Envy: is a feeling of displeasure or indignation at someone or - TopicsExpress


Envy: is a feeling of displeasure or indignation at someone or something regarded as the cause of injury or insult; pique; irritation; a feeling of discontent and resentment aroused by, and in conjunction with, desire for the possessions or qualities of another; a resentful desire for another’s advantages, covetousness, enviousness, begrudging, resentfulness, resentment, grudging, spite; it is to feel indignantly aggrieved at another for what they have properly earned. According to a few thesauruses, the words of an envious person, when that wicked condition is maturing, are filled with hatred and resentment and indignation, bad feelings, anger, outraged spirit, ire, crossness, bad temper, ill will, rancor; acrimony, bitterness, acerbity, sourness, soreness, irritation, irritability; pique, wounded pride, offense, hurt feelings, displeasure; animosity, animus, malice, vindictiveness, vengefulness, spite. Out of envious persons comes: expressions of dissatisfaction, murmurings; complaint, grumbling, squawking, criticisms, protestations, unjust objections, tirades. True, these also come from other bad qualities, but these—and also worse—come from envy. a feeling of displeasure or indignation at someone or something regarded as the cause of injury or insult; pique; irritation; a feeling of discontent and resentment aroused by, and in conjunction with, desire for the possessions or qualities of another; resentful desire for another’s advantages, covetousness, enviousness, begrudging, resentfulness, resentment, grudging, spite; to feel indignantly aggrieved at another for what they have properly earned; According to a few thesauruses, the words of an envious person, when that wicked condition is maturing, are filled with hatred and resentment and indignation, bad feelings, anger, outraged spirit, ire, crossness, bad temper, ill will, rancor; acrimony, bitterness, acerbity, sourness, soreness, irritation, irritability; pique, wounded pride, offense, hurt feelings, displeasure; animosity, animus, malice, vindictiveness, vengefulness, spite. Out of envious persons comes: expressions of dissatisfaction, murmurings; complaint, grumbling, squawking, criticisms, protestations, unjust objections, tirades. True, these also come from other bad qualities, but these—and also worse—come from envy.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 23:27:33 +0000

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