Eoin MacKay is the hero in Highland Revenge. Here is an - TopicsExpress


Eoin MacKay is the hero in Highland Revenge. Here is an opportunity to learn a bit more about him: Ceci: Eoin, thanks for chatting with me. Can you tell me a bit about yourself? Eoin: I’m not in the habit of talking about myself, but I’ll have a go at it. I am 28 years old and have been Laird of Clan MacKay for the last several months, since my father died. Ceci: That is rather young to have such a responsible position. What is the biggest challenge you face? Eoin: I suppose I am young, but I have been trained to lead this clan for my entire life. Seeing to its safety and well-being is nearly second nature. The biggest challenge I face is dealing with my young sister, Anna. She is stubborn, outspoken and pushes my temper quicker than anyone I have ever met. Ceci: That surprises me. Teenage girls can be a handful but I understand your clan has a long-standing feud with the MacNicols. It seems like a feud with your sister would pale in comparison. (He laughs at this and I can’t help but note what a beautiful smile he has!) Eoin: Aye, we have a long-standing feud with the MacLeod’s as well. But I know how to handle an enemy—wee lassies, not so much. Ceci: Speaking of enemies, what caused the feud between the MacNicols and the MacLeod’s? Eoin: Our clans had never been allies, but we didn’t have open hostilities either until about eight years ago. I was young and stupid and was captured during a raid on the MacNicols. Bhaltair MacNicol, the acting chief of the MacNicols, threw me in his dungeon and left me there to die. He gave me no food or water. I think I’d rather face thumb-screws than thirst. At the time I had no idea why he did this. As Laird MacKay’s son I would have brought a tidy ransom but only alive. If it hadn’t been for a lad named Finn and a MacNicol guardsman, I would have died. As it was Finn secretly treated my wound and brought me sustenance. Eventually he helped me escape. I vowed vengeance on Bhaltair. Ceci: So you kidnapped his niece? Eoin: Kidnapped is hardly the word. Her men were foolish enough to cross my land while escorting her to Bram Sutherland, her betrothed. I simply detained them for a while. However, unlike Bhaltair, I did not treat them cruelly. Nothing would be gained by hurting them. (He grins) I simply asked an exorbitant ransom. I suspect forfeiting a copper to me would hurt Bhaltair more than the rack. He isn’t known for his generous nature. Ceci: Well the title of the book is Highland Revenge, so it appears you had your revenge? Eoin: Ah, lass, it is never quite that simple is it? Ceci: (He called me lass. Sigh.) No, I suppose it isn’t. Remember to enter the rafflecopter! We are giving away a $25 Amazon gift card, bundles of books and copies of The Scrolls of Cridhe on release! rafflecopter/rafl/display/9efe05bc9/
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 17:18:15 +0000

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