(Ep 35) Lisa admires herself as she waits for Made to come back - TopicsExpress


(Ep 35) Lisa admires herself as she waits for Made to come back into his office. Shes got a round breast, nicely shaped by the bra shes putting on. Her cleavage shows that her breasts are still young and firm; not too big and not small either. Shes fair skinned, her skin colour complements that of her burst. Her tommy, very flat with a curve that brings out her beautiful figure. Shes got a rounded hip making her look irresistible to any man that sets his eyes on her. She places her necklace very well in the middle of her cleavage and sets the tie well on her neck lying back on her shoulder. She removes her shoes to avoid any noise: the tile was cold to her feet... Made comes out of the toilet and goes straight into his office, while Mary steps out of the elevator and heads for Mades office hoping to surprise him. Mades office is rectangular in shape. The door is towards the left-end of its length. Mades desk is on the breath of the office. Made enters into his office, closes the door behind him and walks up to his desk. He noticed he had not finished fastening his belt and as he fastens it, Lisa crept on behind Made holding him from the back, she slides her hands towards his belt pressing her body against his from behind... As Made turns to see and detach him self from whoever was behind him, Bola opens his door and the first sight she saw was Lisa holding Made from behind while Made was holding his belt. The sight Bolanle saw was more like catching the two in a compromising position, than that of shock expressed by one party because even though Made was shocked and tried to move away, Lisa hung on and they both looked at the door wondering who came in... BOLA : (shocked)....oh....I can see Im interrupting...(She turns around to leave) MADE : (turning away releasing himself by force from Lisa, pushing her away from him and running after Bola)...Bola! Bola! Its not what you think! I didnt know she was in my office!....(Still going after her)...Bola, please wait. BOLA : (almost at the elevator)..I know exactly what I saw Made. Just go back to her...(Enters into the elevator) MADE : no I wont! I dont care about her, please listen to me...(Follows her inside the elevator) BOLA : what, why following me? MADE : please Bola, its not what you think. BOLA : its not what I think?...it was obvious you guys were up to something. Wasnt that your tie you kept on her half naked body?(Pressing the button for the ground floor) MADE : (surprised) my tie? I didnt see it, I just came into the office, I didnt even know she was there. BOLA : oh please Made! I can now see everything clearly, so shes your plan B? After all her father is rich too. MADE : what are you talking about? BOLA : (laughs)...oh you think I dont know your plan? Shes a rich girl too, so its me or her right! MADE : what! Where are you getting all that? BOLA : please! Nelson, one of your colleagues told me. He told me how that girl has been after you and Im sure you like that cause shes a good catch. I mean if Bola doesnt click, she will. Its got to be one of us right? MADE : what gave you the impression that Im interested in her for God sakes, Im not. I love... BOLA : (cuts in)...please just shut up! Enough of the lies! MADE : Bola please, I didnt know she was in the office. I just came in. BOLA : please Made stop lying! Stop it. I could see that you guys were in a compromising position....(The elevator stops and the door opens)...let me alone!......(She steps of the elevator and heads for the door but Made pulls her to a corner).. MADE : you have to listen to me... we were not in any compromising position. I just stepped in and felt her hands from behind me that was when you came in... BOLA : yeah right and you were about removing your belt right! MADE : I just came out of the toilet.. BOLA : (cuts in, laughing)..and you couldnt finish dressing up in the toilet before you came out? You must have won your boxers in the office too, right?... MADE : Bola please stop talking like this, this is all a coincidence. That girl as been after me since she came to work in her fathers company, you have to believe me, I wasnt doing anything with her. Please Bola. I wasnt lying when I said I fell in love with you. That love is killing me, Ive not been able to date or give any other woman a chance into my heart... BOLA : enough of the lies Made. Go back to your girl. Dont keep her waiting...(Starting moving away from him) MADE : (pulls her back)...I wont go back till you listen to me and believe me. BOLA : Made leave me alone!..(Looking around)...we have nothing else to talk about...(Snatches her hand from him and walks away, Made follows her as she goes towards the car) MADE : Bola please, listen to me...please. BOLA : I dont want to hear anything from you!....(Walking towards the car) MADE : please Bola, this is all a misunderstanding...(Coming after her) BOLA : yeah right! And to think that there may be something between us! MADE : then lets talk about it... BOLA : (she turns back)...no! MADE : Bola Im begging you... BOLA : (getting to the car)....cant believe I wanted to give you a chance to defend yourself...get out of my sight Made...(She enters into the car) MADE : (going to enter into the car)....Bola....lets settle this issue before you leave... BOLA : (she noticed hes coming and locks the door)...I said no...(Starting the engine) MADE : Bola! Bola!..(Knocking at the glass and running after the car as Bola drives off)....oh my God!...(He stops running)...what the hell is this for Gods sake! What do I do now! I wish I could strangle that stupid girl! How could she have been so stupid....(He walks back to the parking lot)....why is this happening to me....(he remembers that Lisa may still be in his office so he waits at the reception)...I wont go back there...she may plan something stupid....Ill wait here. (He sits down at the reception biting his lips hard due to the anger he feels. The receptionist acts like she didnt see the drama that just happened between Bola and Made. Meanwhile, Lisa is still waiting for Made to come back to his office....) LISA : What the hell is wrong with that stupid girl. Why did she have to interrupt? Shes so stupid!....(Looks at the door)....well, Ill wait here. Made will come back here....(She sits on his chair still half naked) (Few minutes later, people started coming back from lunch. Made sees Nelson and walks up to him for a chat. MADE : Nel, the lady that came with me to the party, what did you tell her about Lisa and I? NEL : oh that? Hope no problem? MADE : please just answer me. NEL : I just told her that it seems the MD wants to make you his son in law, thats why Lisa is being after you. MADE : it seems? NEL : well, I once heard that he was asking for your details. Address, next of kin and all that, thats why. MADE : asking for my details? How does that relate to him making me his son in law? NEL : he told Lade that he wanted to know you fully since his daughter was showing interest in you. MADE : and you felt telling that lady was better than telling me right? NEL : oh Im sorry. I actually thought you knew. MADE : you just complicated issues for me you know. NEL : oh, Im really sorry. MADE : was that all you told her? NEL : yes thats all. MADE : thanks...(As Nel turns to leave)...please wait, one more thing... NEL : (comes closer) okay... MADE : please when you get upstairs tell one of the messengers to get my phones and bring it down to me. NEL : (wondering why he didnt go but refused to ask)...okay. MADE : thanks... (Nelson did as Made said, he told Kamoru to take Mades phones to him downstairs. When the Kamoru got to Mades office, he sees Lisa dressing up.... KAMORU : excuse me...they said I should bring Oga Mades phone... LISA : wheres Made? KAMORU : I dont know but Oga Nelson said I should take the phone to him downstairs...(Taking the phones) LISA : give those phones to me...(Stretching out her hands) KAMORU : they say I should go and give him...(confused) LISA : do you love your Job? KAMORU : haa...take o...(Hands the phone over to her) LISA : now go and meet him, tell him his phones are with me. He can come and get them if he likes. KAMORU : yes ma. (He leaves for the ground floor and when he sights Made)...sir Madam say you should come and collect your phone from her hand o. MADE : what do you mean by that! KAMORU : sir, when I got there, she was in your office o and when I wanted to take the phones, but she collected them from me. Sorry Oga, I dont want to loose my job. MADE : I see...okay. Where is she now? KAMORU : she left your office o, I dont know where she went to. MADE : okay...Lets go....just come with me. KAMORU : yes sir. (Made and Kamoru goes to Mades office. When they got there, Made took his diary, checks for a number, dials it. He takes his personal belongings including his car keys and gives them to Kamoru... MADE : take my car keys, put them in my car and wait for me at the reception. KAMORU : okay sir. (He leaves...) MADE : (dialing the phone again).....hello Tade.... RECEIVER : hello? MADE : Tade, its Made. RECEIVER : hey, whats up? MADE : look man, I just got myself into the worst mess you can ever imagine! RECEIVER : what happened? MADE : (he explains everything to Tade)...now shes with my phone, thats why Im calling with this one. RECEIVER : wait, lets take it gradually....one, you said Bola was mad when she saw you guys? MADE : yes she didnt even want to talk to me. RECEIVER : wow! Congrats! MADE : are you crazy? Congratulating me over what? RECEIVER : cant you see, that means Bola is in love with you! MADE : in love with me? RECEIVER : yes of course! Why else will she be angry seeing you with Lisa? MADE : you think so? RECEIVER : I know so. MADE : wait, you may be right....but....Im not sure. RECEIVER : I am sure. MADE : so then what do I do, she doesnt believe that I have nothing to do with Lisa. RECEIVER : thats another problem....but first, how do you get your phone... MADE : I feel like strangling that girl believe me. RECEIVER : one thing though, dont ever go after her. MADE : I wont, but what if Bola calls me? She will pick it, I know that girl. RECEIVER : thats true... MADE : may be I should report her to her father. RECEIVER : that may help... (Made goes to the MDs office, who, luckily for Made is around...) MADE : good afternoon sir. MD : Made, how are you? MADE : not good at all sir. MD : hope theres no problem? MADE : sir, your daughter did a terrible and disgraceful thing today. MD : (surprised) what did she do? MADE : she came to my office half naked. It was a disgraceful sight knowing its an office sir. And to crown it all, she took my phones and refused to give it to me. MD : haha...why would she take your phones? MADE : sir, I have no idea, but please tell her to give me my phones. MD : (takes a deep breath)... Lisa....but, Made, I thought you two have something going? MADE : hell no. MD : (smiles)...isnt she beautiful enough? I mean, any man would want to have Lisa... MADE : sir, I came here to work not to mess around. MD : (laughs)...youve just won my heart more....I mean, I love your sense of reasoning. You are a very responsible man, one I would love to have as a son in law.... MADE : ....(Whispers to himself)...oh my, what have I gotten myself into... MD : Made, think about it, my daughter is really crazy about you, shes beautiful, intelligent, shes got whatever a man may desire in a girl... MADE : (dumbfounded)....sir can you get my phone from her please? MD : (smiles)...you sound like youre reporting her. MADE : I am sir. MD : let me talk to her...(Bringing out his phone and dialing Lisas number)...hello dear.. RECEIVER : Dad.... MD : Made said you took his phones. RECEIVER : dont mind him Dad, hes just being unnecessarily stubborn...is he there? MD : yes, hes right in front of me. RECEIVER : let me talk to him... MD : okay, Ill give him the phone...(Hands the phone over to Made) she wants to talk to you... MADE : (collecting the phone from him)....hello? RECEIVER : Baby... MADE : (feeling uncomfortable)....you have my phones... RECEIVER : yes I do...and I know you want to get them....you know, I dont like the way we were interrupted the other time. She came in at a very wrong timing, damn it. MADE : please, Im at your Dads office, kindly bring my phones down. RECEIVER : (laughs)....youre so funny......the other day I told you I do get anything I want, you thought I was joking, right? MADE : enough of this games please. RECEIVER : Made, come get your phones from me. Im at home.... MADE : I cant come to your house. RECEIVER : hey its not too far its just at Ikoyi...drive down....I just got here in less than fifteen minutes. MADE : I wont. RECEIVER : then I guess you dont have important calls coming in.....oh look, a phone call already... MADE : for Gods sake...(Boiling with anger, but trying not to show it)....Bring my phones RECEIVER : lets see who it is....em.....Bola...yeah Bola...is that not the same girl that walked in on us?...I should talk to her... MADE : dont you pick any of my calls. RECEIVER : (laughs)...I wont, provided you come down here within the next 30mins, tops. If not, Ill pick your calls and trust me...I can be very nasty. MADE : what is this for Gods sake... RECEIVER : Made, Ive told you Im crazy about you... Youve got everything I want in a man... Every night, I dream of you making love to me, just the sight of your body turns me on.... MADE : (cuts in)....will you just stop this and bring down my phones! RECEIVER : Ive told you what our deal is. Come and get them. Get here in the next 30 minutes and I dont pick your calls, if not....You know what I can do. Your time starts now!....(She drops the call) MADE : hello! Hello!....(Looks at the phone dumbfounded) To be continued...
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 21:03:06 +0000

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