Enjoying Surprises from Our Heavenly Father The Spirit you - TopicsExpress


Enjoying Surprises from Our Heavenly Father The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” Romans 8:15 What is the picture that forms in your mind when you think of your Heavenly Father? Do you view Him as a Father who is always ready to punish you and discourage you for doing wrong? Or do you see Him as He truly is, as our loving Heavenly Father, who loves us beyond what our minds can grasp and does everything only for our good. Friend, when you trusted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you entered into a new relationship as a true son or daughter of our loving Heavenly Father. God the Father looks at you just like He looks at His son Jesus, for you are now His son. He has completely forgiven you of every sin of your past, present, and future and He has forgotten them never to be brought up again. God wants you to come to Him for EVERY need; He is interested in every single area of your life. He protects you from all evil as you are His child. There is nothing you can do to make Him love you more or love you less, as He loves you with a perfect love. When we spend time with Him, talking to Him, loving Him and enjoying His presence we will see that He is constantly bringing precious surprises to us every single day. Just recently, I was having a down day. In this life, we all have down days when we are tired physically, emotionally, or spiritually. There comes into all of our lives depressing times that are hard to even explain. When no one knows you’re having a down day, your Heavenly Father knows you’re having a down day. While I was at work there was a precious family that I hadn’t seen in a long time stop by just to see me. It was an overflowing joy just to see them, talk with them, and pray with and for them. I know that God had that surprise waiting just for me. God knew I was down and had a wonderful surprise just to overflow me with His joy. We were able to encourage one another as Jesus works through people to touch other people. From that point on our Heavenly Father surprised me with more precious Divine Appointments as I was able to lead two precious young people to Jesus Christ later that day. Action Point What are you facing today? What do you need today? What is on your heart today? We can’t live in yesterday or tomorrow, but our Heavenly Father has given us today. Meditate on the fact that you are a precious, precious child of God, our loving Heavenly Father. He believes in you, He loves you, He saves you, He cares about you, He listens to you, He understands you, He is always there for you! Our Heavenly Father is interested in every single aspect of your life, no matter how small or how large. Say today, “I am a precious, set apart child of God with beyond amazing plans for my life beginning right now!” Give EVERYTHING, your family, finances, issues, sin, guilt, worry, sickness, and friends to your Heavenly Father and let Him surprise you in a wonderful way today! God bless you in an Awesome way this week!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 12:17:49 +0000

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