Enjoy this Word on this Monday! “Love means doing what God has - TopicsExpress


Enjoy this Word on this Monday! “Love means doing what God has commanded us, and He has commanded us to love one another, just as you heard from the beginning.” –2 John 1:6, NLT “God’s Definition of Love” Once upon a time when you wanted to find out the definition of a word, you went to Merriam-Webster. In other words, you would go to the Webster’s Dictionary. In this day and age in which we live, we have smart phones where all we have to do is speak into the phone and next thing you know, the definition has popped up out of nowhere. Well, today, instead of us using our phone or going to the dictionary, we’re headed to the Word to understand God’s definition of the word love. Let us receive what He poured into John here in the text. Our main scripture has placed us in 2 John. This is one of the shortest chapters in the Bible, as it only has one chapter and thirteen verses within it. Here in this book, we find John providing guidance to the people of his day and us on today about protecting what you have worked hard for in the Kingdom of God (verse 8). He also provides guidance on being aware of those that are unbelievers and those that don’t believe Jesus came from Heaven to Earth to live a sinless life, but die a sinner’s death (verse 7). In verse 6 of this book and chapter, John provides us God’s definition of love. Here it goes: “Love means doing what God has commanded us, and He has commanded us to love one another, just as you heard from the beginning.” If you are a child of God and you love God for all that He has done, for all that He is going to do, and for just being God, you ought to love Him enough to do what He has commanded you to do! If He commands you to be the best husband, than do what He commands! If He commands you to be the best wife, do what He commands! If He commands you to be the best son, daughter, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle, mother, father, etc., do what He commands! If He commands you to be the best minister, teacher, preacher, business owner, writer, or whatever, do what He commands! When you do what He commands, there are blessings attached to that! In this particular text, the command He gives to us is to love one another, just as you heard from the beginning. The Bible makes mention in Matthew 22:37-38 that we are to love our God with all of our heart, soul, and mind, and the second is like unto it that you should love your neighbor as yourself. With this being said, this paradigm of loving one another was established. However, God decided to minister this thought back to John and reinforce the point that He commanded us to love one another. Brothers and sisters, there will come some individuals that will get on your last nerve, but guess what? You still have to love them! There are going to be people that call you everything but a child of God, but guess what? You still have to love them! There are going to be people that you flat out cannot get along with, but guess what? You still have to love them! No matter what types of people you bump into whether if it is the one you love, the one you’re trying to love, or the one that you hate or the one that hates you, God’s definition of love requires you to love them just as He stated from the beginning!
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 23:02:58 +0000

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