Enlightenment is a lesson towards understanding of cosmic - TopicsExpress


Enlightenment is a lesson towards understanding of cosmic truth. To be enlightened which means to be introduced to cosmic truths. Enlightenment is not the perfection of a human being. It is only one of the many lessons of high wisdom that they can receive during their life time. Enlightened are the people who start to see beyond the microcosm and have a clear view of the macrocosm. Highly enlightened beings can see how all the different phases of earths growth are linked to the high point of her golden era. If more human beings can be enlightened and connect to the golden era, earth would have the change to relive this era. This why the gods want to build bridges between the pleroma and earth to educate people and help them not only to help them becoming enlightened but also to help earth becoming enlightened. Some people think that once true path is to have certain habits such as being vegetarian ,doing mediation, living in isolation or have a spiritual teacher. These actions will not lead you to enlightenment. Cosmic consciousness is the over all understanding of cosmic truths. Cosmic consciousness is an understanding that has no boundaries. It is the understanding of all that exists; all different expressions of what exists in all different planes and universes. Reaching the higher-self is a greater challenge and this can be done by being truthful to yourself and follow your true path. To discover your path which is related to your purpose is to see your true self which is a reflection of your higher-self and can be found in your creation code. It is a challenging task to face your true self which has been covered by many layers of fantasies for many years. An easy way to connect to your truth is to question your motivation behind every action,thought or belief. This will eventually lead you to an opposition between truth and false existence. There are people who try very hard to become enlightened using all different techniques taught by different teachers but they do not seem to succeed. I will reveal to you an easier way: first look at your life, what is very important to you, you true love and passion, keep it and cultivate it. What makes you unhappy, tired, weak and gives you no motivation you should abandon. Never be afraid of changing your life if truth is leading your way. The next step is to become one with nature and observe the greatness of the divine creation in front of your eyes. Experience the great harmony which characterises the work of the gods and how everything fits beautifully together. When one realises the perfection which is displayed in nature and trully understands it he/she has already received enlightenment. thebrotherhoodofman.blogspot.co.uk/
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 00:27:33 +0000

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