Entrepreneurship can be a very lonely game at times. You spend - TopicsExpress


Entrepreneurship can be a very lonely game at times. You spend long hours on your computer, you have a million things on your mind at all times, and you have no one around you who really gets you. Your friends and family try to be supportive, but the truth of the matter is that don’t really understand your situation. Chances are, they’re still living 9-5 life and think you’re nuts for running your own business. They don’t’ understand what it’s like to build something from scratch, to call all the shots, and assume all the responsibilities. You probably often feel like you have no one to turn to for support and guidance, and like you’re trying to climb a huge mountain… all by yourself. It’s hard. I know. I’ve been there. The first few months of building my business were a rude wake-up call. As an entrepreneur, I thought I was going to be living the dream every day… But soon found that I was spending 10 hours a day in front of my computer, by myself, in my home office…. I haven’t admitted this often, but I felt really lonely and disconnected from others. Here I was pursuing my dream of being a successful entrepreneur, and I wasn’t even truly happy, because I was missing human connection in my life. I remember thinking… “I just wish I was surrounded by other people who are going through the same challenges I am… People I can develop deep friendships with and with whom I could share strategies and encouragement so we can all grow our businesses faster.“ I kept thinking back of the days when I was one of the best young swimmers in Canada and how I loved that I was in charge of my own performance, but also thoroughly enjoyed training with a team of other swimmers and being coached by one of the best coaches in the world. After reflecting on it, I figured there must be some sore of equivalent in the world of entrepreneurship, so I started seeking a solution to my predicament. #copy n Paste from Phil Drolet #Straight from heart #cheers buddy #philDrolet
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 09:27:36 +0000

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