Entomology: The Study of Arthropods The word Entomology means - TopicsExpress


Entomology: The Study of Arthropods The word Entomology means “the study of Insects”. It is derived from two Greek words “Entoma” means “Insects” and “Logos” means “to study”. In real sense, entomology means the science of all kind of arthropods i.e. organisms/animals having jointed limbs or feet. “Arthros” means Jointed and “poda” means Foot. So, the members of phylum arthropoda have jointed limbs/feet. It is the 2nd biggest group of organisms next to sub-kingdom protozoa. Arthropods are also very important from medical point of view. Many of the cellular (bacteria, protozoa, helminthes) and non-cellular (viruses) pathogenic organisms may spread in domestic and wild animals, as well as humans, using arthropods as vectors. Here is a brief review of general characteristics, bogy systems and types of arthropods: go.rcvets/777487/entomology
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 19:53:21 +0000

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