Enlarge your faith! Allow Me to make this a year of the miraculous - TopicsExpress


Enlarge your faith! Allow Me to make this a year of the miraculous instead of struggle for you! Your lack of faith is limiting what I can do in your life, yet you are blaming Me. Let Me take your life beyond earthly limits to a life you never even dreamed of. You are My beloved children all I have is yours! I desire My people would show more kindness in the world of darkness in which you live. How are unbelievers to know you are Mine if you act the same as them? Reach out your hand to the world around you in every possible way that they may see and experience My love and know Me through you. In this way, many more will enter My Kingdom, and you shall be greatly rewarded for bringing Me glory. Believe. My people, you do not believe Me for nearly enough increase your faith in Me. I can do so much more in your lives if only you will believe! Study My Word – see the miracles I did before your time? I am the same today and I desire to do them so much more for you today! When you believe, you must release that situation or desire to Me to fulfill. Completely. If you do not release, you do not truly believe. I have so much more to say to you, My people a great storm looms on earth’s horizon, unlike any you have seen before. I desire you would stand in faith and fully trust Me as it approaches. Do not be afraid there is nothing in it I cannot protect you from if you will only believe. For those of you who are in crisis situations, I am about to bring you in in a big way. What I require from you is your obedience to me as best you know how, and that you control your tongues if you want Me to deliver you. For those of you waiting on assignments from Me your assignments are coming in the first three months of this new year, but you must watch for the clues of what they are so you will know how to proceed. Pay attention to the leading I give you in your spirits. You will have peace about what I have called you to do. Get ready to see a mass exodus of Believers leaving behind old traditions that have made the Word of God to no effect. Believers will leave behind their Egypts of vain religion into a new land of fullness. we must be ready to train those that have come out of the bondage of religion, and even alternative lifestyles. Watch as the Lord begins to shift culture with His Kingdom culture of Heaven Seven-fold restoration will come even on a governmental level. Wherever an ungodly leader of a nation steps down, the sons of light have the privilege to take that position. Nations will begin to see a new leadership as God restores. Whenever an ungodly person steps down in media, get ready for a son of light to take the position seven times more. The fulfillment of Isaiah 60 is coming to pass on a mass scale. This is going to be a decade of unprecedented harvest that the Church and the world have never seen. God says, I have heard the groanings of creation for the manifestation of the sons of God, and I am about to cause a media revival that will shake the heavens and the earth that no man can stop, that will invade with a Kingdom of power and a Kingdom of glory. I saw vision increasing within the people of God. God is expanding our borders and broadening our territory in this season. Vision is growing greater. It is going to come with a seers anointing. Words of knowledge, prophetic discernment and clarity of understanding will all become manifest in a greater degree if we yield to what the Lord is releasing. With this vision comes greater revelation. I see exposure coming once again. God wants the glory. What the enemy has meant for harm, God intends to turn around and use it for our benefit! Our response with this gift must always be love
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 13:02:26 +0000

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