Ensure that your biggest Asset Continue to Work for you.... A - TopicsExpress


Ensure that your biggest Asset Continue to Work for you.... A little insensitive but people are your biggest asset in business. How many people do you know stay in one job because ‘the money is good’ or ‘the money’s not great but I love the job’?. That’s not to say that new blood in a business is a bad thing but holding on to the employees that you value is equally, if not more important since you have most likely invested a lot of money in wages, training and time. In dealings with many corporates, I’ve given a lot of thought as to why people stay at a job and also realised that the main reasons are: Money, career progression and job satisfaction. Again, someone can work for a company doing a job they don’t particularly enjoy but if there is ‘light at the end of the tunnel’, at least they’ll see the point to what they’re doing which can often be incentive enough. It’s very important to understand what each employee’s goals are. Not just when you interview them but throughout their time at the company since these can and likely will change over time. However, it’s crucial not to make false promises. Not just within this context but regarding anything. Career progression, money, relationships, anything. If you make promises that you can’t keep, the trust will be broken and very hard to get back. If the trust is goes, so does the loyalty. If the loyalty goes, so will the productivity, drive and eventually, your investment. What keeps me satisfied may not be the same as what keeps you satisfied. But what I’m talking about here is the job they’re doing and the atmosphere they’re doing it in. If you can build a team that works and feels like a team (with the managers included and the team feeling their work) it’ll build bridges that people won’t want to break. I personally would prefer to do a job I love in an environment I love with people I like for less money than a job that pays a fortune but that I hate. I don’t think I’m alone here. You can show appreciation for your employees without necessarily giving them raises all the time. If you give them encouragement rather than criticism and you’re are a leader rather than a boss (there is a massive difference between the two) then they will feel a loyalty to you and the business as a whole.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 11:04:42 +0000

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