Envision Festival and our Eco-nauts Ecoptopian Enterprises would - TopicsExpress


Envision Festival and our Eco-nauts Ecoptopian Enterprises would like to thank you in advance for helping to keep Envision a conscious and progressive gathering by planning in advance and maintaining awareness throughout the event about your impact to the land on which Envision is held. Envision is a Leave No Trace event, and we therefore always leave the land in as good if not better condition than we found it. We try to minimize waste sent to the landfills and maximize recycling and composting rates, conserve water as much as possible, mitigate our emissions impact due to transport of goods and people, source only environmentally-sound products and materials, and we always maintain positive relations with our surrounding community. As a participant at Envision, please do your individual part by: Bringing your own (BYO) water bottle. We will be supplying potable filtered water on-site! BYO bowl, plate, cup & utensils or plan to make them yourself with palm leaves, banana leaves, and bamboo on-site or buy bamboo ware at Envision Merchandise (limited quantities available!). We will have adequate dish washing sinks available for your use. In an effort to almost completely eliminate disposable food vendor waste, please help Envision and the global community by being conscious food consumers and resource conservers, and by not bringing any disposable plates, bowls, cups or utensils to the event. There will be no disposable plates or utensils at Envision 2014. Disposing of any and all packaging before you come to the festival. This includes cardboard boxes, plastic wrapping, Styrofoam, etc. Leaving the disposable glow sticks at the store, please. You shouldnt buy them to begin with, and you certainly should not bring them to Envision. Bringing a few clear garbage bags for your campsite waste. Please keep Landfill waste separate from Recycling waste and Compost. Before you depart at the end of the weekend, you can leave your sorted bags of campsite waste with an Eco Crew Volunteer at the Waste Sorting Area, but please do not drop off any campsite waste at any of the Bin Stations on site at any time! Being ready to sort all of your waste when you go to throw it out. Envision aims to send as little to the landfills as possible, and we really need the participation of all Envisionaries in our waste sorting efforts. Helpful members of the Envision Eco Crew will be around to help you get the hang of our sorting procedures. Love you ~ Envision Festival - Ecotopian Enterprises - Rancho La Merced - Community Carbon Trees Costa Rica
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 17:10:19 +0000

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