Entrepreneurial model and business quotation sharing by Henry - TopicsExpress


Entrepreneurial model and business quotation sharing by Henry Khoo. We can learn from our Mr. Ng Ser Miang through his business and professional quotation. Introduction: Mr. Ng Ser Miang, a Buddhist by faith who radiates a strong positive mindset towards life. He was born in 1949- City of Shantou ( the same birthplace of my mother’s mother) He is International Olympic Committee (IOC ). Being a sports administrator “Sports development is like life. You have one peak after another peak after another peak and you continue your journey. And what you hope is to spread this good to as many people as possible Sport is one of the most powerful social forces for good” Lure of sailing “It’s the sense of freedom. You are out there with NOTHING but your boat and the sea and the sky. You deal with calm, with storm, with sunshine, with rain, with light and strong winds and currents. The whole environment is EVER-CHANGING. In a race, when there’s dead calm, you can sit there for hours. You can’t paddle, there’s no motor to start. You have to sense the WIND, judge the WATER and decide the best way to go. So I think it’s really STRATEGIC, you always have to have a BIG PICTURE OF THINGS happening around you” Singaporean can learn from “sailing metaphor” As Singapore sails into UNCHARTED WATERS amid more economic and political turbulence today, we as Singaporean should have a Can- do spirit and pull together in the SAME DIRECTION. The race is not over until you cross the finish line. If it is OFFSHORE RACING, your life literally depends on EACH OTHER (Other than teammates). So the building of strong bonds and friendship and trust in one another is CRITICAL. Singapore “We are at the stage of development where we are admired by others but less so by our OWN CITIZENS. People always look at Singapore as a shinning example, yet we DON’T SEE it OURSELVES. It is a pity. We have such a strong, powerful, wonderful heritage, we have achieved so much as a nation and we are not seeing it”. “ Singapore is also a land of opportunity, especially in this era of technology, where we are not constrained by geographical space. We’re free to explore to explore, push the limits, have a dream and work very hard to make it come true: Chinese Classical Wisdom being used: “Yin Shui Shi Yan” which means Never forget where you drink of water comes from” Comments by Henry Khoo: This also stress the importance of “giving back to society” In our modern day we can use this classical chinese wisdom which can means “to return, to renew ourselves with new skills and perhaps with new enjoyments toward life perspective:
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 05:51:08 +0000

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