vestigial mode of time measurement based on solar cycles. Its not applicable... I didnt get you anything. [River finds Book reading the Bible] River: Dont be afraid. Thats what it says. Dont be afraid. Shepherd Book: Yes. River: But you are afraid. Shepherd Book: Yes. River: Youre afraid were going to run out of air. That well die gasping. But we wont. Thats not going to happen. [Book looks at her hopefully] River: Well freeze to death first. Firefly: The Message (#1.14) (2003) River Tam: My food is problematic. Jayne Cobb: Girls a mind-readin genius, cant even figure out how to eat an ice-planet. River Tam: [to Simon] You are such a boob. Firefly: Serenity (#1.11) (2002) River: [quietly] I didnt think youd come for me. Simon: [long pause; just as quiet] Well, youre a dummy. [both smile briefly] [River wakes up screaming; looks around frantically; scrambles out of the box; cringes in fear, hyperventilating as Simon breaks loose from Jaynes grasp; cautiously approaches her] Simon: R-River... [River gasps] Simon: Hey, its okay. Its okay. Its okay... Its okay. Im here. River: [calms as recognition dawns on her] Simon. [silence; starts breathing erratically and sounding frightened again] River: Simon they-they talk to me. They want me to - They want me to... Simon: No, theyre gone. [holding her face, sounds almost as afraid] Simon: Theyre gone. Theyre gone. Theyre gone - Were safe now... Were safe. Were safe. Im here. [hugs her; whispers] Simon: Come here. [River still sobbing, hugs him tightly, as if afraid to let go] Mal: What the hell is this? Simon: [looks up, still holding a shaking River] This is my sister. Firefly: Our Mrs. Reynolds (#1.3) (2002) River: [in a deleted scene, to Shepherd Book] We want you to marry us. Simon: What? We... no! [pause] Simon: What? River: Two by two. Everyone has a match, a mate, a dopple. I love you. Simon: No, River... mei-mei... of course, I love you too, but we cant be married. [to Shepherd Book] Simon: Shes really crazy! Simon: [River kicks Simon in the shin] Ow! Ah, no, I - I dont mean crazy... thats just - you know thats not something brothers and sisters do. I mean, on some planets, but only pretty bad ones. Firefly: Shindig (#1.6) (2002) River Tam: [mimicing Badgers Cockney accent] Sure, I got a secret. More n one. Dont seem likely I tell em to you now, do it? Anyone off Titan colony knows better n to talk to strangers. Youre talkin loud enough for the both of us, though, aint ya? Ive met a dozen like you. Skipped off-home early. Minor graft jobs here and there. Spent some time in the lockdown, but less than you claim. And youre, what, a petty thief with delusions standing? Sad little king of a sad little hill. Badger: Nice to see someone from the old homestead. River Tam: Not really. Call me if anyone interesting shows up. Badger: I like her. Jayne: [Whispering to the crew after River leaves] That there - exactly the kind of diversion we could have used.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 10:13:49 +0000

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