Environment News 9.11.14 Part V: No the G20 isnt going to talk - TopicsExpress


Environment News 9.11.14 Part V: No the G20 isnt going to talk the BIGGEST issue of our times - Cchange - But Lima has potential next month says Peruvian Enviro min As mentioned in the previous story, the UN’s climate change talks otherwise known as COP20, are coming up in Peru, next month, and it seems that at least one world leader – Peru’s Environment Minister Manuel Pulgar-Vidal - is determined to tackle the problem head on. The world will not accept another failure, he told the assembled officials and activists from 45 countries at Friday’s pre-COP forum in Isla Margarita, Venezuela. “Following the failure of the 2009 climate summit in Copenhagen, the international community must reach a new accord to replace the Kyoto Protocol.” He said adding that one of the stated goals of the Lima summit is to reach consensus on a draft agreement that can be signed at next years COP21 in Paris. Fortunately, the lead up has been very different to that of Copenhagen’s and, the consequences of climate change are very present and society is very loudly demanding we act. he said. “Science is also confirming this sense of urgency.” He said, adding that the world must slash CO2 emissions at least 41% by 2050 on the way to reaching zero net emissions in 2100 and the expectations set out for Lima are precisely those we should move toward to mobilize success in Paris with the signing of an accord.” In a departure from previous COP meetings, the preliminaries ahead of the conference in Peru have been more bottom-up than top-down, the minister explained, citing the pre-COP as an example. This gathering has been highly positive, Pulgar-Vidal said. It has been a good way of channelling social demands because many different groups and people – not just governments - are here. He acknowledged, however, that the negotiations must take place between nations, because it is only nations that can enter into binding agreements. globalpost/dispatch/news/agencia-efe/141107/time-action-climate-now-peru-environment-minister-says
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:12:44 +0000

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