Enterprising learning lesson from Veteran banker Wee Cho - TopicsExpress


Enterprising learning lesson from Veteran banker Wee Cho Yaw Introduction: Veteran UOB banker Wee Cho Yaw, Singaporean citizen, let us learn from his wisdom. How to be lucky? To get lucky think POSITIVE. Lucky people enjoy certain common traits such as thinking positively, seizing “chance opportunities”, adopting a resilient attitude when they encounter a SETBACK. Our fortune seem tied to our FAME OF MIND. As a religious person for Muslim, Christian, an, Sikh and Jews, the words LUCKY can be substituted with “Blessed” or “ Righteous person”. As for Buddhist, Confucian, Taoist, hindu, the words LUCKY can be substituted with “WISE MEN”. Lucky People/Blessed People: Lucky people add VARIETY to their lives, think out of the box (Think out of the Silo). Lucky people are OPEN TO NEW EXPERIENCES. In doing o, they create more “CHANCE OPPORTUNITIES” for themselves to get LUCKY. Lucky people look to the FUTURE and do not DWELL on MISTAKES which may have caused the PREDICAMENT they are facing.. Lucky people have a positive attitude and lead happier lives. Different mindset: Unlucky people believe they are doomed to more BAD LUCK. Lucky people think that BAD LUCK/CURSES is TEMPOARY. Chance Opportunities: Unlucky people MISS chance opportunities because they are looking for SOMETHING ELSE. Lucky people SEE the chance opportunities and PURSUE THEM. Friendly Word of Advice to Lucky/Blessed People: With luck/blessing comes OBLIGATION. You OWE A DEBT and not just to your GODS. You OWE A DEBT to the unlucky person. Lucky Joke: Next time, when you meet me as a lucky person, please try to give me a HELPING HAND. Everyone deserves a LUCKY BREAK. Sharing of Chinese Confucian Wisdom by Henry Steven on I-Ching- Hexagram 48: Line 3 on The Well Line 3 – The Unused Well. “ The water is sparkling CLEAN, yet that person does not DRINK and ends up going THRISTY. We are not using the PRESENTED OPPORTUNITIES to their GREATEST POTENTIAL. The wise man makes good use of what is offered.” Application and Advice by Henry Steven Khoo: Through the years of gift in prophecy, the power of analytical, the ability to decipher the DNA of one’s character through the date of birth , the ability to decipher one’s character handwriting, all these are talents given by Creator, I never know my Creator has provided me with many CHANCE OPPORTUNTIES. I just list 2 lastest and new Chances Opportunities. The lastest are the NEW SILK ROAD ECONOMIC BELT, the future “PEACEFUL brotherhood” of China-Russian kinship in the global social, cultural, religious, business , economic and military developments. My advice to all global races- Stay positive, Walk the UPRIGHT PATH and cling close to the “breast of your CREATOR” for the CREATOR will provide and reveal many many mysterious secret of the UNIVERSE and your Chances Opportunity to those who are CLOSE FRIENDS OF CREATOR- JUST LIKE PROPHET MOSES IN THE BOOK OF TORAH!. I have the CONFIDENCE AND HOPE that all SUFFERINGS, CRISIS, CURSES/BAD LUCKS are TEMPORARY – FOR BEHOLD WE, the children of ADAM shall have a BRIGHT GLOBAL FUTURE IN THE NEXT PARADISE. AMEN. Meanwhile, I must start to embark on this CHANCE OPPORTUNITY by start to learn RUSSIAN………and perhaps to search and to adopt a RUSSIAN BROTHERS/SISTERS or to adopt young sons and daughters, adopt Russian God parents in the FACEBOOK and SOCIAL MEDIA for the ease of communication………. To me, Life is just a beginning!
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 05:39:23 +0000

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