Entering into September.......................................... - TopicsExpress


Entering into September.......................................... Phyllis Ford We have just entered into this month of September. If we have ever waited for an hour it is now. Now that we have stepped over into this hour we have walked upon a timed released revelation that is going to unfold over these next 23 days. A time of suddenlies, a time of revealing that which the Lord has ordered in our lives, even a time of gathering.....with it will come clarity, an ordering of strong discipline in the things of God, no more excuses, nor delays, and that which has been shadowed by the glory of the Lord shall become visible, We will not be waiting on time but time will be watching and waiting on us. Our outcome will have everything to do with what we focus on. What has us is key now and not so much what we have, Our ability to walk towards our destiny in the right spirit is very important. Major instructions await us. Are we ready to move forward? We can change what we dont like about our situations, surroundings and change things around us. As we become fully aware of what is going on around us, and as we seek the Lord for His wisdom in this hour, He will be found. None of us can afford to make the same mistakes, too much is at stake. So we must press into Abbas presence and ask Him to reveal to us where we are and if we are on course for where we need to be. There are key people who have been time-ordered into our lives as we move forward. Dont be surprised at who is around us and who has left the scene because the Lord knows all things. We must know those who are for us and even those who are not beneficial in our lives now. Knowing the difference will take keen discernment and prayer. So lets set a watch and press in like never before because our very destinies and future depends on it. Everything we do now will have purpose and will direct the pathways before us. Walking upright, praying much and looking to the Lord for our answers means everything. Be excited for the Lord holds great promise for us, His people. He knows what has been prepared for us. Carry great faith, great expectations and great grace . . . it will take all three to get us through. Watch and pray!! #TheWordoftheLordforSept2014 #thatwhichishiddenwillbemadeclear #Dontjudgeanythingb4itstime #thegloryisabout2berevealed
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 08:44:02 +0000

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