Environmental Activists have been resisting Nuclear Power Plants , - TopicsExpress


Environmental Activists have been resisting Nuclear Power Plants , Coal Power Plants , Oil Industry , Tar Sands , Fracking , Industrial Dams , Mining Industry , Logging Industry , Manufacturing Industry and GM Food Industry for many decades. What is the net result??? All of them are functioning today.....None of them has been stopped. Activists never stopped the root cause of Industrial Activity. Nuclear Power Plants are being run and promoted by thousands of Nuclear Scientists and Engineers produced by Universities. Monsanto is being run and promoted by thousands of Genetic and Bio-Technology Scientists and Engineers produced by Universities. All Industrial Activity that has destroyed environment is being run and promoted by Millions of University Graduates.....Millions of Scientists, Engineers, Economists, MBAs, Business and Finance Graduates produced by Universities. It is very easy to say Big Corporations are destroying environment. Who is running the Big Corporations??? Millions of University Graduates are running the Big Corporations. Who is employed in the Big Corporations??? Billions of Urban Dwellers are employed in the Big Corporations. Universities have destroyed environment. Urban Population has destroyed environment. Stop Education.....Close Down Universities. Stop Urban Work.....Close Down the Cities. . . Pseudo Environmentalism : Activists trying to stop Nuclear Power Plants , Coal Power Plants , Oil Industry , Tar Sands , Fracking , Industrial Dams , Mining Industry , Logging Industry , Manufacturing Industry and GM Food Industry...... without stopping the Universities, millions of whose Graduates are running and promoting all Industrial Activity in this world , and without closing down the Cities, billions of whose inhabitants are the source/ cause of all Industrial Activity in this world. Billions of Urban Dwellers are engaged in the destructive cycle of Production of consumer goods and services , Selling of consumer goods and services and Buying of consumer goods and services. . . Industrialization was the biggest crime on earth. Agrarian society was the limit for man on earth. Cities are the Graveyards of Nature, Urban Dwellers the Executioners. Stop Education.....Close Down Universities. Stop Urban Work.....Close Down the Cities. . . If Urban Society stops its supplies to Rural Society it will live forever. If Rural Society stops its supplies to Urban Society it will die within a month. That is the worth of Urban Jobs, Consumer Goods, Growth Rate, Economy Rate and GDP. . . Urban Work is injurious to the planet. Mental Work is injurious to the planet. Desk Jobs are injurious to the planet. Only Physical Work is healthy for the planet. Millions of years of Physical Work did not destroy the environment. 100 years of Mental Work has destroyed the environment. For millions of years on earth, environment was destroyed for one main occupation......searching for food / producing food. In the last 100 years, Industrial Society has destroyed extra environment for hundreds of urban professions. Urban Jobs and Professions are unnecessary, destructive and worthless. Urban Economy is unnecessary, destructive and worthless. . . All urban jobs and professions of Industrial Society are destructive. All urban jobs and professions destroy environment. Even jobs and professions not directly associated with production and marketing of consumer goods and services destroy environment. In Industrial Society every profession requires a building....There are millions of people associated with almost every profession in this world, therefore hundreds of thousands of buildings are constructed for every profession which leads to destruction of millions of trees and millions of acres of fertile soil by cement, concrete and asphalt. These buildings require millions of tonnes of furniture, machines and other equipment, whose production destroys environment. These buildings consume huge amounts of electricity, whose production destroys environment. Millions of employees working in these buildings use transport to reach office and home, which destroys environment. And finally, millions of people working in any profession get salaries every month which are used to buy consumer goods and services which promotes industrial activity which destroys even more environment. . . All the extra destruction of environment has happened because of urban population. Urban work must be stopped immediately. Stop Urban Jobs. Stop Urban Professions. Stop the Economy. Stop Employment, not Unemployment. Eradicate Wealth, not Poverty. Life can sustain on earth only when everyone is poor and simple, not rich and consumerist. Economy, Urban Jobs and Professions are destructive and worthless. Economy, Urban Jobs and Professions have destroyed the planet. Promoters of Growth Rate, Economy Rate and GDP are the biggest Killers, Murderers and Terrorists on earth. . . Progress, Growth, Development. This is terminology for all unnecessary and destructive work being done by Urban Population. Growth Rate - Economy Rate - GDP. These are figures for all unnecessary and destructive work being done by Urban Population. . . Urban Work is a crime. Urban Dwellers are criminals. Urban Jobs are unnecessary, destructive and worthless. Urban Society has created hundreds of unnecessary, destructive and worthless professions to keep itself occupied. Urban Society has created millions of unnecessary, destructive and worthless jobs to keep itself occupied. Urban Population has destroyed necessary things [Animals, trees, Air, Water and Land] for making unnecessary things [Consumer Goods and Services]. . . Education Industry is the source of all Industrial Activity.....All other Industries are by products of Education Industry. Education Industry is the Mother of all Industries. Education Industry is the Mother of all Environmental Destruction in this world. Universities and Colleges are producing millions of Scientists, Engineers, Economists, MBAs, Business and Finance Graduates who are running and promoting all Industrial Activity in this world. All Industrial Activity that is destroying environment is being run by Scientific, Technological, Industrial, Business and Financial Education. The most dangerous and destructive industry in this world is Education Industry. Destruction of environment can never be stopped until Universities are closed down. Decimation of millions of species cannot be stopped until Universities are closed down. Destruction of Forests, Rivers and Oceans cannot be stopped until Universities are closed down. Accumulation of billions of tonnes of Metal Waste, Plastic Waste, Chemical waste, Gaseous Waste, eWaste and Nuclear Waste cannot be stopped until Universities are closed down. . . For millions of years on earth Searching for Food / Producing Food was the primary occupation for animal species, hunter_gatherer society and agrarian society. Urban Industrial Society is the anomaly....It is producing thousands of consumer goods and services instead of food. Industrialization was the biggest crime on earth....The biggest act of killing, murder and terrorism on earth. Agrarian Society was the limit for man on this planet. Millions of other species only get food from earth. The maximum that man can/ should get is food, clothing and shelter. . . Cities, Urban Dwellers, Urban Work and Urban Education are a curse on this planet. Urban Dwellers are serial killers of nature....Serial Killers of Animals, Trees, Air, Water and Land. *Growth Rate* - *Economy Rate* - *GDP* These are figures of Ecocide. These are figures of Crimes against Nature. These are figures of Destruction of Ecosystems. These are figures of Insanity, Abnormality and Criminality. We are approaching Environmental Apocalypse.......The only way to save the remaining environment is by stopping Industrial Activity for production of consumer goods and services immediately........Industrial Activity must be primarily limited to food, clothing and shelter.......and even in these three fields production and consumption must be kept to the minimum. This planet can only sustain Food Searching or Food Producing societies....For millions of years searching for food/ producing food was the primary occupation on earth. The whole society needs to be reorganized...Urban Dwellers have to be relocated in Rural Areas....Urban Dwellers have to either transform into full time food producers or they have to stop working in order to save the remaining environment from destructive Urban Work....They can be given food for free in order to save the remaining environment from destructive Urban Work. Industrial Society distributes Food Stamps/ Free Food to the unemployed. It also needs to distribute Food Stamps/ Free Food to the employed. Urban Work must be stopped immediately. . . The one and only cause of environmental destruction is Industrialization - Population is a non issue, A total non issue. Overpopulation and Overconsumerism are consequences / by-products of Industrialization. Moreover, It is not population that destroys environment....It is consumerism that destroys environment. The combined population of other animal species was much greater than present human population of 7 billion.....Yet other animal species did not destroy environment for millions of years because they destroyed environment only for food. A Hunter_Gatherer Society of 7 billion would have destroyed very little environment...... because it would have destroyed environment only for food......not for Industrial Activity for production of thousands of consumer goods and services. An Agrarian Society of 7 billion would have destroyed very little environment [compared to an Industrial Society of 7 billion]...... because it would have destroyed environment only for food, clothing and shelter.......not for Industrial Activity for production of thousands of consumer goods and services. [By the way, A Hunter_Gatherer Society would have never reached a population of 7 billion......An Agrarian Society would have never reached a population of 7 billion] Industrial Society has destroyed most of the biodiversity and ecosystems in just 250/ 100 years [Most of the world became heavily industrialized only in the last 100 years] because it destroyed environment for thousands of consumer goods and services in addition to food, clothing and shelter. If Industrialization had not happened, there would be no overpopulation and no overconsumerism. Industrialization, Overpopulation and Overconsumerism happen together.......Industrialization, Overpopulation and Overconsumerism happen at the same time. It is Industrialization that has led to a population of 7 billion.....Not overbreeding. The entire world was overbreeding before Industrialization.....The entire world is underbreeding after Industrialization. There used to be 5 - 15 children per family all over the world before Industrialization and yet world population reached only 1 billion till 1800 AD......After Industrialization the family size reduced drastically, most families are now having 1 - 4 children and yet world population jumped from 1 billion to 7 billion in just about 200 years. If Industrialization had not happened world population would be less than 2 billion today. India and China have large populations today because they started with larger populations thousands of years ago, since ancient civilizations thrived in these regions.....What was the population of Europe and America 2000 years ago???.....Was it comparable with the population of India and China???? .....And once again, In the absence of Industrialization India and China would not be having large populations today. If Industrialization had not happened, High death rate would have kept population of the world under control....Diseases caused by virus and bacteria would have kept population under control.....Feeding capacity of soil would have kept population under control....Shortage of food and water would have kept population under control.....Harsh Climatic Conditions would have kept population under control - People would not have been able to live in regions that are too hot or too cold. It is consumerism that destroys environment, Not population. Total World Population has not increased ……It has decreased……In fact total world population has been decimated. When we talk about population we should take into account population of all animal species on earth, not just human population. Industrial Society has decimated millions of Animal Species……Increase in human population has coincided with decrease/ decimation of millions of animal species.... The total burden of population on this planet has not increased…..It has decreased. The combined population of other animal species was much greater than present human population.....and we dont even need to include smaller animals in this count.....The combined population of big animals alone whose size and weight was equivalent to or greater than man was much greater than current human population of 7 billion before man decimated all the large animals. The amount of food this animal population was eating was much greater than the food consumed by humans today.......Yet millions of animal species did not destroy environment and lived sustainably on earth for millions of years......because they destroyed environment only for food and not for thousands of consumer goods and services. If animals had started a consumerist Industrial Society millions of years ago they would have destroyed all ecosystems millions of years ago. The entire world has been trying to control human population for 50 years and these efforts should / will continue in future.....so where is the problem with population??? It is so ridiculous of Industrial Society to complain about overpopulation when it itself is the cause of overpopulation......It is so ridiculous of Industrial Society to make attempts to control population while promoting Consumerism, Growth Rate, Economy Rate and GDP exponentially. If Industrialization had not happened this planet would have been in very good condition today.....There would be no overpopulation, no overconsumerism and only limited urbanization. A Non-Industrial Society would have destroyed some ecosystems on the land [Forests] but Marine Ecology [Oceans] would have been almost 100% safe today......Forest Cover would be much greater than what it is now....Millions of species on the land and in the sea would not have been decimated and would be thriving with very healthy populations......This planet would be free of Billions of Tonnes of Metal Waste, Plastic Waste, Chemical waste, Gaseous Waste, eWaste and Nuclear Waste.....The Oceans wouldnt have become Acidic, Warmer and Oxygen Deprived because of Industrial Waste. The one and only cause of environmental destruction is Industrialization - Population is a non issue, A total non issue. . . The present Global and Environmental Crisis are a consequence of promotion of western lifestyle across the world. Progress, Growth and Development (of the material kind) are / were primarily western concepts which were forced upon rest of the world. Today the entire world is collectively involved in destruction of environment but the biggest role in this process of destruction was played by Western Civilization. The West was the first to start Industrial Revolution and travel on the destructive path of Industrialization and Consumerism......It then forced western lifestyle on its colonies in Asia, Africa and America whose cultures it had already destroyed during the era of Colonization. The West took the entire world on the wrong path of Industrialization, Consumerism, Growth Rate, Economy Rate and GDP that has led to destruction of most of the Biodiversity and Ecosystems. The West did not have the foresight to know that a lifestyle based on loot, plunder and exploitation of natural resources would destroy the very things that created and sustained all life on earth for millions of years and ultimately lead to total destruction of biodiversity and ecosystems. The West started Industrial Revolution and promoted Materialism because it focused on Reason......The East had focused on Subjective Experience for thousands of years which led to Spiritual Development. The West spent its time and energy on reason which led to Scientific, Technological, Business and Financial thinking which has run Industrial Activity for 250 years after Industrial Revolution. The West has got very little knowledge of Spiritual Development.....Very little concept of peaceful states of mind / peaceful subjective experience. The Aborigines of Australia would not have started the Industrial Revolution. Red Indians / Native Americans would not have started the Industrial Revolution. The Africans are very unlikely to have started the Industrial Revolution. These cultures were quite happy and content with Physical Work, Rituals and Spiritual Practices. In India most of the population was engaged in Physical Work (agriculture) and a small percentage of population not doing Physical Work spent its time and energy on Subjective Experience which led to Spiritual Development.....Over a period of thousands of years they developed methods and techniques for making the mind quiet, tranquil and peaceful......The knowledge of subjective experience led to the fields of yoga, meditation and pranayama [breath control].......Material Development has destroyed the planet, If any kind of development was needed it was Spiritual Development. Human work should fulfill the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter.....It should not turn into overwork or destructive work.....If extra time is available to people and society after basic needs have been fulfilled it should be used for Spiritual Practices, Art and Culture. Humans have been given a brain that can make Industrial Machines, but that doesnt mean we should or we have to make Industrial Machines. Industrial Machines have destroyed environment. The option of stopping , not producing and using Industrial Machines was always there. Industrial Machines should never have been invented in the first place.....Once they were created their destructive impact on environment should have alerted man and he should have stopped production and use of Industrial Machines a few years or decades after he first built them.....Continuing with Industrial Activity for 250 years after Industrial Revolution is height of insanity, It has destroyed the entire planet. Human work / activity can be of three kinds - Physical, Mental and Subjective. If man had continued to spend his time and energy on Physical Work or Subjective Experience , Industrial Society would not have come into existence. Industrialization happens when you focus on Reason.....The way to stop it is by spending your energy on Physical Work and Subjective Experience. The biggest evil in this world is Reason which led to Scientific, Technological, Business, Financial thinking and Industrialization. . . In cancer the fourth stage is considered critical. Environmental Crisis has reached the four millionth stage. Radical actions are needed.....Drastic measures are needed. Discussion cannot save environment. For millions of years on earth, environment was not saved by discussion. Endless Discussion, Debate and Argument is a disease and insanity of Industrial Society that invented the Printing Press, Radio, Television, Telephone and Internet. Billions of pages of Discussion, Debate and Argument is another harmful waste generated by Industrial Society just like billions of tonnes of Metal Waste, Plastic Waste, Chemical waste, Gaseous Waste, eWaste and Nuclear Waste. . . More than 99% destruction of this planet has already happened.....Only the end of humans is yet to happen. Most of the Biodiversity and Ecosystems have already been destroyed. Species are not lost when they become extinct....Species are lost when they get decimated....Species were lost when their populations dropped from billions and millions before industrialization to thousands and hundreds after industrialization. There are(were) millions of species in this world....Most of them have already been decimated because Industrial Activity has destroyed most of the forests....Millions of Plant and Animal species have been decimated by Mining Industry, Logging Industry, Construction Industry, Manufacturing Industry, Energy Generation Industry, Oil Drilling, Oil Refining, Transportation Industry, Millions of kilometers of Rail and Road Networks, Ports and Airports.. If we calculate the decline in populations of millions of species after industrialization the combined loss will come to more than 99%. Rivers, Lakes, Oceans, Atmosphere and Land have been polluted, poisoned and killed by billions of tonnes of Metal Waste, Plastic Waste, Chemical Waste, Gaseous waste, eWaste and Nuclear Waste.....The entire planet has become a Toxic Dump.....All Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Industrial Waste that has been produced by Industrial Society in 250 years after Industrial Revolution has accumulated on earth....It has not gone out of earth. Oceans have turned acidic and warmer and there are oxygen deprived dead zones in the oceans....Fish in the oceans have been decimated by Industrial Fishing. Billions of acres of fertile soil that was the source of food to millions of species has been killed by Cement, Concrete and Asphalt. . . Industrialization was the biggest crime on earth. Agrarian society was the limit for man on earth. Cities are the Graveyards of Nature, Urban Dwellers the Executioners. Stop Education.....Close Down Universities. Stop Urban Work.....Close Down the Cities. .
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 04:04:13 +0000

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