Entropy Trumps Randomness and Defeats Evolution. Non-theists - TopicsExpress


Entropy Trumps Randomness and Defeats Evolution. Non-theists believe life came into existence because random molecular collisions eventually formed proteins and other life molecules. But a problem arises. Observed scientific law indicates that if a nice life molecule came together, entropy would destroy it. What is Entropy? It is often interpreted as the degree of disorder or randomness in a system. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states the entropy of a closed system can only increase. This means “order goes to disorder.” This scientific law explains: 1. Why you have to clean your house. It naturally gets messy so you expend energy to clean it. 2. Why you eat. Food provides energy to keep your body from falling apart. 3. Why we have police. Police exist to keep society from falling apart. I understand the Second Law of Thermodynamics is very favorably peer-reviewed, and favorable peer review is considered very important in the scientific community. What has this got to do with evolution? A common principle, Occam’s Razor, states that in explaining a thing no more assumptions should be made than are necessary. Scientists may claim they are doing this by exercising the religion of Materialism. That religion allows only consideration of material and the laws of physics. No supernaturalism. Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary defines Religion in number 4 as “Strictness of fidelity in conforming to any practice, as if it were an enjoined rule of conduct.” Thus we see that Materialism is a religious view imposed upon the Scientific Method. While those assumptions do not interfere with building a better mousetrap, they cause absurd conclusions concerning the origins of life. BTW, criticizing Darwin is heresy in the United States but is allowed in Red China. Some evolutionists argue for evolution by saying if you gave enough monkeys enough time they would eventually type Shakespeare’s plays. That is supposed to mean that given enough time the laws of physics and material interaction will result in life. But I did my own calculation that shows that a trillion monkeys typing for 14.3 billion years (the supposed age of the universe) will not even get you the first sentence of Romeo and Juliet! That of itself should show randomness and material interactions will not get what is required in the portrayed evolutionary scheme. And entropy will destroy anything that did come together randomly. Thus we must consider the possibility of a supernatural Intelligent Designer. In that respect, Genesis is not the only “show in town.” The Intelligent Designer could be Allah of the Koran, Vishnu of the Vedas, or some unknown entity. Intelligent Design theory will not conclude who the Designer is. Partisans of the Designer candidates need separate arguments for that. Only Intelligent Design can reasonably explain the complexity of life and the universe, but Materialism’s religious tenets do not permit considering anything other than the laws of physics interacting with material. Despite the evidence cited above, Intelligent Design thinking is strongly opposed. Could it be that belief in Intelligent Design would require accountability to an entity other than one’s self? Devout Muslims, Jews, and Hindus would certainly agree. Comments? Feel free to share.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 19:26:50 +0000

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