Entheogens are here to help humanity cope with existential - TopicsExpress


Entheogens are here to help humanity cope with existential challenges in the coming times. Entheogens are the oldest form of consciousness research. Archeological research show that 4000 years ago man was using sacred mushrooms for divinity and cure. In the Rig Veda, the oldest known written account from India there was Soma, an entheogenic substance that cured the sick and was used for divinity. In modern times we have in the United States the National Peyote Church using legally peyote to cure the deprived population of Native Americans. Recently the Ayahuasca ( from the quecha language; the vine of the soul) has been witness from an remarkable spreading around the globe. Although met with police attention, church members were arrested and jailed for their religious conviction this Brazilian religion is now worldwide bringing a message of urgency about the state of our emotional, spiritual en environmental well-being. In a vision I saw that what in the religion is called Nova Jerusalem, in reality is another dimension of existence. This world will die, but people who know how to travel in time and space will be rescued and travel to another dimensions, 1. Come aboard these boats who rescue sincere seekers santodaime.nl https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10152639113849260&set=a.10152639104749260.1073741849.600909259&type=1&relevant_count=1 THE URGENCY OF AYAHUASCA PRESERVATION From The Ayahuasca Manifest: My initial expansion beyond the Amazon basin has had a high botanical cost. Especially one of my more scarce components, is being harvested excessively to meet the global... Meer weergeven Adopt a Medicinal Plant indiegogo CAMPAIGN FOR THE REALIZATION OF AMARUMAYO ETHNOBOTANIC RESERVATION IN AMAZONIA, AIMING AT PROMOTING THE SAFEGUARD OF LOCAL MEDICAL 1. https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t34.0-12/10524939_801356766565061_1657007129_n.jpg?oh=ec183e7e23fc2e15339a7f5ab36b019a&oe=53C3EFAD&__gda__=1405379837_8c5a35bc8d9e49d9196b4fc7f01f3ad1 1. fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net THE URGENCY OF AYAHUASCA PRESERVATION From The Ayahuasca Manifest: My initial expansion beyond the Amazon basin has had a high botanical cost. Especially one of my more scarce components, is being harvested excessively to meet the glo... Meer weergeven Indiegogo: Crowdfunding for what matters to you - start now! indiegogo Indiegogo is the worlds largest global funding platform. Founded on the principles of opportunity, transparency, and action,... Bovenkant formulier 1 keer gedeeldVind ik leukVind ik leuk • • Promoten • Delen o Onderkant formulier 2. Silvia Martins 7 juni - 15 juli via Birthday Cards MMarcos Terenas Birthday Remember to send a card for MMarcos Terenas birthday! Bovenkant formulier Vind ik leukVind ik niet meer leuk • Reageren • Send Card Onderkant formulier Maurício Fiores Birthday Remember to send a card for Maurício Fiores birthday! Bovenkant formulier 1 Vind ik leukVind ik niet meer leuk • Reageren • Send Card Onderkant formulier Constanze Weigles Birthday Remember to send a card for Constanze Weigles birthday! Bovenkant formulier Vind ik leukVind ik niet meer leuk • Reageren • Send Card Onderkant formulier Robert Brentons Birthday Remember to send a card for Robert Brentons birthday! Bovenkant formulier 1 Vind ik leukVind ik niet meer leuk • Reageren • Send Card Onderkant formulier Neto Oliveiras Birthday Remember to send a card for Neto Oliveiras birthday! Bovenkant formulier 1 Vind ik leukVind ik niet meer leuk • Reageren • Send Card Onderkant formulier Mulan Pucukitas Birthday Remember to send a card for Mulan Pucukitas birthday! Bovenkant formulier Vind ik leukVind ik niet meer leuk • Reageren • Send Card Onderkant formulier Sebastian Gerlics Birthday Remember to send a card for Sebastian Gerlics birthday! Bovenkant formulier Vind ik leukVind ik niet meer leuk • Reageren • Send Card Onderkant formulier Fabiano Gontijos Birthday Remember to send a card for Fabiano Gontijos birthday! Bovenkant formulier Vind ik leukVind ik niet meer leuk • Reageren • Send Card Onderkant formulier Tatiana Fonseca Oliveiras Birthday Remember to send a card for Tatiana Fonseca Oliveiras birthday! Bovenkant formulier Vind ik leukVind ik niet meer leuk • Reageren • Send Card Onderkant formulier Leo Artese Perfil IIs Birthday Remember to send a card for Leo Artese Perfil IIs birthday! Bovenkant formulier Vind ik leukVind ik niet meer leuk • Reageren • Send Card Onderkant formulier Maya Wakens Birthday Remember to send a card for Maya Wakens birthday! Bovenkant formulier Vind ik leukVind ik niet meer leuk • Reageren • Send Card Onderkant formulier Nina Mays Birthday Remember to send a card for Nina Mays birthday! Bovenkant formulier Vind ik leukVind ik niet meer leuk • Reageren • Send Card Onderkant formulier nog 54 3. Hans Bogers heeft de foto van Matricia Acacia Oevrouwen gedeeld. 3 uur geleden https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10152634892749260&set=a.10150748656039260.429792.600909259&type=1&relevant_count=1 Met Hans Bogers en 2 anderen. fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net Santo Daime, religie en sacrament De Santo Daime is een religie die begin 20e eeuw in Brazilië is ontstaan, en heeft kerken over de hele wereld, ook in Nederland. Centraal binnen de religie staat het drinken van het psychoactieve Sacrament Santo Daime. Santo Daime biedt een weg naar bewustwording en heling voor diegenen die ernaar o… santodaime.nl .. 3 bereikte personen
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 08:18:43 +0000

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